So why do people hate jewel cases again?

So why do people hate jewel cases again?

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Because they are "ugly" even though they are way more safe for storage and easer to replace than digipaks

only issue I have is that they are really brittle. one bad move and it cracks.

additionally they do take up a rather cumbersome amount of space, compared to LPs, when you have a lot of them.

they break easily

I dunno about anyone else but lots of the time when I get one with the transparent cd-holder the little teeth tend to break off in shipping

also by this, i mean they don't really fit on any kind of shelving unit neatly, unless you fork out and buy specifically designed storage.
i did, but i have quite a large house with a room dedicated to my music collection.


Maybe if you are really careless

Good for durability and ubiquity but aesthetically dogshit.

I remember an interview with Dom Fernow where he said that the dullness and the cheapness of jewel cases forces you to engage with the content more. Though that was interesting.

Melt in the car.
Age really quickly and make horrible noises when you open them.
A bunch of different labels insisted on making special snowflake cases that fuck up the line of your CD shelf.
Actually damage the disc if you're not careful.

>A bunch of different labels insisted on making special snowflake cases that fuck up the line of your CD shelf
Funny, that pretty much sums up how I feel about digipaks

Digipaks are far superior. They're how we should have transitioned from vinyl to the modern era. They keep the cover art full and vibrant and allow space for inserts while having the best audio quality.

>making special snowflake cases that fuck up the line of your CD shelf.
This is autism.

No, it's OCD

>Digipaks are far superior
lel no way

because you open the thing more than 2 times and it falls apart

2CD jewel cases are the fucking worst offenders. Shit breaks so fucking easily.

Autism is the more powerful buzzword though.

What do you like then? It's either Digipaks or those fully cardboard slipcases that GY!BE packages their music in (I forget what they're called).

cases that are easy to replace and don't dmage the CD

wait theyre actually made out of cardboard? Do swans do that as well?

They break easily.

They break too easily.

pizza box cases are far more superior

It depends on the design desu. The ones that the SWANS double CD albums like SFTB and the compilations like Children of God/World of Skin are fine. EVERY OTHER 2CD Jewel case design sucks fat cock. In fact most 2CD case designs that aren't that one suck.

Glowing man is made out of industrial cardboard, and LYSF is as well, but the LSFY one feels more polished.

>compared to LP's.
You can still fit 4-6 CD's in the space you can a single LP. And LP's seem light, but they stack up in weight fast.

This should become the new standard.

thats pretty cool

I think CDs have can have some of the best packaging... and thats including jewel cases