ITT: Underrated albums by popular bands

ITT: Underrated albums by popular bands
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>thats a real album cover

a good real album cover

better than the cover of of Everything Will Be Alright desu

all Beatles albums prior to Rubber Soul


That's not even a picture of him from the show

This. Easily their best.

When meeting someone new the best way to find out if they aren't very smart is to ask them if they like Blue or Pinkerton better. Idiots always prefer Blue.


No one liked it until like 5 years ago when it became cool to like it.

Confession: I want to like Weezer, I dig their sound, but I can't jive with music that is too self-aware, sarcastic or jokey.

you can't be a day over 19 with that opinion.

the internet existed over 5 years ago bro. just because you weren't allowed on it by yourself, doesn't mean things didn't exist.

Self aware maybe, but Blue and Pinkerton are neither sarcastic nor jokey. There are some goofy parts but most of their songs are pretty emotionally honest.

If anything Pinkerton wasn't self aware enough.

I feel you man. Harvardfags are always sarcastic assholes. Their music is alright, fun quirky pop rock, but nothing outstanding

tell me more """"bro"""""

>having taste this goddamn bad

Pinkerton isn't really that good. It's emotionally vulnerable but the music itself is not powerful.

nice pick duder

Ewbaite was a great album but God damn that cover art was terrible

say it with me now


Never said I was. Wouldn't have started a thread on weezer if I was

>haha he's fat and ugly but has a voice of gold :^)

Fuck off normie