Post your weather

Post your weather

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fuck you

4°C out there.




~0°C probably worst weather possible. My knees hurt.


you need to go back Abdullah

You see, it's not cold per se, but it's harsh on your joints. Having -10 is much better.


I see, my joints are fucked up anyway, so i can't tell the difference

it's the humidity
that's what my grandpa used to say at least

Very foggy lately. 5°C now and that's the warmest it's been for a week.

So fucking cold right now brrr

2°C, partly cloudy and the sun just set. No snow, but looks like we're gonna get some in a few days.

I don't think it'll snow this year :(

He's right. The more humid the air, the more you can feel the coolness.


Pic related, currently -7°C and overcast


More than usual, but yes the weather is permanently shit.


Pic of my dooryard from window

hot and humid


I'm starting to melt...


Yep, you?

35°F / 2°C here; yesterday's lovely snow is melting just in time for it to fall below freezing and stay there for the rest of the week.

When it snows in Europe Russia and Canada does work schools etc. get cancelled?

Which state are you from?

Looks so comfy. I want to move to America. I would buy a pick-up and live in a comfy suburbian house and eat hqmburgers and enjoy FREEDOM AND GUNS.

Not because of snow, but ive heard that if the temperature had got lower than -35, school day might got cancelled.

This is from morning,8 am.

Its fucking dark in 8am!

it never happened to you before?

If there is a great deal of snow overnight school can either be delayed or cancelled.

When it snows somewhere it's not too common, like in England, everything closes down.

Wouldn't there be lots of car accidents?
Here when it snows usually doesn't get anything lower than -5c and everything gets cancelled

We cancel if there's a lot of snow that hasn't been ploughed sufficiently, but we go to school in any temperature. However if it's that cold they might stay indoors during their break times.

I have seen this in the U.S. South too. Everything shuts down for like 3cm of snowfall and cars are running off the road every couple kilometres.

People from places with lots of snow and ice are good at driving in it though. The biggest threat on roads here isn't snow, it's drunks and moose. Mostly moose as are drunks are okay drivers too usually.

>tfw 6 months of winter

cba taking a picture but it's pitch black dark

What? Are the moose drunk?

>Which state are you from?

Not usually though I have heard of hunters getting bears drunk on berry wines to make hunting easier.

-14 in Oulu.
Not posting a pic.

Hahahahahahaha, that is not funny.
You call that shitty? Hell, it is either raining for half the day, unless Mr Sun decides to cook fried humans. To top it all off, high humidity, which shows that despite the rain lowering the temp. , it is still possible to sweat every single drop in your god damn body by just replying to this thread

Does it snow ever?

In Singapore? That's impossible. Lowest recorded temperature is like 19.


How the fuck do people cope with it?
I'm serious, how the fuck are they willing to live in such conditions?

I should feel glad for our relatively mild weather. It's never boiling or freezing, just stuck in a state of cold, wet dampness.

>high humidity
My condolences.

We should relocate our prisons to Singapore, crime rates would plummet.

Nordics aren't known for their awesome weathers, but I would have a long cold winter any day before the cloudy, humid gray weather you have in your little islands for the whole year

I would too. I live in the darkest blue part of this pic. In 2014 we didn't have any sunny days all summer, it was rainy for over an entire year straight.

Currently 0°C and looks like your pic, but our snow is more wet and therefore the trees are heavy with snow.

Pretty as fuck 2bh

currently snowing in chestnut hill

it's nice

How depressing o'Keef. Do you plan to live in another area?

i want you to imagine those first europeans establishing trade there:
red faced, sweaty and smelly, panting like dogs and fanning themselves when they just cold get shirtless
that's the stereotypes we've got of white people, comes a long way since then

That's why snow tyres exists. How do you think northern countries could operate if little bit of snow would cancel everything?


In russia it depends on the region, somewhere they cancel schools when it's below -45, somewhere when it's below -35 etc

So pretty!


pretty much this
ugly as fuck

Just started today, we're supposed to get between 0.9 to 1.5 meters

What state




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