So is Pitchfork, officially, no longer "the place for avant-garde white college students"...

So is Pitchfork, officially, no longer "the place for avant-garde white college students", but now just "music recs for social justice warriors?"

It's been a few months since I've checked it out but now the very first thing you see is this horseshit

Is this Conde Nast's fault? Or was it always this shitty? Or did the audience themselves just become really insufferable with all the safe spaces, obscure pronouns, etc.

What is pitchfork

nigga get over it

>Hamilton locates the ways “rock and roll” (which tended to denote everything from soul to surf music) became just plain “rock” (which tended to mean only guitar music by white people)

Someone got paid to write this article.

Queer = straight

>the place for avant-garde anybody
It was never this

>Timmhotep Aku

the top post taking up most of the front page that you cropped out is "The 50 Best Indie Rock Albums of the Pacific Northwest" which is just a list of white people. sorry op.

hey these articles are actually interesting
I was fooled by some local altright asshats into believing that this site is shit, jeez

I meant it was for people that would consider themselves avant-garde, it's just a synonym for pretentious

"Black people invented rock"

>the place for avant-garde white college students
>music recs for social justice warriors

same thing

>black people invented rock
>if you listen to rock you're a racist because rock is only for white people
>so listen to rap, which is made by black people, who invented rock, which only racists like

hotep niggas hoteppin'

Chuck Berry deserves more credit for rock's existence than any other individual, and he's a black.

Then again, this is basic shit every dadrocker knows, not sure what P4k is trying to prove.

Pitchfork is shit. You were told correctly.

im not alt-right, I'm enthusiastically voting for clinton, I might even cum on the ballot because im such a democrat, but these articles are always really shitty

>I'm enthusiastically voting for clinton


cuz bernie is an old commie

what the fuck are you talking about

whatever floats ur boat daddy

>not sure what P4k is trying to prove

They are so self-conscious about how white their audience is that they feel like they have to post this shit

Am I the only one here who never liked pitchfork?
I read one of their reviews and it made zero sense

it's not like p4k alone is guilty of this. it's clickbait. pre-established narratives for people to j/o to as they pretend to be enlightened by "realizing" that black people created rock and that someone else actually wrote a pop star's songs. if they know anything at all these things are obvious but it's just feel-good schlock for page views.

I just liked the little number they put next to the review, but now I feel like the number is skewed so much by whether or not the artist is gay or a minority, that it is no fun to check out the number anymore. I guess I liked reading their negative reviews, sub-4.0 reviews are usually funny. Like Childish Gambino's Camp. But I think it's time for me to become an adult and not waste my time with this stupidass website.

>page views

oh you are right, this is it

enjoy your wars



The irony is that they're not becoming more inclusive, they're just whitening hip hop.

lol we wuz kangz get SHREKT liberals hahahahahaha oppresion doesn't exist black people have been treated fairly ever since slavery ended hahahahahahaha

quality shitpost, my friend.

In that case not much has changed

>I'm enthusiastically voting for clinton,
pic related it's you
even bernouts had more integrity than you

is there a site that just posts the album cover and a score?

dude that's totally a valid phenomenon that happened - the article is just dressed in the trappings of clickbait

why do some niggas here get extremely mad about p4ks trend hopping and supposed lack of journalistic integrity yet continue to bring attention to the site instead of going to/discussing a more preferable music site

like seriously homie get the fuck over it

Hes right tho
