The Commonwealth Edition

- Australia
- New Zealand
- UK

Not Welcome
- The rest of youse cunts

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Tones

>he thinks he can get rid of us

On behalf of her Majesty, fuck off, lad

Why are you separating from /Balt/ ?

/balt/ is filled with faggots, im sure they would like /balt/ + /rus/ more desu

Fucking boat people am I right?


Switzerland embassy here declares you a sovereign general.

lol nice thread


Tere tere

traktors XDD

I want it to be our anthem

Just you wait cunt, all the Strayans are waking up, you're fucking dead kiddo come tonight, prime shitposting time, there will be nothing left of /balt/ cunt, this is war

ko tu teici? :D

Reinforcements have arrived.

hello where is discussions about finlan? :D

>tfw /brit/ will NEVER come in and clean out these filthy subhumans
Why, dad?

benis XX--DDDDD

ebin spurdo spärdö sprölölölölä sprölä xDD

not going to post in this thread because i am asleep right now

>leaving /balt/

Sorry lads, but I think you need to re-run your referendum until you reach the correct choice of 'baltmaining'.

>tfw the rules don't aply too me because i am a fucking genious and make my own rules


All Australians should be killed.

lad tb h


this thread is finland discussion thread now :--DDDDD
what is best food in landair? (is made in finlan and starts with m)

hello new cunt

>new cunt

what did he mean by this

Mämmi :DD

why do you need your own general when you have /brit/

Rightful clay :DDDD

*honk honk*

A boat approaches the Australian shores. It appears that there are some children on board. The people are waving at you enthusiastically after spending the past week on a perilous journey across the ocean.

What do?

because there's always some obnoxious smart aleck pointing out all non-british flag as though he's the first person to ever have enough brain cells to rub together to make that observation

Heil! :DDDD swastika pastrys :--DDDD

send them to the tropical gulags

australia has a british flag on it
the rule has always been union jacks are not JFs

Doesn't include half of Scandinavia, glorious Estland and most of Latvia.

>bats on attic :DD


Listen you little shit, you want our flag? Then you need to accept our posts, got it?

Fucking runts...

this is finlan discussion now :D


New Zealand, we're coming to save uu~~~

This desu, all non Strayans and flightless birds fuck off

>cuck the Island

c-can i join my anglo brothers?

Sure mate

me on the left

Fuck off

>tfw Zyzz died in 1999
>tfw 1999 was 30 years ago

>Born: March 24, 1989
>MFW Zyzz was better than me in every way and he was only 10 years old

Did you know him when he was still alive?

And "had you discovered him" is what I meant

ye i told you it's me on the left cunt open your slanty mongolian eyes innit

finally, a thread for me