Why is John Frusciante considered to be such an "amazing guitarist"? I just listened to 2 songs of his...

why is John Frusciante considered to be such an "amazing guitarist"? I just listened to 2 songs of his, both have very standard chord changes, nothing beyond tonal chords in a minor key. No soloing with extraordinary vocabulary or phrasing to speak of; in fact, his playing is pretty generic and the songwriting isn't bad, but it's also not great. Nothing I can compare to, say McCartney or even Harrison. Sounds like something some 20 yr old kid would play after about 4 years of playing guitar and listening to alot of Pearl Jam. It also sounds like someone who spent a great deal goofing off with effects pedals, delays, echos, flangers etc. Is this considered creative artistic brilliance nowadays, someone with the time and money to fuck around twiddling knobs?

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He's trash. He has very sloppy technique and his phrasing is bland and thoughtless.

what do you mean by phrasing?

Musical syntax.




Mostly because he sounds like he is having an orgasm 90% of the time. Nothing too creative or technical, just how easily he puts his emotions in his guitar playing. Also superior jamming ability.

this thread can suck a dick

John is a genius and one of the best living rock guitarists and here is why:

his songwriting is great because of his lyrics which mean any number of things at once but are undeniably rooted in a spiritual truth which you can't fake and while his chord changes are often diatonic and in a minor key, he has a definitive harmonic personality

he's gone through many changes and eras though I think you could on a macro scale put him into 3 periods: '89-'97, '98-'08, '09-now. In some of these eras he wasn't as muscular of a guitarist and so used this quality in his playing to emulate/expand on the playing of people like Bernard Summer or something where the technical skill took a backseat to the way you fingered each note and really trying very hard to play simple things. anti-guitar hero guitar solos is what he would call them. in other eras he would shred his balls off. the best soloing you can hear him do is live with the Red Hot Chili Peppers during a moment of improvisation. He plays in such a way where everything seems planned before he plays it (a characteristic seen in many other master improvisors) even though its improvisation and he can get massive power out of only a few notes. In some eras of his guitar playing he was like Hendrix, sometimes 80's and simple, sometimes like Robert Fripp, but underneath it there is a definable original voice.

His playing is not emotional at all, it's too incoherent, it just sounds like a bunch of random, mediocre ideas mashed together that do not work off of each other in the slightest.

>rooted in spiritual trooth

sounds pretty gay

You. You can suck a dick.

You identify with him because he is a mediocre (like yourself) to good player; you idolize him because you are finally able to feel successful vicariously through his accomplishments; you celebrate him with oversentimental platitudes because you are a faggot.

>I just listened to 2 songs of his
he's very organic and has so much emotions in every album he makes, but not the most creative


It's a huge factor in determining quality music from mediocre. If you've actually never heard the term used in this context before then I'd say you don't really listen to music beyond a surface level.

watch the vid w him flea and omar and get back to me after that

>His playing is not emotional at all, it's too incoherent
incoherency catalyses the emotional component to his work. You only have to look at some of the tracks off smile from the streets to see just how full his songs are with total despair


ah jeez man why are you aggro

i celebrate everybody with oversentimental platitudes cause thats just how i am

He writes guitar parts you actively want to hum along to.

That is the literal goal of every lead guitar player in any band, and he is one of the absolute greats at doing so. If you can't understand Frusc's subtle brilliance, then you don't understand the constraints of being a guitar player in a band that makes pop music. He would be a fish out of water if you asked the guy to play an extended solo or rip for 10 mins, but in a 10-15 second window, he is magic.

I guess the only answer to that question is because you've only listened to 2 of his songs lmao

He's done some amazing work through out his career, especially with the Chili Peppers

wow this thread really is autistic


>That is the literal goal of every lead guitar player in any band

Wow, that's rich.

You're all a bunch of faggots

>muh chord changes
what an absolute shit tier criticism, it doesn't even make sense.

i agree overall, his soloing is boring and fuck and super bland. he gets WAY too much praise and i don't even understand why

RHCP is buttfunk at its finest

Off all of his songs, you chose shit from Stadium Arcadium, with the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Fucking idiot, you could've at least chosen something from his solo discography

...Blood sugar sex magik was pretty fucking great


nah man, you're kidding yourself saying he's a mediocre to good player, he has all the aspects of a great guitarist at the very least. The thing is though, he certainly went through periods where his playing was minimalistic and sometimes fucking sloppy but if you look at everything he's done overall he's a fantastic musician.

Someone gets it, he has flaws, every guitarist does

If you think he's bad just watch some of his live performances there's some incredible shit out there, personally i think the peak is the stuff from the by the way tour, i like him he is good at music.

Alright then, Klinghoffer VS Frusciante


Couldn't agree more.


all he does is sing about heroine

>while his chord changes are often diatonic and in a minor key, he has a definitive harmonic personality
Thanks for the chuckle.


Josh isn't bad, but honestly i think he's done better stuff outside of rhcp, and from the live stuff I've heard some is actually very good but a lot of it isn't and overall doesn't really hold a candle to johnny.

> listened to two songs
there's your problem. also, his music isn't fit for plebs


bssm era john is cool as fuck

'I lived the hard life, kid... Ain' no sellout, me. I am just full of genius ideas. And everyone else's shit stinks, buttmine.'-the cunt aka stoneddemonjohnzorrosenorotT

>John Frusciante is bad/mediocre
holy fuck Sup Forums gets more pleb by the day. go back to r/music so you can circlejerk Slash and Dave Grohl

This. People don't praise him for his technicality, although he isn't bad at that either. RHCP became popular because their songs are extremely catchy, and John is mostly responsible for that. People who believe that you absolutely need to be the fastest player, and use the most complex harmonies to be a good guitar player/musician are idiots.

>you don't like this artist I like so you must like these artists that I hate
Every time.

Clonekorn+plagiarizedsatriani, played on jarre's synths, and mixed by rick rubin=johnfrusciante

but plebbit absolutely creams themselves over frusciante

this is what "emotional guitar" means for most upper middle class white kids, a junkie ripping off eddie hazel

for me it's because of the catchiest pop rock riffs/ licks of the last 20 years:
snow, under the bridge, Cant stop, Scar tissue, the list goes on.
Also, because of his improvised solos, jams, intro's, outros etc. Prime example of that is Slane Castle concert.
Also, big appeal of John are his heaven-like backing harmonies( desecration smile, otherside, by the way, dont forget me, scar tissue, shitload actually)

>frusciante isnt emotional playing
you are so autistic its off the charts

everyone in this thread so far has been a fucking faggot

Niandra Lades and Usually just a T Shirt.

Listen to this and if you don't hear his genius then youre a certified pleb.

John Frusciante is a better solo artist than the Red Hot Chili Peppers were.

he's fake as fuck dude, just like any shitty pop guitarist who makes the same o-face during a solo so the audience knows something REALLY EMOTIONAL is happening


>I just listened to 2 songs of his

quick question; who do you consider an amazing guitarist?

When you consider the fact that he joined RHCP as an 18-year old kid, the first band he ever played with and if you read the rest of his history onwards he is an incredibly interesting person.

The dude got so fucked on drugs he almost died in a fire from a freebasing accident, another occasion almost died from a mouth infection from being zonked out on drugs not brushing his teeth, now has plastic teeth and had to completely relearn how to play music.

compare this from when he was at his worst to this, just a few years later after completely relearning music and kicking his addictions.

just not be an autist and actually listen and you should be able to hear the emotion, whether you like the music or not

and you're excuses are horrible lol, every guitarists makes faces, ive seen way worse make way more, and he literally made a song in vein of/inspired by maggot brain so i wouldnt call him a "ripoff". sounds like you only listened to 2 of his songs because a lot sounds nothing like eddie/pfunk

the fact that you can't get past using memes as an insult demonstrates you're an idiot.

if you ever get out of the pop-rock bubble you live in, you'll find that plenty of "emotional" guitarists don't rely on crowd-working gimmick shit like making o-faces when they bend notes.

i've had plenty of friends try and introduce me to frus, including roommates who played him regularly, so i've probably heard as much as anyone here, and it's ranges from simply listenable to embarrassingly bad. and sure, it's more diverse than only ripping off p-funk, but it's all derivative shit when you know where it's coming from.

>listened to 2 out of hundreds of his songs

this is so bad is this a joke?

The First Season is such a great fucking song.

fake teeth are porcelain, not plastic. and never heard of him almost dying both times, its also never been known how the fire started though. his hygeine from being a depressed shuttin during that period also probably helped with the infection

im not using memes, this is like definition autism, and
nigga i listen to shit so obscure i cant even get downloads of it. i just also like frusciante

also have you ever played guitar? you make faces, especially when you enjoy what you're playing. and lol you cant show me one song besides before the beginning that is imitative.


going inside and the first season are insanely good but i really dont see anything else from him coming to this level

he's my favourite guy desu

seriously man? what about untitled 11, shadows collide, pretty much all of his albums from 2004

He's a dick.

He plays a very manageable approach off for experimentalism, he is a phoney and a sellout, with a jesuscomplex up his clinically insane ass... And he's a dick.

i remember reading somewhere a couple songs from smile were recorded right before release (everyone was guessing this was one), three recorded the year prior with a boombox, and the rest from niandra sessions which only the second half was about when he used for the first time

correction, recording the second half STARTED about when he used for the first time



And on top of that, he has an amazing voice


when he solos he literally plays random patterns too fast for his hands to actually keep up and tries to hide his mediocrity behind a wah pedal and other distortion

Le mister misery mystery miserey. Is he gay or not? Is he a sellout or not? Controverseley. Does he believe in god? Does he believe in peepees? The guy is a stuck_up fn' fake, is all. selloutfuckface.

If you think his playing is emotional on a significant level then I'm sorry, but you are a simpleton and frankly you are incapable of appreciating music on a credible level. Most people in the world are stupid and it really manifests itself in the musical opinions of the population's majority.

You make a very good point.

He has the talent. He's just a lazy, unfun, directionless, preachy, satanistlosercunny.

This is the worst track on that album, his first two solo albums are great for his use of backmasking solos and recording solos on top of them fluidly.

>me smart, you dumb
lol imverysmart much? nice argument bro. pretty sure i listen far beyond a "simpleton". fact is probably all of us here do

couple songs from niandra were recorded later. blood on my neck shortly before leaving, and running away into you shortly after. and he probably used for the first time a bit before recording the second half since it was right before he left rhcp

the last bit of the last song from niandra was recorded under heroin so i would say ya
the 2 with river phoenix were from 1993

forgot to add, i have no idea about the timing of 2 cassette only tracks from niandra, they might be off too

LeJohnfrusciante_cult='/imsoveryverymisunderstood'inc. .

Ramparts and Anne too

John frusciante=male kate bush mongoloid=cody bush aka the atrocity to the cosmos.

Non-rhythmic wanking for a few seconds followed by an awkward bend with wah effects. Repeat.

Literally no substance.