Are Black Sabbath metal?

Are Black Sabbath metal?

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Kinda. Depends on the album, etc. But they are more hard rock then metal, but sure. You can call them metal.

I wouldn't say metal


Enough of their music is metal to call them metal, I think. The song Black Sabbath is pretty metal, and they deserve the title of first metal band because of how incredibly influential they were to the genre.

These guys pretty much invented Metal. So no.

>they are more hard rock then metal
t. Doesnotlistentometal Barbasoda

True, I don't listen to as much metal as I should, but when I think metal, I get Judas Priest in my head.

Lurking should be a requirement before posting.

I once knew a guy who tried to claim that not a single black sabbath song was metal until the Dio really, and everything before then was strictly blues rock

*Dio era

it's called heavy metal you faggots

They're heavier than most glam metal bands so I say yes

If it doesn't have blast beats it's not metal.

Is hardcore metal then?

doom metal

Underrated post

Define hardcore

It's all in the riffs. They used simplicity to create some of the most brutal riffs.

Zep - Proto Metal
Sabbath - Proto Doom Metal
Priest and early Maiden - Most pure metal without prog influence

Then metal meets prog and imo enters its most pure form.

The Venom line of influence is when hardcore met metal. Some people consider this line more pure than the prog.

Still some consider the early hard rock and doom the most pure. I guess it doesn't really matter that much.