What does Sup Forums think about CHVRCHES and their queen Lauren Mayberry

What does Sup Forums think about CHVRCHES and their queen Lauren Mayberry.

i want to lick her feet and kiss her face

Chvrches: samey inoffensive synthpop. heard their first album once

Lavren: TOP qt

I hate churches

Lavren is svch a cvte and pretty girl I jvst want to love and protect her forever

she has an actual 10/10 smile but she never fucking smiles

her music is not that great btw

I love chvrches

if she had a dick would you still be into her

Id probably love her if she didnt act like she has the entire washington monument crammed up her ass 24/7

Such a cranky humorless bitch


>he doesnt pronounce it ch-ver-ches

She is so fucked


If i bang her within the next two years you better believe the first thing ill be doing is shitposting on Sup Forums about it

But not after 2 years she'll be old then


i'd be more into her honestly

massive slut

It's a phenomenon. There is something not right about them but something is keeping them going. It's a bit embarrassing.

i want to ravage lavren's clean asshole like you wouldnt belive

>not ravaging her dirty asshole

i want to lick every particle of her shit clean
i want to ingest her shit basically

her clean asshole is the result of my cleaning

if lavren had a penis i'd want her to rape me until i bleed she's so qt pham

She actually has an ugly face. She looks like a baby. wtf

>She looks like a baby.

how is that a bad thing faggit

i want to kiss her armpit\s like you wouldnt believe

i want to ingest lavren's phlegm
i want to ingest anything from her luscious body

brandon has

i will cuck brandon

no you won't

i will faggit
i love lavren that much
brandon is just an obstacle
i will crush him like a goomba

i doubt it man

i will fvck even brandon in the asshole to fvck my queen brah

i want to spread my manjuice inside lavren
is it wrong bros?

i love you lavren
ill lick your stinky feet always, promise

My brother met Lavren, asked her to marry him, she said "no, I don't think so." was worth a shot.

cause she alread said she was gonna marry me lol

ive wanted to meet her just to ask about brandon and see her reaction

Where tf is Brandon, haven't seen him in a while is he holding up ok?

i want to fuck lavren in the vagina
is it rong bro?

from what i see on his facebook he's falling deeper into depression

i would eat anything from lavren, anything, her shit, vomit whatever

Have you seen the movie Antiviral?

its from the eraserhead guy's son but never seen it desu

Antiviral is a 2012 Canadian-French science fiction horror film directed by Brandon Cronenberg.

In a dystopian near-future, Syd March (Caleb Landry Jones) is employed by the Lucas Clinic, a company which purchases viruses and other pathogens from celebrities who fall ill, in order to inject them into clients who desire a connection with celebrities.

Brandon Cronenberg (born circa 1980[1]) is a Canadian writer and film director. He is the son of Carolyn (Zeifman) and acclaimed director David Cronenberg.

i can browse wiki too ya ignorant sunova
anyways i would love to get aids, if it cam from lavren ONLY

>ya ignorant sunova
Eraserhead is a 1977 American surrealist body horror film written and directed by filmmaker David Lynch.

wikifaggot i'll culturally enrich your mouth with mah dick


She's pretty cool. I actually know a family who lives in the same small village she was born in.

Damn thats a real shame

yeah he makes posts about how he hates that he drinks so much and makes an ass of himself on facebook and wants to quit and wants to be employed

i want to RAPE her ASSHOLE and imagine i'm raping a LITTLE KID

i knew him in high school.
people treated him like shit.

She's getting fucked so much

To me personally, fucking a girl with the head of a baby is disturbing. But to each their own.

brandon stop talking about yourself it's really pathetic

he's probably drunk

I was.


I want to do her

what would you do to her?

I think she is secretly thug

Bury It

Her lips are really beautiful

lavreeen dont abandon usss

bury what?
in where?


this is worse than a kpop thread


Isn't she some sort of ultra-feminist cunt? I've also heard that she's lesbian. Shit-tier waifu

shut up fucker

keeeep you on my side

>Isn't she some sort of ultra-feminist cunt?

Yeah, she's basically the commissar of turbo intersectional hyper-gender dimensional female supremacism. But that just makes the thought of hate fucking her more exciting.

I hope he cheers up

Bury it and Rise above

please tell me that's not permanent

It's not.

good cause it's not lickable with a tat


Can you please delete this?


>kpop threads

Do you guys think Lauren says goodnight to her band mates but instead of going to bed she turns off the lights and browses Lauren threads to see the naughty things we write?

best post on the site right here.
transcendental shitposting


imagine if lavren secretly lurked these threads late at night when nobody was watching or judging her
i wonder what naughtiness she'd get up to while reading all the lewd things anons want to do with her

I going to 1v1 Brandon Punjab style.

The winner gets to move to Greenland with Lauren and live a quiet inuit lifestyle together hunting seals and riding dogsleds.


I love her so much it hurts

If she had a dick she'd be in me.

If she had a dick I'd let her fuck me in every hole

as if she were a thorn in your side

i'd let her jerk off on my face

anyone else a little worried about Brandon?


I'd be worried if I were him because I'm going to kick his ass and steal his girl

I'm Lauren's dick, AMA

Are you cute and feminine?

how are you typing
i-is lavren all horny and hard from lurking this thread and using her erection to type