What made non-autistic people like prog in the 70s?

What made non-autistic people like prog in the 70s?

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The fact that it's good music

I think we can all agree that 90's prog was worst prog tho

Prog died in the late 70's. 80's and 90's prog is the cheesiest shit to ever graze God's Earth. 00's and 10's prog can be OK.

autism was actually rife in the 70s, more than 50% of people were

I beg to differ.

Because it required technical skill and people thought that: technical skill = good

this t.b.h.

Generalizations only make you look stupid.

I m going to outline 14 different ways that I ve found you

>that OP pic
We should do that with more album covers.

That's literally their only good album

>Dream Theater

please leave

>late 60s prog
>early 70s prog
>late 70s prog
>80s prog
>90s prog
>00s/10s prog

Based Neal Morse bringing prog back from the grave, AOTY2016 incoming

Not in all cases. Lol, you generalized. Lol. Poetic. Lol.

Dude weed lmao


nothing more.

>90s proge is NOT shit
>posts DM


I've wondered that myself as well.
Was it drugs? Were people in the 70s experimenting with more drugs? That's what people say, but I don't believe it.

Only bad part about it is now we have high schoolers saying they were born in the wrong decade and crap like that.

I can agree. When I was a dumbass teenager, I bought a Spock's Beard CD online just based on it having great user reviews. What a steaming pile of shit.

the 70s must have been a wonderful time to be alive for autists. Prog rock by day, HAM radio by night.

Sounds like someone is a dinosaur.


>What made non-autistic people like prog in the 70s?

Only genres that payola cant help are
grindcore (but payola can help cybergrind)
harsh noise
power electronics
free jazz

>Prog died in the late 70's
Fuck off dad

Prog was still somewhat relevant in the 80s thanks to Rush and Marillion, 90s had Dream Theater and Tool and 00s had The Mars Volta and Porcupine Tree


I actually like 80s """""prog"""""

>tfw tou used to think Yes was a pop rock band

I don't blame you. Just listen to this shit:
I dare you to imagine anything other than a corny 80s movie freeze-frame ending.

I fucking love it.

90215 is the best Yes album, everyone knows that.

Prog was kind of an extension of psychedelic rock with its druggy fantasy themes and escapism. The entire counterculture ideal of wanting to escape this conformist suit and tie world.

What episode of Doctor Who is this?

>posts their worst 90s album

that's why so many normies love Sonic Youth, right?

That's when it peaked. I'm autistic though so I can't really give a valid answer because I'm an idiot, even though I don't like much prog past 1972.


Rar X3

Tell me one Dark ambient song that would sell in some considerable amount with payola help

>Tell me one Dark ambient song that would sell in some considerable amount with payola help

Endvra has some songs that would fit the bill.

Remember that you dont need alot of artists to be able to sell alot with payola help, since there inst alot of artists that pay payola anyway.

If only 100 dark ambient artists fit, this would be enought. They did pay payola for less than 100 prog bands and less than 100 prog became mainstream.
Also remember that not all songs from the artist need to fit the bill, normal people dont like the song revolution 9 by the beatles and yet the band became famous with help of payola, the same happened with loud reed, despise his metal machine music, or flaming lips depise the zaireeka album

>ywn live in the golden age of autism