1st listen

>1st listen

Guess it's ok, Nosferatu man is good

>2nd listen

Bit repetitive, don't think it's for me

>3rd listen

Holy shit the last track is amazing, same for the first 2

>4th listen

Holy fucking shit this album is fucking spectacular nothing's ever come close to it in terms of quality and eeriness

Other urls found in this thread:


Mmh more or less

didn't really like Nosferatu Man at first, and it took me around 3 listens to really love it

now it's probably in my top 3 favorite albums

I actually never listened to the full album for a while, because breadcrumb trail was just so good that I never got to the rest of the album


I was disappointed that it wasnt as post rocky or field recordy which is what I picked up from the cover, but I still like it, where was that picture taken?

You should since the last track is the best on the album, might even be the best in the entire genre

Utica quarry

Strangely enough the Apple Music version of this album has a track at the end titled 'Utica Quarry, Nighttime' that's literally just a recording of the night life in the quarry

(You can hear an owl and shit, it's so rad)

I didn't like it the first time I heard it, so I didn't listen to it for like 2 months, but I started listening to some post-hardcore, post-rock, and emo and I kind of acquired a taste for more dissonant sounding stuff. Also the Lyrics are so fucking hard to hear if you haven't read them beforehand and are not listening to it on the absolute best quality, but they are also one of the best parts of the album.

Im assuming that was meant forthat sounds awesome

That's the only thing I've got against the album, I wish his voice was louder on the original recording

some quarry in Indiana


I love it because its one of the most mysterious album covers ive seen, especially since I originally thought it was a random picture they found

It suits the album so well, so eerie and unsettling, just like the album.

btw how can I get my brother into this album guys?

Oh god this album is just so good I could listen to it on repeat


I liked it immediately on the first listen. Listened to it about 6 times that week.

last track as a closer is the best, kinda feels like a closer to the entire album, however i would say that i prefer breadcrumb trail and even washer as stand-alone tracks

The iTunes version of the album has a bonus track which is just 15 minutes or so of field recordings from the quarry where the cover picture was taken. It's not for everyone but as a huge fan of the album I like to listen to it every once in a while.

>1st listen
That was pretty good.

>all subsequent listens
That was pretty good.

This is post-hardcore not post-rock. When will the "Slint is post-rock" meme finally fucking stop?

This, so much.

>1st Listen
Only the first 2 tracks are good

washer is probably the best structured post-rock song they ever made, alongside for dinner

well his voice, like all the instruments in it, are meant to provide texture, not melody or obvious rock structure - so they fit in like background instruments when they need to - but don't operate like pop or rock vocals normally need to.

I agree. If his voice was made the form, it would have detracted form the music over all.

>first listen
>hmm this is pretty dull and the whole album has a weird flow

>second listen
>wow this is a lot better this time
>realize I had the album on shuffle the first time I listened to it

The songs have well developed dynamic changing structure that go in the face of normal rock structure or psychedelic structure - it's nothing like what rock was doing before it. Added to that - the repetition of the guitars, the textural drum playing, they're not playing their instruments to create melody, they're playing their instruments to build the dynamics and to build texture.

The guy I downloaded it from had the tracks in the wrong order. Didn't even have Good Morning Captain last.

iirc the order I listened to it first in was

>breadcrumb trail
>for dinner
>good morning captain
>nosferatu trail
>don aman

it was shitty


I really dig every song but nosferatu. I don't think it's bad I just think it's where the album falters.

1. Don aman
2. Good morning captain
3. Breadcrumb trails
5. For dinner
4. Washer
5. Nosferatu

mega link?

>no squirrel bait

Why does everyone compare Yank Crime to Spiderland? It's not really all that similar.

>For Dinner... above Washer

gr8 b8

Yank Crime is the only album I know from that chart so I couldn't say whether it was more or less like Spiderland than those other albums.

I don't know, Do You Compute?, Luau, New Intro and Sinews are fairly comparable to Spiderland.

You want a screenshot of it or some shit? Google it m80

>I must force myself to meme with the worst of them

First listen, thought it was okay.
Second listen, really liking it now.
Third listen, holy shit, they're really onto something. Found out there's a documentary about them. Watched it and fell in love with everything Slint was, is and will ever be.

I liked it from first listen, what's your fave sogn user?

1. good morning captain
2. don aman
3. washer
4. breadcrumb trail
5. notserafu man
6. for dinner

First listen was decent, sat through it because the instrumental was nice and repetitive. I was probably doing homework or browsing Sup Forums.

Second listen, listened to it again while doing stuff. Then he starts yelling at the end of Good Morning Captain, holy shit that did it for me.

Third listen, lay down in bed put my headphone on and close my eyes. I focused on the lyrics and it gave the album a new dimension.

Definitely a very unique album.

ending with don aman seems so wrong.
mine was
>Breadcrumb trail
>Don Aman
>Good Morning Captain
>For Dinner
>Nosferatu Man
It wasn't too bad, but I think it is just very important that it at least starts off with Breadcrumb trail and ends with Good Morning Captain.

do you know where to find the documentary?

this is how it went for me
>1st listen
don't really get it, all the rhythms and everything sound kinda boring/average
>2nd listen
come back to it again a month or two later, still don't really get it. some say this is probably one of the best albums ever and I just don't understand how, everything's just really average
>3rd listen
come back to it yet again a month later, still don't get it (mind you i'm only listening to the first two tracks because I can't make it through. It was just so average to me)
>4th listen
...what the fuck, I'm getting goosebumps this is unlike anything I've heard, I feel like I'm falling out of the sky in a hail storm, I feel dead, how does someone fucking make this (to sum it up, it pretty much hit me like a fucking rock, I cant even describe what this album is

>mfw this is me

>1st listen
It's just some faggot whispering over instrumentals *Turn it off after 30 seconds

>2nd Listen
I'll give it another chance.

It's good

>3rd Listen
It's Good

>4th Listen
It's still good

>10th listen
Yeah, still good.

>20th listen

>25th listen

>50th listen

Link a nigga up user?

It was only included with the spiderland box set.


>1st listen

wuat is this shit just some guy screaming over feedback and blastbeats

>2nd listen

Bit repetitive, don't think it's for me

>3rd listen

Holy shit the last track is amazing, same for the first 2

>4th listen

Holy fucking shit this album is fucking spectacular nothing's ever come close to it in terms of quality and eeriness

>mfw there will never be another band like slint
>mfw the band is so good i find other music boring or unimaginative
help me Sup Forums

overrated and cringe: the album.

Haha nice bait user


>1st listen
don't really like this
>2nd listen
the guitar on breadcrumb trail is kind of cool, the rest seems average, nothing special
>3rd listen
The lyrics on Don Amon pretty cool, but the music for the most part is decent
>4th listen
wow this is great
>5th listen
I am literally brought to tears multiple times by how beautiful this album is, I feel shivers go down my spine constantly. I have never enjoyed an album even half as much as this

This album is legendary though, it really does get better with every listen

It's weird because I never loved that track until I really read the lyrics and understood the carnival/Rollercoaster metaphor and the amazing buildup and ending of the song.

Record it and link us up, we must see it

>mfw I finally realise the genius of the album

Sunny day real estate's rising tide album is pretty good, specially rain song