Kendrick was robbed from a 10.0

Kendrick was robbed from a 10.0.

Nah this album isa strong 5, light 6 out of 10. Only 3 good songs. That song Momma sucks dick

Literally the best song of 2015

light 7 max

would be a 5.5 but he talks mad shit about niggers so it's worth more imo

Not really, inserting portions of the last track at the end of a quarter of the tracks got old after a few listens. It mars what would have otherwise been arguably a perfect album


Literally rap's ITAOTS

a shit, overhyped meme album?
sounds about right

I think it's really damn good. All great albums have a weaker song or two (Blonde on Blonde, Madvillainy, Remain in Light, Loveless, etc.) so I can overlook Momma.

In addition, I have not laughed at a track harder than I laughed at "For Free?". It was a wonderful experience.

>caring about Pitchfork's opinions
Why are Kendrick fans so shallow and unintelligent? Is it because you have to be shallow and unintelligent to appreciate Kendrick's shallow and unintelligent music?

It's not even a 4. Hip hop can't ever go above 6, by the way; there are too many inherent flaws in the genre

>t. poptimist

Pop music usually can't go above a 7

nice bait m8

>can't go above a 7
neither can your dick m8

His cringe as fuck out to says otherwise.

Shallow? No. Unlike a lot of his contemporaries, The Blacker the Berry is actually about something. It takes a few listens to dissect the meaning of the song, so I have no idea where shallow is coming from.
Unintelligent? No. See above, as it stretched to many different songs on this album.

Is pitchfork awful? Yes it is. Though I find it hard to think of a single music publication/aggregation site that isn't awful. RYM is a cluster fuck of rock fans, Pitchfork are trend chasing committee reviewers who don't want to hurt your feelings, Sup Forums listens to the same 100 albums over and over again, is a spotify dumping ground, Scaruffi is a pretentious windbag who never moved on from the 70s, Robert Christgau is a joke and public radio is worst than all of them combined.

Was this post b8? Maybe. Oh well, I bit.

TPAB was an easy strong 8. Anyone who disagrees is either personally bias (ie, doesn't enjoy hip-hop/rap) or are shitposting.

If you are a hip-hop/rap listener, you will find this to be a very strong, amazing album.

It is just how it is, subjectivity or shitposting.


its the whitest hip hop album which is ironic because its all about muh black lives matter

mad city is 10x more innovative and better lyrically if you think this is a good album your probably a sjw nigger

>Missing the point: the post
It's as anti-blm as a nigger can ever get.

derivative bullshit that makes me scared to hear what the next flylo album sounds like

>All great albums have a weaker song or two (Blonde on Blonde, Madvillainy, Remain in Light, Loveless, etc.) so I can overlook Momma.
Nigga what? Momma is the best song on the album

The entire album hinges around black self-sufficiency

>The Blacker The Berry is actually about something
Yeah man rappers that make u think XD hes so progressive and talks about things that no one else has ever said before. definitely a 10/10 and not the biggest meme of the decade

It would appear that the meaning of Blacker the Berry flew right over your head

He baiting or 12, it's useless.

>if you dont praise overrated pop rap you must be underage

t. Trumpfag who loves Meme Grips

I'm not voting for trump nor do I listen to death grips

TPAB deserved a lower score than Yeezus