What band got you into music, Sup Forums?

For me it was either Dead Kennedys or Modest Mouse.

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U2 got me into post-punk, industrial, and 90s electronic music as well as Bob Dylan, Lou Reed/The Velvet Underground and My Bloody Valentine


Linkin Park. I'd made my parents buy me albums before (Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, N'Sync, Britney Spears), but with all those I found that I only wanted to listen to the singles. With Linkin Park, I could listen to them from start to finish.

Green Day DESU

The Beatles, ironically.

The White Stripes.

green day introduced me to punk, JD Salinger, drugs, the who, folk rock, concept albums, politics, b-sides, and bisexuality

they made me want to explore music and much more and I'll always be grateful for those bratty stoners

started with pink floyd introducing to prog rock with dark side of the moon. then kanye got me into hip hop with the song never see me again. It was after listening to kanye that I really explored a lot of different things

I was still fantastically plebby for years afterwards, but it was a start

El Ten Eleven/Radiohead/Weezer

aphex twin and minutemen

The Art of Noise

The Who, and that immediately splintered off into fascination with other mod and proto-punk groups (Nuggets comp) and then naturally punk.


Aphex Twin, Dead Kennedys


Aphex Twin and Jimi Hendrix

Fun., then Modest Mouse, then Radiohead

I'd say gorillaz

Korn and Deftones

The Mars Volta

At first I listened to the Radiohead 0110 "album" thing and got a little into Radiohead, but I think I really got into music with Modest Mouse.

I don't know. I was mostly raised with music so its kind of always been there.

Not a band but the GTA: Vice City soundtrack

Same for me, I never got into music through a specific band. Guitar Hero and Rock Band introduced me to a lot of stuff that I would never have heard otherwise and that kinda got me started with paying more attention to what I listened to and getting more in depth with the music itself.

Mr. Bungle

Coldplay was my first favourite band, Porcupine Tree got me depper into music

I could never get into the Dead Kennedys but this recording is fucking god-tier. Can any DK fans in here point me in the right direction?


kinda new too music but this opened my eyes



Green Day actually, even though they went to shit

When I was a kid I did not like stuff like Boyzone, Westlife, Nsync, Venga Boys etc. When I was 8 or 9 I had a walkman for Christmas from my Grandfather and with it a cassette with the soundtrack for the 70s BBC sitcom "It Ain't Half Hot Mum" recorded onto it from his vinyl, I would listen to it as it was my only tape and I liked it.

When I was 12 we got Sky Digital in my house and I found bands like Violent Delight, Bloodhound Gang, Korn, Slipknot and then as I got a little older would watch 120 minutes and the rest is history.

gorillaz and radiohead

Wild Nothing did it with Nocturne, and Queens of the Stone Age were prominent around the time I started listening to full albums

Depends on what you mean.

When I was a kid I loved my dad's rock records, especially The Proclaimers, Little Richard, and Ian Dury.

Hanson was the first band I became obsessed with, when I was 9. Honestly, I think the only reason I liked them was that their drummer was only 2 years older than me.

When I was 11 the band that prompted me to explore rock, and punk specifically, was blink-182.

When I was 15 I was completely obsessed with The Who.

By 18 I was exploring noisy genres like no wave and industrial, and I thought The Jesus and Mary Chain's Psychocandy was the most beautiful, majestic thing ever

Radiohead desu

The Misfits

Daft Punk

Talking Heads

Blur and god bless you Damon

The Strokes

This. Circa 2006.

That along with THPS 3 & 4

literally how

[spoiler]The Beatles[/spoiler]

Either Jeff Buckley or Radiohead

Rammstein and Metallica

Aesop rock

Oingo Boingo


Started with Coldplay, then Muse and Radiohead

Mercyful Fate