Nice eurobros are waking up

>nice eurobros are waking up

Post what you're eating for breakfast this nice Sunday morning

im sorry for you

I just have a cup of hot cocoa on these cold winter mornings.
pop-tarts are something I'll have for desert after actual meals.

>Poptart: It doesn't pop, it's not a tart.

Healthy dose of porridge a day keeps the man on the road.

its a bagette in a bag not a bag-ette itself therefore you failed

It pops out of the toaster

Boycott Kellogs

do you really enjoy those stuff?

Do pieces of the crust not flake off and make the bag get crummy all the time?

It's bread, not a baguette. The bag is from Ukraine.
If pieces of your bread's crust flakes off, then it's been frozen or they cut on the quality.

Add some milk, a small bit of butter and optionally sugar and you have really a fulfilling breakfast. As in, Yes.

I can agree with him, actually. Its quite hearty and yummy, with just a bit of sugar, and if you use milk instead of water.

Sometimes I run out of milk and have to use water but don't mind since it gives it a different consistency for some reason that isn't too bad and makes for a change until I get more milk so I don't get tired of the taste.

I dont know it doesnt feel to me that it is that fullfilling.

I agree with rusbro it's pretty filling.

Try it with a spoonful of jam or chestnut cream instead of sugar.

>eating sugary garbage for breakfast

Typical disgusting American fat fuck detected.

water and mud

Grilled cheese sammich.
I get the bread from artisan bakery down the road (not the sliced/cheap supermarket bread) and use butter and cheese from the farmers market

its not the topping, its just like mash and doesnt seem like a proper breakfast. dont you guys eat like cheese, tomato, butter or olives in breakfast ever?

In the American section at tesco they have American pop tarts. They have the same colourful packaging our domestic pop tarts have but have giant stickers on that say "WARNING IMPORTED FROM AMERICA CONTAINS GM INGREDIENTS, EAT AT OUR RISK" or something along those lines

>dont you guys eat like cheese, tomato, butter or olives in breakfast ever
Sometimes to all except olives

you sound just like my father

Rude. Putting a warning near the nutrition details is okay, but that's too much.

Maybe he is

Its funny but all the food in the American section has similar labeling, couldn't find the pop tart one but heres mac and cheese

A tuna sandwich and some fruit

thats cool i guess, i always thought all you eat is corn fleakes as shown in hollywood movies

My grandfather used to be religious about it. If he didn't get his daily porridge the day would be ruined and he just couldn't do it. It passes on i guess.

We have that too. Those sticker warning labels.