Hurr durr removing the headphone jack is a good thing

>hurr durr removing the headphone jack is a good thing
>there are literally no downsides
>apple killed the DVD, they know best!

Could pitchfork ram apples cock any further down their throats?

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i like the way these things look but will it decrease audio quality?

Of course.

U fucking retard if you looked into it you would see that the retard cable apple invented actually has a higher quality output compared to the headphone jack i fucking hate apple but i hate u more

Who gives a shit if it's a higher quality output, it's literally killing off a huge percentage of the headphone market for use with their product.

You would have to be a complete moron to not understand the reason they are doing this is so more people will have to buy compatible wireless headphones/earbuds and as they have a larger market share in that area they will make more money.

Like honestly. This is the company that avoided $30 billion in tax through outsourcing to fucking Ireland. If you honestly think they are doing this for the good of their users and not for the money you are a deadset no holds barred spastic.

You realize that the phone comes with an adapter, right?

how the fuck do they expect you to not lose those tiny shits?

This shit gonna fall from my ears. Dumb apple

Obviously its a fucking marketing tactic

I didnt say this was a good thing i was saying its got better quality

>comes with

Wrong. Separately sold. Again, they have a larger market share of lightning adapters. They make more money.

I fucking hope this doesn't catch on. What the fuck are you doing apple? No one has ever said "oh man, I wish my phone didn't have a headphone jack". I get that they want to sell an add on for you to listen to music, but people can't suck this much cock without choking at some point. And I usually listen to music while my phone is charging, so I can't do that now. Samsung needs to market themselves like "laptop has dvd and cd player, phone has headphone jack" Thevworld is so shit right now

>buying apple products ever

Even *if* the adapter provided higher quality, that speaks more to the shitty quality of the iphones audio jack than the quality of the fucking cable. I know this board is full of applefags but you all can't be this retarded.

That's what I was just thinking.

Don't worry guys, you can purchase a three year replacement plan for only $99.99!

i dont care about the headphone jack, i've been using bluetooth for 10 years now and never looked back

We're taking the headphone jack off our macbooks too! So you'll have to buy our $599 iSpeakers!

Never take them off

I hate apple i think they fucking suck but the headphone jack was good quality they make garbage fucking headphones/earbuds

>apple killed floppy disks
I was using and still seeing floppies on the in the early 00's
>apple killed the cd/dvd/bluray
explains why I am watching one right now and that a thriving rental place exists down the street from me
to be fair, if anything killed off cds it was the resurrgence vinyl and not apple
>apple will kill away the 3.5mm jack
there is no reason to believe this based off past experience

They gained a bunch of stuff by losing it, the battery life is much better, they added a new image processor, there's much better stereo speakers, and it also helped with the waterproofing.
They are partially doing it for profit, yes, but it's also because they wanted to improve the phone and they are extremely OCD about the design of every component, meaning they refused to make it any thicker than it is. They determined that the analog audio jack, which is a pretty large component compared to the phone as a whole, was redundant and if they were going to clear space it made the most sense to remove.
The adapter is in the box and a first party one is $9. It's definitely an inconvenience but it's a pretty minor one. You can still plug 3.5mm headphones in, and I'm sure there will be listen and charge cables too.
I definitely don't like their headphones and wireless headphones ain't for me either. It's totally unnecessary and I can't imagine how many times I'd get pissed because I forgot to charge them. It totally seems like it causes more problems than it solves.

Okay, but that's not what you just said. You tried to sell the removal of the headphone jack because the adapter allegedly provides higher quality output. There's no reason that higher quality output wouldn't be integrated in the fucking phone.

But yes, apple makes shit tier headphones and $170 is way too much for shit tier earbuds. Give it a few years and you'll see iphones only being compatible with apple/beats products.

There's no reason for me to own a cell phone, no one contacts me.

good plan

Apple made their own wireless protocol because bluetooth's audio quality was so shitty

That's not the actual design, the real ones have big stems coming off them

>battery life is better
Literally not possible now that I have to have Bluetooth on all the time which destroys the battery

>Wrong. Seperately sold.

Wrong. Comes with.

Better than a big bulb on it IMO

But you don't have to. I myself am never going to use wireless headphones. It's a dumb idea.

your life sounds awful

OP is retarded but you are too.

Yes, Apple didn't kill floppy disks, correct. Advancements in removable storage killed floppy disks. It would have happened with or without Apple.

DVD rentals ARE a dying business, hence why Blockbuster no longer exists. The only DVD rental places that are still kicking are independently run businesses with a small but loyal clientele. I think you'll find that most of these places will start dying off as younger generations grow up. Hell, I'm in a major city and the majority of DVD rental stores have closed shop in the last 5 years.

Also LOL at vinyl killing CD sales. Vinyl is helping physical copies sell moderately better. Digital audio and streaming killed physical album sales. Vinyl doesn't even come close to eating out digital music shares.

But yes, your last point is correct. 3.5mm jacks won't disappear because one shitty phone removed it. That's almost as retarded as thinking SD cards will disappear because Apple graced us with fixed storage options.

>bluetooth will improve battery life!
>muh megapixels are higher because le audio jack
>on board speakers are better which is how people listen to music!
>a phone that's not water proof is slightly less prone to water damage if an excessive amount of water hits it at a specific angle!

this is how retarded applefags are

Family Video is actually a huge chain in the midwest that grows every year. Redbox is doing okay too.
Not that I help them, I always buy disks if I'm purchasing video but I just pirate instead of renting.

>bluetooth will improve battery life!
Not supporting wireless headphones in my post, I don't like them
>muh megapixels are higher because le audio jack
Yes, actually, there's a whole 'nother chip in there. There's a reason for the android camera meme (though I'm aware there's good ones too)
>on board speakers are better which is how people listen to music!
I don't (at least not for anything more than ambient music at night) but a lot of normies really do. They're also doing it to cater to games, the most popular apps on the platform.
>a phone that's not water proof is slightly less prone to water damage if an excessive amount of water hits it at a specific angle!
You can drop it in a swimming pool and it's fine, it's rated for 50 meters or some shit.

Surely it'll match the quality of wireless headphones especially when you consider that you must use the apple/beats proprietary headphones!

Fuck off apple shill.

I don't understand the logic here. Removing the audio jack will improve battery life when you use an adapter with an audio jack?

No, it improves battery life because it allowed them to make space for a larger battery.

all phone cameras are trash because they have tiny sensors and shit tier lenses. adding a trillion megapixels isn't going to help that. you support the removal of an audio jack because apparently that mammoth sensor couldn't exist in a body with an audio jack. makes sense retard.

cool, normies don't give a shit about audio quality. why bother giving us a choice to use adapted headphones then? just force people to use the apple earbuds. progress!

How much space did it free up and how many more mah are they fitting in that device?

Why wouldn't making the phone slightly thicker have the exact same effect? Not every phone needs to be paper thin with a 30 minute battery life.

Why doesn't apple stop being trash and just let us remove the battery in the first place?

Can't answer the first two questions until the teardown probably, or at least those specs don't seem to be available yet.
The last few questions have the exact same answer: Apple is super autistic and perfectionist about design. It's really the most important thing to them. I would've just taken a thicker phone too, but they have a long history of making similar compromises for the same reason.

They let third parties use these protocols; there's thousands of certified third party lightning accessories

I seriously doubt that they spent so long developing this to limit it to airpods and beats, it would make it DOA

Do you have any citations for the vastly superior quality vs bluetooth and the comparison to wired analog?

What's the bandwidth of apples wireless technology?

>im so fucking autistic that i need my headphones to be wireless for me to listen to music


Apple never drops technical stats just after release but they did state that it can transmit lossless audio, something bluetooth can't do

>apple said it so it must be true!
Ah, so you're an apple drone.

>you can only use a battery connected by cable? waaah!!! i have to carry around a cable now!!!
>i have to use an adapter to store anything local data? waaah!!! i have to carry an extra cable now!!!!
>I have to use a bluetooth dongle for bluetooth support? Waaah! I have to carry around a dongle now

who gives a shit about removed functionality if there's a extension cable!!!!

You can't straight up lie about something like that; that's false advertising you can sue over

People sued over the fact that iOS updates took more storage space than the previous versions and won

Bluetooth can only play audio at 240kbps lossy this isn't news

The iPhone still has bluetooth on it so it won't be hard to fucking compare audio quality once it comes out

>You can't straight up lie about something like that; that's false advertising you can sue over

Keep telling yourself that. Every company ever has advertised whatever technology they're introducing as "superior" to previous technologies. Don't bank on a lawsuit and don't bank on Apples wireless technology magically being the greatest thing ever.

Take that apple dick out of your ass because you're probably going to feel pretty bummed out when you see the actual real life results.

It'll transmit lossless audio

Bluetooth can't

These are hard facts

The other major feature of this new wireless profile is pairing by proximity and not going into settings to connect a bluetooth device every time, and energy efficiency

It never said audio quality will be better, we have to wait for third party comparison tests to prove this

I don't understand what you're going for here

>hard facts
and yet you still haven't provided a source for this claim

we'll have multiple sources when they come out but ok


Not him, but they will still break (apple chords are designed by retards) or you will loose them by the month, then they will have anti-non-licenced software to prevent unnoficial third parties to sell them cause they wont work just like thay been doing with their usb cables so you have to buy official ones which will be overprices as shit like everything apple does, plus they provable will put some kind of DRM to prohibit playing music not from itunes store or some shit

Hello guys, since i am going to edit some stuff later i will tell you what i am doing.

I am editing music so it is pleasant for headphone listening, i made some but i will make more.

Test if you like, and request if so, tell me if you guys want an special one.

It must be an instrumental track.

Here is my YouTube playlist.

Wear some headphones and enjoy i guess.......

I hate those shitty phones idk why

there is something... faggy to them.

They're very easy to break, pretenciousness23 and idk, gay shit ma nigga

Lately I found a broken Iphone in the middle of a crop field and it felt so uncomfortable and cancerous that I hat to throw it away instantly, I felt like finding one of the rings from Lord of The Rings and throwing it away hahahhahah

Like yeah those phones are rings but instead of getting invisible you just don't notice your environment while staring at the screen hahahahahahah

Build quality and design took a shit after the 5S. When the 6 came out and I went to see one, it bent in my hand. It had been a display model that was constantly plugged in and hot but still, it bent with ease. iBend was fucking real.

My 5S though is still like fucking new too.

wtf i hate apple now

>listening to music with your phone

Children plz leave

Why the fuck don't they have an iPhone thicc model for those of us who don't give a shit about making it thinner and just want better battery life and a headphone jack?


>Shitty build quality
>No headphone jack
>Jobs is rolling over in his grave


>muh android

Enjoy your vulns, kids

And you enjoy your shitty new earbuds.

Haha eat a dick, kid