3 month collage thread

guess how everyone's summer went

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the last 5 minutes of this song tho jessus djude

Hit me up with endless download link



was a pretty good summer

Mine was pretty good

tell me about myself

+ Katatonia, Swans, Radiohead
- Everything else

I didn't have a summer

somber summer, prob spent it mostly with yourself or with close friends
lot of driving with the sun beaming, probably shmoking weed
seem cool and collected
i dont wanna know what kinda fkn summer this is
interesting selection dam

You're all pretty cool dudes in my book.

Summer sucked


Uneventful summer with a part time job

Swam a lot

I'm guessing a lot of driving?

solid 8/10 summer w/ a couple parties

work? summer school?

One of these things is not like the other ones...

Props for Off The Wall and Blood on the Tracks.

I only have 2 weeks of vacation a year and it's on december for the holidays

I don't want to kill myself though, and although I don't want to work at what I'm studiying, I like to learn.

No idea what I'm gonna do after I graduate though, maybe kill myself because of debt.

Sorry for the vlog



Your summer was lonely
You were busy all summer which is why you haven't branched out musically much.
You had a nice summer but it wasn't much different from other summers.

pool party with brothers and cuties

All I did was work and school except for the weekend I took off for Pride, so yep. Lonely is spot on.

Lots of weed


Can't complain

Sorry to hear it senpai
Unfortunately no. About 50% of the partying that I'm used to/like, which was still about every 2-3 weekends I guess.
You tried to make yourself happy with music but fucked it up.
Same old shit as every summer for you.

>somber summer, prob spent it mostly with yourself or with close friends
lots of netflix, lots of overwatch
>Uneventful summer with a part time job
uneventful yes, but i was generally working 30-40 hours a week.



the follower is kind of underrated




if he took out If you see her say hello the album would have been perfect

chill summer overall

some anxiety but with flashes of glory that made up for itsounds like it

love the DG >>>


>tfw not summer anymore
I mean, it's not that bad, plus my birthday is in september, but I don't like it when it gets dark early

your summer was relaxing enough but you wish you'd spent a bit more time at the beach

was looking for a job over the summer and you found one, but it wasn't as good as you hoped

your summer was nice, you ate a lot of ice cream too

Pretty edgy to be honest with you, family.

Spent summer at home reading or playing vidya, occasionally working on some kind of creative project.

Went on a road trip with a few friends.

Pretty chill. Probably tried some new drugs.

Repeatedly got drunk with a select group of friends.

I actually did spend most of the Summer reading, while continuing to piece together an 86 C10.