Which country makes the best yogurt?

Which country makes the best yogurt?

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ur mom's puss makes a lot of yogurt. Tell that bitch to stop getting so many yeast infections

Quality Canadian post


Is that like Icelandic yogurt or real yogurt?

not mine
t. brazil

In Balkans Bulgaria.


Real one, they have a big variety of dairy products. Don't know about Icelandic yogurt though.

I've never had it, but it's apparently more like thick strained yogurt


You fucking cultural barbarians


Bulgarian and Greek yoghurt is very good too because they copied Turkish techniques.

LARSA in spain makes great yougurt !
Also they say greek yougurt is the best but i dont think the cows there are that good


það er ekki jógúrt, það er skyrið


Turkey. Like it or not, they spawned that shit and they're the best at it.


el de vainilla

t. Xoan

the glorious country of Mydick

They just named it

No, they actually made it. Yogurt is a Turkish creation.

>Yogurt is a Turkish creation
it really made me think

Kumis (also spelled kumiss or koumiss or kumys, see other transliterations and cognate words below under terminology and etymology - Kazakh: Кымыз, kymyz) is a fermented dairy product traditionally made from mare's milk. The drink remains important to the peoples of the Central Asian steppes, of Huno-Bulgar, Turkic and Mongol origin: Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Kyrgyz, Mongols, and Yakuts.[1]

Huno-Bulgar or Thracian

Ottoman turks were same thing as ISIS nowadays. When they came to Balkans much later with genociding "ideas" of the ottoman caliphate which was not meant to bring anything than slay the infidels at least for the first century of existing of that cancer and shame for humanity.

>not making his own youghurt
>not cooking at all

>we wuz milk fermenters n sheeit

instantly triggered lmao

yeah this shit grinds my gears

who cares yogurt is gross

i hate canadads

>who cares yogurt is gross


acidic yogurt is disgusting

captcha: maple stop

>greek yogurt
>its literally just strained(süzme) yogurt
kek, unironically turkey makes the best yogurt

kımız is an alcoholic drink you slav, yoğurt is done much differently

Australia makes the best yoghurt.