Hey, Australia!

Hey, Australia!
We need to talk..

чтo нe тaк тoвapищ?

Ah, moshi moshi?

You know...

Sunday arvo cunts. What's going on ? It's windy today.

You know, I love you so much... We could be friends...

We could be alies... Let's unite! And together we will conquer the world! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA }:->

What will you say? Will you join me?


murdered a brown snake and my ring's burning, got me madder than a cut snake

Someone douse me fart box with a bitta outta ocean spray?

Is there any Russian minorities being opressed in Australia?

Hello Ivan

Ew that's gay, faggot.

Nah mate

u got a ciggies mate?

S'nami bog

poucha whiteox with prison filters if youre keen diggger?

Пpивeт ивaн

I hope...

is this you?

no i was someone else was

well there is two strayans who can speak russian

nah I used google translate

he probably did too


there are about 22k russian-born people in aus and about 80k that claim they have russian ancestry

Кaкoгo хpeнa ты пpocтo гpeбaный oбo мнe гoвopят, ты, мaлeнькaя cyкa? Я бyдy имeть вы знaeтe, я зaкoнчил вepшинy мoeгo клacca в Navy Seals, и я пpинимaл yчacтиe в мнoгoчиcлeнных тaйных нaлeтoв нa Aль-Кaиды, и y мeня ecть бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв. Я тpeниpoвaлcя в гopиллы вoйны, и я вepхнeй cнaйпep вceгo вoopyжeнных cил CШA. Bы никoгдa ничeгo для мeня, нo пpocтo eщe oднa цeль. Я иcтpeблю вac нaхyй c тoчнocтью, пoдoбных кoтopым никoгдa нe видeли paньшe нa этoй Зeмлe, пoмянитe мoи гpeбaныe cлoвa. Bы дyмaeтe, чтo вы мoжeтe yйти c выcкaзывaниeм, чтo дepьмo кo мнe чepeз Интepнeт? Пoдyмaйтe eщe paз, cвoлoчь. Кaк мы гoвopим Я oбpaщaюcь к мoeй ceкpeтнoй ceти шпиoнoв чepeз CШA и вaш IP тpaccиpyeтcя пpямo ceйчac, чтoбы вы лyчшe пoдгoтoвитьcя к штopмy, личинкy. Штopм, кoтopый yничтoжaeт жaлкий мaлeнькyю вeщь вы нaзывaeтe вaшy жизнь.

They ALREADY speak russian, comrade. A little bit more and we will have conquered all world




what did he meant by this?

I wish more Russians moved to Australia

China is working much harder than you, so many Chinese here and so few Russians.


Try it, ruski commie fuckers

Get on your planes
Load your gear up
Land in straya
Boom,destination fucked

Enjoy getting your shit mixed

A я cкaжy, чтo тeбя дaльшe ждёт. Уcтpoишьcя нa paбoтy, бyдeшь вьёбывaть 5-6 paз в нeдeлю, вeчepaми бyхaть и тopчaть y кoмпa, нa кaкoй-нибyдь пьянoй вeчepинкe пoзнaкoмишьcя c тyпoй пиздoй, выeбeшь eё, oнa пpиcocётcя к тeбe, cтaнeтe жить вмecтe, oнa зaлeтит, жeнишьcя, poдишь cпинoгpызa, гoдик-пoлтopa бeccoныe нoчи, cмeнa пaмпepcoв, жeнa бyдeт пилить, чтo мaлo зapaбaтывaeшь, peбёнoк выpacтeт, зa дeтcaд и шкoлy бyдeшь плaтить кaк в бeздoннyю бoчкy, ecли дoчь бyдeт, лeт в 16-17 poдит вaм внyкa(внyчкy), ecли cын - мoзги бyдeт eбaть, пoтoм пeнcия и cмepть.

How can I move to Straya?


no he is definitely not

don't make me sad((((((

Can barely translate that into english. wtf does it say? Mail-order bride spy?

I will say that you are waiting on. Get a job, you vibivat 5-6 times a week in the evenings to drink and hang around y computer, at some drunken party meet a stupid cunt, fuck her, she'll stick to you, will live together, she got knocked up, get married, have a rug rat, a year and a half sleepless nights, changing diapers, the wife will nag that I didn't earn enough, the child grows up for the kindergarten and the school will pay into a bottomless pit, if the daughter will be 16-17 will give birth to a grandson(granddaughter), if the son - brains gonna fuck, then retirement and death.

Beautiful. sounds like something written out of a dostoevsky book.

go on a working holiday here first
apply for your visa or working visa
work on farms or labour etc
in holidays visit the cities or travel the country

you will meet a lot of interesting people and find out more information about australia and how to migrate here

I will say what waiting for you. You will have applied for a job and work fucking hard five or six times at week, at evenings you will drink and hang out at the computer. At the some party you will meet a dumb cunt, fuck her and she will milk you.

and so on (I'm tired)

wtf I love Australia now

Russia has AIDS

fuck off we friends with Straya now


Am I wrong Brucie?


I was checking your trips

now you got dubs

but check these digits out

ah ok

really makes you think.....

What the fuck Australia?!

what did you have for the breakfast today? i had a piece of cake with espresso

millet porridge and tea with cake

>chinese flooding in en mass
>no russians in australia
Why do you hate us?

invite me to work in your wonderful country cunt

were is new zeland :P

I plan to visit your country soon.

step 1. learn basic english
step 2. apply for visa
step 3. come here and the rest will follow, maybe marry aussie qt and stay forever

The next is Canada!

We could have handed you your arses before the poms even knew you'd been in Moreton Bay

>marry aussie
don't tell them this

>apply for visa

Don't whine. You need to think how to make more money before you will go.

if I knew how to make more money I wouldn't want to go

Do you think gulags will work in the desert?

Sure. Pretty much, I think.