
best darkthrone album edition


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This is bait

is this one of the best albums of all time?


listen to AOTY
also listen to EPOTY

generic death metal

is jon chang the best vocalist in grind?

w e w


Best Metallica album
only progefags will disagree

>2016: the year everyone wanted to be another demilich/timeghoul worship band

and they're doing a good job

gets boring fast


logo is Vektor ripoff tho
and Vektor's logo is a Voivod copy

This is a fucking meme since very specific sections on Starspawn sound like Demilich and Timeghoul to some extent not the whole thing. Not to even mention some very cool subtle stuff it does that those bands and other bands that obviously make their sound don't necessarily do.

Whatchu blastin', lads?

well pic related is really only metal by historical association but it's amazing either way

there are d-beat sections in BI that I don't think Demilich or Timeghoul ever used




You can never pay homage to the bands who inspired you, it's always "HUR HUR DEY RIPPED DEM OFF!"



Track 14: "Stealing Seth's Ideas" The New Book By Jon Chang


Well they got to mention the band that they were inspired from somewhere, if the music and logos get to be too close to the other band.

seth and jon chang were close friends

Yeah, Cobalt is mediocre as fuck. No idea why they ever got popular.



Never really got into grindcore, is this album a good place to start? I'm mostly into prog/melo death and black.

How good is that new Saor song guise


Having Seth Putnam write a song about you is a mark of resect tb h


Definitely not. The goofy fucking artwork should have gave it away off the bat.

it's much more melodic than most other grind and hence more accessible


rec me some shit with similar drums


Hold on a sec

They sure came a long way from their Pepsi begging days. Still prefer the early material nonetheless.

What are we holding on for?

Kinda like the rest of their stuff, I personally like it.
Definitelly gonna steal it on relase, if its worthy I'll support it on bandcamp, if it's great I'll get the cd.

I'm having a good time.

have you never listened to Gridlink?

>cold lake
>having a good time
I don't believe you

Not this guy, but grindlink is shit grind. There is better bands doing kinda melodic grind

I haven't gotten to it yet. I was looking for a cassette of TMT on ebay and someone had these 4 albums forthe same price as most people were selling TMT by itself for.

Nope. I think all the grind in my collection is old, simple shit.

We're not debating the quality of Grindlink.
seems to think that grindcore having melody is impossible.

You mean very thud-y and sloppy? Try the first Xysma demo.

Also nothing comes close to the greatness of Reeks production, fuck all those people that dont like it.

Envious of that collection, even though cassettes are trash.

that's because Cold Lake has negative value

u mean cassettes are thrash \m/

They are but I enjoy it for the same reason that I enjoy Transilvanian Hunger.

Sounds filthy.

Finally got around to trying it after someone posted the video for Earthshaker a few threads back. I'm only a few songs in, but it's enjoyable.
Before this it was Lord Dying's Poisoned Altars, which was also alright but was also a first listen.

> \m/


You might as well tell him to drink le bleach, you Reddit-tier mongoloid.

kill your self

>your self

>acronyms using multiple letters from the same word

Kill yourself

I think we all have a valid argument here. Let's all kill ourselves.

Anyone got the english Lyrics for this masterpiecel ?

ayy this band is from my city. Theyre like a crust/grind Motorhead, its pretty fun.

I only know Autumn Opposition's lyrics because it's better

Last /metal/ album was Candlemass - Nightfall

Get the fuck out of here, you disgusting Czech dog.
[spoiler]It's pretty good.[/spoiler]


dis one bb

Hipster faggotry.

it's very good man

Orchid - Chaos Is Me

Has anyone here ever been in a band or recorded their own music?

I've never tried anything like it before but I'm thinking of doing a solo black / pagan metal project.
I can play everything i'll need to a reasonable level except drums which I guess I can emulate on my computer anyway.

so what do you lads think?

Will Mayhem ever release anything again? It's been 22 years since De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, but their Encyclopedia Metallum page stills lists them as active.

They released Esoteric Warfare in 2014, get with the times.


My town has a huge metalcore/harcore scene that I'm only a part of because it's good music for people like me that can't actually write music. Not even a fan of most core, but being in a band is a fun hobby. We're working on a 5 song ep currently.
I wouldn't do drum samples on a black metal project, or just make sure you find some sufficiently live sounding ones.

Recorded some short tracks a couple of years back. Complete noob at it though, used Ableton and my Line 6 pod and went to town. Luckily D-beat doesn't need good production.
It was pretty fun, but sadly I haven't been able to write music I like for a long time now. I wrote the drums in Guitar Pro and imported them into Ableton and used EZDrummer.

Hit the Lights is my favourite Met song


Prove that any of these are good


Go and suck dick.


i don't need to prove shit you are entitled to give those albums a listen or not

Apart from Burzum, Leviathan, Summoning and Xasthur very nice taste

How would you categorize MGR's soundtrack?

I mean BASICALLY it could be cyber metal (which is basically melodeath+gothic metal+industrial metal with synth bullshit) but TECHNICALLY it would be something like melodic powerdjentcore or something.

By the way Djent is the metal equivalent of Mountain Dew.

you have no evidence

What did you guys think of this?
Blood Coils has such a fantastic sound, absolutely brutish.

No one said they were good. Why are you demanding someone prove they are?


>it's a Portland Oregon """underground""" bm episode

>triple dubs commanding for evidence


Are you in that golden phase where you can only listen to that album and 'Leaving Your Body Map'? I'm jealous user, I loved that period of my life.

I've listened to Emperor, Immortal and Limbonic Art and it sounds great. Now I'm listening to Darkthrone and it sounds fucking shit. What am I missing here?


listen to A Blaze in the Northern Sky until it sinks in. Kathaarian Life Code should get you harder than diamonds.

I fucking love when bands yell "GO" and then just get shredding.

It's the exact opposite for me, it just seems so cringy to me for some reason