10/10 album

10/10 album
What's your opinion?

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Sup Forums have I ever told you faggots about how much I hate you all for always starting threads about albums without providing the name? Because I REALLY HATE that shit.

>It's just a poor man A Love Supreme extended to 3 hours

>That's not REAL jazz because p4k reviewed it!
basically any thread you make about kasami

I'm not the biggest fan of the album, it's a bit dramatic imo, but I saw him live and it was a really good show. Not too much wankery good pianist, nice to see his dad on the stage, ..


Are you kidding me? This is the album for people who've never listened to jazz before.

It's not even as good as a recording of Mingus farting.

*listens to less than 10 jazz records*

Exactly. Fuckin faggots indeed. Name plz

Actually from the threads I've seen about it the people who dislike it seem to be much more articulate about why it's bad than the people who do like it.

The only response always seems to be
>you're a contrarian elitist if you don't like it
rather than arguing with the criticisms or actually articulating some things that make the album good


kek reminds about that thread on /r/indieheads about "indie jazz"

kek I like to play a game where I go on The Epic's RYM page and try to find someone who rated the Epic either 4.5 or 5 stars who has rated more than 20 other jazz albums.

For an extra hard version try to find someone who rated The Epic highly who has rated more than 5 other contemporary jazz albums.

shit i need to do that too

jazz has this guy
metal have deafheaven and liturgy
what do other genres have?

Can you recommend some good contemporary jazz albums?

posting an old thread about contemporary jazz as soon as i find it

See the album title

nuff said

This is the only Jazz Album that would make Sup Forumscore made after 2000, and you don't know it? "The Epic" (Yes, that's the name of the album btw) shouldn't have to be labeled. How fucking new are you?

this post is even more stupid. Coltrane overrated btw

It's not "dramatic", It's Epic. But I understand the complaint, but for me I love how huge the album sounds

I agree he is no Mingus, but in order to compare Kamasi to the GOAT he needs to have some pretty serious skills


....You do realize more than half these albums are completely subpar...Right?

9/10, Coin Coin Ch. 1 is the only Jazz album I like more from this decade.

I never listen to jazz but I enjoyed The Epic. 5 album list to start off with?

>Coltrane overrated btw


Congratulations. You're the worst.

>Coltrane overrated btw

yeah. not bad. spretty good.

This album is probably exciting for two weeks if youve never heard jazz before.

Imo this is some of the most boring Jazz I've heard in a long time. I feel like part of it is the length. It's like with literature - reading a really long book doesn't make you smarter because it's long. Most of it is going to be filler trash just to make it seem more expansive and I think the Epic suffers from the same exact problem.

Are there any good jazz critics? Scaruffi is basically a joke when it comes to jazz and classical.

This is exactly me. Im not well versed in Jazz at all but I like the epic, and BBNG is a good band. Tbh I've probably listened to about a good 7 jazz records all the way through

(You) are fucking retarded. kys


Lmao go back to watching fantano or whatever and leave jazz to the adults

It's kamazz, man. Nothing to discuss here.

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