What are the best mp3 players?

What are the best mp3 players?

iPod Classic

buy a microsd and use your phone dont be that autistic, man


What if I don't want to use up my phone's battery ?

get a phone charger


get an iPhone 7

People that use phones for music are autistic normie faggets

I just bought a 128 gig iPod Touch because I went through my 500th classic and I'm not buying it again from eBay, especially at hiked up prices. The Touch is great so far. Overpriced as fuck but whatever. Fuck Apple though.

I have an iphone

Steam Music

Dis is mine

These are the answers I expect from Sup Forums

ipod nano (3rd gen)


some ones fishing (weakly)

No the real reason is for better battery life

you could probably pick one up for cheap

my fiio x1 comes in the mail tomorrow. im pretty excited

looks like shit

I have one, they're great