What is your favorite album Scruffily has given a 9?

What is your favorite album Scruffily has given a 9?

john fahey


He knows you're fucking someone else


He gave Irrlicht a 9, right? That's a contender.
TMR is the best album though, he got that right. Or WLWH.

He gave my top 4 all 9's. spiderland

Loveless or Yerself is Steam


Rock Bottom senpai. the greatest gift piero has given me

Never understood the hub-ub about Rock Bottom, aside from Red Riding Hood.

gotta be this one


Astral Weeks or TVU&N
can't decide

idk man, it just feels so right. can you appreciate the ending as well? that poem recitation over the deteriorating string section is my favorite album ending ever, i get goosebumps just thinking about it

It's soooo good

idk i don't know his 9s and i have no interest in them

he gave this shit a 9?





You posted it.

Explain beyond "I don't like it" / "I don't get that it's not meant to be taken totally seriously, or that it's intentionally abrasive"


The correct answer, though the scruff is outta his mind if he thinks this is better than God in Three Persons

easily the worst album he gave a 9
putting drone interludes and synths over carnivore leftovers a masterpiece does not make

You guys are Type O Negative fans first and foremost and it shows.

not really
peter steele is a great songwriter in theory but still manages to make the end result mediocre most of the time


I like them but its surprised that Scaruffi gave them that score

rounding up

what is the problem?

Slipknot's S/T is amazing though, I don't get the image.

Easily this

how is this album anything much better than overrated beatles' albums
s/t of the doors is just a bunch of pop rock songs with synths

It always felt it was more layered and polished

And it's an organ

he gave this dad rock album a 9?

This. Rock bottom is why scruffy will always have a special place in my heart, no matter how idiotic he gets.

Blonde on Blonde

Not that I discovered it because of Pierro, mind you.

Scruffy likes dadrock for the most part.

I really like NEU! atm but my favorite from that list is Uncle Meat.

He's right.

I will always love scruffy for showing me this album

His collection of 8.5s has better albums in it though

Lorca you absolute niggers, but Rock Bottom is close second

fucking kek, they're both terrible imo

probably this