Hopsin Pleads Guilty To Assaulting Woman In Sydney

>Just got out of FUCKin jail...over some total bullshit. They're really bout to ban me from Australia now this shit fuckin sucks man. I hesitate to post whats really goin down in my life, so I hide it with my cool pictures. Shit ain't really that pretty over here at all. You guys may ask "why take it to social media", but youguys are all I got. Since 14 I slaved away for the music and fan base and now music is all I have. That's just the cards I was dealt. I fell into a dark hole that I haven't been able to get out of. Im a master at glorifying my pain, but pain isn't never good. Im only writing this right now because it's making me feel better for the time being. Maybe it is so I can get sorrow. I don't know. I can't see myself ever doing it, but I actually wanna literally die. Like literally. My funeral would be a blessing for me right now. I'm the emotional rapper, I know. Make fun of me. Do as you please. I can't change the way I am. This may be a moment that I look back on and laugh, but right now, I'm not laughing. What would make a 31 year old man cry on a daily basis? Being rich as hell, successful with no love around him. that's a first class ticket on air robin Williams. I ain't goin nowhere tho. I might have to disappear soon and take some time to myself.



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>shit musician commits crime, gets punished for it


poor guy, I actually like him desu

Goddamnit. Can't people just keep their grubby mitts to themselves or admit they did something wrong? Even most wizards on this shithole have that much self restraint I hope. I know this 70%-wizard does :^)

Wtf is wrong with his nose

maybe if he took xans, smoked dope & drank lean like other rappers he wouldn't of done this

Hopsin is such a fucking waste of space

Did the man who invented rape get raped? Hmm? Ok then.

>hitting a Sheila is a punishable offense

the man who invented australia never went to australia

that's just truth he was king of england or some shit

His nose is absolutely disgusting

>shits on other people for being bad people
>ends up being a worse person than the people he complains about

What did he mean by this?

I thought you were just being racist, as is the fashion on Sup Forums these days, but upon further inspection...
Yeah that is fucking gross. He's like 30, why does he still have that going on?

>that's a first class ticket on air robin Williams

Holy fucking shit does he completely lack self awareness?

He's such an insufferable, disrespectful piece of shit who can't even seem to take the blame for his own actions.

He's the literal embodiment of a manchild.

I don't even understand what he's trying to say. I mean I get the individual sentences but not how anything is supposed to connect. Am I retarded or is this just weird rambling?


Not surprised in the slightest. The man has so much pent up aggression against women, it's unbelievably childish. Just listen to these tracks.

This man is in his thirties.

He beat a woman and got jailed and may get banned from Australia for it.

Now he's trying to throw a pity party to make people feel bad for him even though he literally physically assaulted someone.

Dude does not know how to take responsibility for his actions.

Holy shit. He's the black Elliot Rodger in the making.

>old as fuck
>shit at audio production
>absolutely SHIT at rapping
>defunct label
>poor sales
>disgusting fucked up nose
>woman beater
What does this dude have going for him? I'd be swallowing the barrel of a twelve gauge about now in his position.

>why hopsin always look so fuckin greasy

>What does this dude have going for him?
He's rich and has a cult following of a fanbase.

No he does not.

This dude is too corny for fucking reddit of all places. His own subreddit makes fun of him.

he gets brought up a lot on Sup Forums if that means anything

that first song is cringe, the 2nd song is very redpilled though

>trying to throw a pity party
Yes, now it makes sense. thanks.

What the fuck? Is he for real with that first song?
>"Less nicer"
>"Good Girls go for Bad Guys"
>His singing
>His off beat rants
>The chocking out a bitch verse
The second one is like a mgtow post come to life.
Fucking Elliot Roger, Jr. over here.

we wuz philosophers n shit you cant ban me oppressive white man

>waah why do women not suck my dick when i hold open a door for them? fucking entitled cunts

taylor was banned from england
now hopsin
who's next

hopsin nose looks like a rotten bell pepper

somebody kill this fool already hahahahahahahah

Is this your first encounter with Hopsin?

The guy is an embarrassment. He's 31 years old and makes music like this.


Don't watch any of the funk volume videos while high

hes black

lmao always the preaching niggas doing the crimes

makes fun of future and young thug like a clown

And his track "dissing" artists like future and thugger is the hottest shit he ever did

Fuck this woman hating trash fucker

He looks more dignified in that mugshot than he does in any of his music videos.

He has some acne scars or something on his nose. It's not a good look for him.

Read his fucking YouTube comments they all think he's the second coming of Mozart in hip-hop form. They compare him to 2Pac (even though they've probably never listened to his music he's just the generic name for "greatest rapper of all time").

Even his recent Instagram post from the OP, the comments are all sticking up for him:
>Really guys. I can think of plenty of reasons for a man to put hands on a woman

>I like Hopsin because he doesn't rap about violence, thug shit and bitches & hoes.
