J. Cole hate

Why does J. Cole get shit on by hip-hop fans now? Just like Wale, everyone's starting to dislike this dude now.

I always thought him and Kendrick were respected equally more or less, so I don't know what really changed.

Cause their brand of hip hop has become popular, people just want to be contrarian as possible to boost their elitist view of themselves

But even Kendrick Lamar doesn't get the kinda hate Cole does, and he's arguably more famous.

He's never been good. Derivative borefest lacking any personality. People that listen to a guy like J Cole are probably the same that listen to Drake

first answer=best answer

I can see why someone would find him boring, but I personally don't. I also don't listen to Drake.

>him and kendrick in the same sentence

People finally realized that j. Cole is boring and vanilla

the distinction is kendrick is actually good

Because he's retarded, just look at him.

He has some very good high moments, but other than that, he's just a forgettable artist.


wut? conscious hip-hop is hardly popular right now, everyone loves trap rap/mumble rap. Desiigner is like the biggest thing in pop rap right now. Drake isn't necessarily trap but he did a whole album with Future which was obviously to capitalize on the popularity of his style, which is trap. Kanye's last album had a ton trap influence. Even Kendirck hopped on Travis Scott's new album.

They are knock of versions of 90s rappers

We've been calling him a pussy for more than 5 years now. Wtf lol.


Also, some people think he's boring (have short attention spans) and there's this meme compiling every poop metaphor he's ever made, and Sup Forums based their entire judgement of him on that.

Most of his only good songs are love songs designed for girls. And he's not appealing because he doesn't have a persona like other rappers, he's basically a normal person

J Cole isn't as popular with white kids for some reason. He gets love amongst realy hip hop fans tho so it's all good and he puts on one of the best live shows in music today.

Wale is underrated, if anything.

He got a 6.9 from P4 and 6/10 from fantano for 2014 forest hill drive so white kids hate on him as their gospels have spoken.

2014 forest hill drive is one of the best rap albums of the decade.

I'm black and can't stand jcole nigga sucks dick
friday night lights was his peak

Most if not all his good songs are on the The Warm Up

Uh kendrick released qualitatively doper shit?
Coles your girls shit.

He's just boring as fuck imo. Cool beats, but I've never really been drawn into his music.

I know people that really love him, but I don't get it personally.

Basic and often shitty beats, and terrible lyrics:
>practice putting condoms on, how it go? (right)
>im in her crib, now a nigga palms sweating, with a pocket full of rubbers and an erection
Nothing he says is of any value.

You chose one of bis worse songs to choose from. His two verses on Knock Tha Hustle alone proves that he's one of the best lyricists yoday IMO.

Are you being facetious rn?

Bitches always on my d*ck, I wear a condom when I shit.
- On & On

Shittin on niggas like a nigga was still a baby.
- The Come Up

Motherfucker, I'm the shit, I pass gas when I feel.
- Sky Boy

Aye this is big shit poppin', you gon' need a plunger.
- Heartache

They say I'm like the human body, I produce my own shit.
- Royal Flush

They light a fire under my ass nigga my shit hot, even if you squatted under volcanoes nigga your shit not.
- Waterbreak

These niggas thinking they the shit and they ain't even farted yet.
- Last Call

I be shitting on my niggas and my dough be farting.
-The One

Nigga, eat a d*ck, we the shit, no flushing.
- Disgusting

You wanna know how I know I'm the shit? 'Cause I keep clogging up the toilet.

I'm on that shit as if I was the flies.
-Premeditated Murder

I potty train niggas, yeah, this that teach you 'how to shit'.
- Bun B For President

I'm the shit, you the stools.
- Wireless Festival 2010 Freestyle

You the shit only cause I digested you niggas.
- See It To Believe It

I let you feel like you the shit, but boy you can't out-fart me.
- Dollar & A Dream III

Swallowed the key to my cell, which means,
I got an impossible lock to pick,
And if you want my spot you gotta go through lots of shit.
- The Cure

Now they tell me “man you like the realest shit I ever smelt."
- The Cure

f--k is that smell? I smell bullshyt, it must be an election year.
- Get Free

I'm the shit you the shit stains.
- Backstage verse at Kendrick Lamar show

Grew up in this bitch without a pot to piss, no toilet, how ironic, I took a lot of shit
- Tears For ODB

She put up with this shit like she work at the zoo, true
- Sparks Will Fly

If your shit don't stink, nigga, my ship won't sink
- Revenge Of The Dreamers

Oh okay. So you don't know what you're talking about. Got it.

except drake is good lol

J. Cole and Wale are both boring and bland.

It's all bland fuccboi music, you can enjoy both those faggots. No need to take sides.

there's actually not a huge crossover between these two fan bases though


wtf is wrong with Jurgen Cole

Autistic joke

Have you not heard 2014 Forest Hill Drive? He so does have a personality on songs like Two Citiez where he basically talks about losing his virginity and how awkward it was, while still trying to keep his bravado and pretending like he's done it before.

If that's not a relatable experience then idk what is.

Oh hey look, like fucking clockwork, someone posts it.

You can make a cringe list like this for pretty much any rapper. Don't get me started on Kanye or Wayne.

Holy shit lol

I used to be a fan of J Cole, and do enjoy some of his songs, but I don't think you can deny his lyrics often stray into the realm of stupidity and pointlessness. When he is focused and doesn't put any nonsense about taking a shit or sneaking into girls dorm rooms he is great. I have faith that he can release something really nice though, forest hills was almost there.


Nothing but children are left on this board I swear.

Not a Future fan, but I think it's silly to compare the lyrics from a trap rapper to a "conscious" rapper. Apples and oranges

Because he is the worst parts of drake and Kendrick Lamar combined

Thats what I said he talks about normal shit and its boring

This. Lmao I fucking hate Kendrick lamars new albums but I will never deny he has incredible talent

that is a lot of shit talk tho ...he really likes the poopy

>when I shit.
>Shittin on niggas
>I'm the shit
>big shit poppin (stolen from TI)
>I produce my own shit
>my shit hot, even if you squatted under volcanoes nigga your shit not
>the shit and they ain't even farted yet.
>my ass nigga my shit hot
>be shitting on my niggas
>You wanna know how I know I'm the shit? 'Cause I keep clogging up the toilet.
>we the shit, no flushing.

I like him

He makes shit music and always has, idk why it took people so long to realize this in the first place

Kendrick is good, but J Cole is mediocre asf.

>likes the poop lyrics
>accuses others of being children

J Cole is not an artist

someone post that tumblr post by the ex-p4k dude that goes in depth about why Cole is objectively bad at what he attempts to do


Cole is like D-list lmao

this is objectively false lol

>I don't go to shows and J Cole is the only """CONCERT""" I've ever been to

>Even Kendirck hopped on Travis Scott's new album.
Kendrick also popped on Taylor Swift's album. This doesn't mean that Kendrick is leaning towards Tay's style of pop.

Kendrick saw an opportunity to jump on a track he felt he could help, with his unique "flow on anything" style of rapping.

>Anonymous asked: Why is JCole mediocre?

>Well to provide a little context - I wrote that subtweet in response to a mess of folks on my twitter timeline who were taking great pleasure in the fact that Cole’s record was coming so close to matching the sales of Kanye’s Yeezus. This is sort of understandable - Kanye’s a natural heel and he works pretty hard to invoke the wrath of the masses. But come the fuck on thinking people, for better or worse he made a very ambitious album and has a bunch of squares banging acid squelches and metallic shard bursts while scratching their heads. It might only be subversive as a means to amplify Kanye’s ego, but at least it’s subversive. J. Cole made a regular ass mediocre rap record that only appeals to and appeases the mediocre people of the world.

>And I do mean mediocre in the most literal sense. I don’t think Cole’s garbage or anything. Dude can rap okay as far as rapping humans go. If he were in a cipher on a corner or in a dorm room or at an open mic or whatever he’d surely evoke the “oh cool, rapping" response that such activities exist to evoke. That old rap rap raprap / rap ra rap rap approach can go a long way in certain social situations. But great rappers and rap stars have historically been expected to transcend that.

>I mean this guy is supposed to be a great lyricist, a compelling writer, The Nas Of Our Time but nobody seems to notice that he failed to absorb the most (only?) compelling aspect of Nas’ style - that project window vision. Dude is wholly incapable of seeing outside of himself. Literally every idea on Born Sinner is I / me / my on some elementary school essay shit. His subjects exist only as one dimensional props for him to hang his own personality and narratives on.

>The “Art Of Storytelling" beat jack on “Land Of The Snakes" is perfect because it opens Cole up to such a bold contrast against the Outkast original. Sasha Thumper was a fully formed human, one with hopes and fears and slumber parties. She even exits the scene and lives an entire life outside of Andre’s verse. The women of “Snakes” and elsewhere on BS are set pieces. They have no names, no stories, no personalities, no specific characteristics. It’s just “this bitch,“ “some hoes” and endless “she"s. Sometimes they talk at him like wamp wamp wamp wamp but that’s where it stops. I’m sure someone could extract an intense gender politics thinkpiece out of this but it’s not just women either. He does the same thing with his family, with physical spaces, even with his own heroes (On “Let Nas Down" Cole makes no specific case for Nas’ talents or appeal, he just talks about shaking dude’s hand and hanging posters on the wall.) It’s flat narcissism and it’s definitely not good writing. Good writing requires a panoramic worldview.

>And I can hear you little frutflies spitting out cheetoh dust onto your keyboard and filling my ask box with baahh but Chief Keef and Migos can write? questions. No, of course not. Those guys fucking suck at traditional rhyme writing when compared to Cole’s ample mediocrity. But their goals are very different. They redirect the effort that they would’ve put into pure lyricism elsewhere - into delivery, into structure, into intensity, into flows, into adlibs, into hooks, into sonics. This is perfectly fine.

Kendrick saw a paycheck and nothing more you retard

>Writing (“lyricism”) isn’t everything in rap. I don’t even think it’s the most important thing. But if an artist is going to make it the focal point of their work - which is what Cole clearly aims to do - then they should be doing it better than he does. I mean not to go all old head on you but if someone is not at least striving to be as vivid as Nas or as emotive as Scarface or as imaginative as Posdnuos or as bugged out as Cam’ron then I’d be more comfortable if they were to just give up on writing entirely and make a thousand kewl grunt noises on their record.

you're thinking of wet dreamz I think

blown the FUCK out

The difference is that no one claims that Kanye is a good lyricist, and Weezy is Weezy. J. Cole a fucking shit

white kids fucking love J Cole are you kidding me?

Is he like 1/16 black or is it just a light picture

>automatically assumes people who don't like J. Cole like trap mumble crap


holy shit these are real lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this dude fucking sucks.

White media is never going to respect a nigger that went to college making music. Ever. Not a single one. If he wanted music blogger love, he should have dropped out.

he sucks dude, just get over it.

didnt he used to play for chelsea

2 chainz graduated tho...

blown the fuck out

hard co-sign

dudes are sucking clippings dick and those dudes are the fucking intelligensia.
coles a shit talent, and it has nothing to do with sticking it out another year at saint johns to get a bullshit degree.

Cuz he's trying to be kanya west

because if i have to hear his stupid songs one more time at my college campus im gonna jump out my 5th floor window