Anti-sjw thread?

Anti-sjw thread?

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>Waaah I went somewhere I shouldn't have been and killed a lot people some deserved it some others didn't, they place was likely better off have I never been there in the first place.
But the important think is it makes me sad

found the SJW




Eurofag detected.




>it is wrong to make women feel emasculated

I feel you. I usually wait at least a week or even two before seeing a movie I'm exited about all in effort to avoid people with loud kids.

>tfw when you think it's great idea to post what you did on an anti-SJW thread...

wow, that's a trooper!

Do tou know why non-USA convoys dong get attacked nearly as often? Its because everyone else literally kills EVERYONE near the attackers. Women, children, innocents. America actually takes those people into consideration. There is a rwason we ALWAYS attach to other countries convoys, its because we wont be atacked.

that soldier needs to stop being such a faggot tbh

spot the cunt LeL why are u on this site?

love how you posted a face when 'tfw' refers to 'that feel when'. The only thing that refers to face is 'mfw'

please lurk more






Should of turned down the second portion of mashed potatoes you fat bitch.







You do know you're retarded, right?



I disagree with his. I make this face every time I read the whole back and forth. It's not a face of soul chrushedness. It's a face that screams silently, "get a load of this fat bitch. Is she fucking serious?!?"

Im a mentally ill transexual and fuck this mother fuckers.
I didnt choose to be trans and have this fucking nightmare of a life.
I didnt choose to have bipolar disorder.
I didnt choose to have non-24 hour sleep disorder.
I didnt choose to have paranoid delusions constantly.
You got to choose to be in the military.
You WERE NOT drafted.
You forced this shit on yourself and you want to fucking cry to me all the fucking time about how hard your life is? Fuck you.
You have complete control over your body.
Nobody fucking looks at you and goes HAHAHA look at that guy hes got PTSD lets jump him.
PTSD is your family throwing you out of your house and being homeless on the street as a kid.
PTSD is fucking laughing maniacally being awake for 4 days because you spent $700 on crazy stupid retarded shit like painting supplies and youre rolling around on the ground naked painting with yoru asshole and eating cake.
PTSD is carrying a knife or a gun with you at all times because someone might try and kill you just fucking because.
PTSD is endlessly thinking and monitoring every single tiny fucking thing you do because people are going to attack you as soon as you let your guard down.
PTSD is closing your eyes and throwing your gun somewhere in the desert so you cant use it to shoot yourself when youre depressed.

You think you deserve my sympathy because youre the kid who never learned the stove is fucking hot and not to touch it and touches it anyways.

Gr8 b8 m8

Can you tell us where daddy touched you?

Oh god kek, especially love the the one where the feminazi is like why the fuck did you sjws go their in the first place






Sure smells like summer in here

Can we have this posted in tumbler to remind them never to come back

>in a post on salon dot com

why even bother? Your article becomes invalid the moment you cite salon dot com


>in australia
nigger do you geography

>likely better off have I never been there in the first place.

SJW sums up their effect on western culture

love it



PTSD is having to kill a child shooting your mates down. and seeing how fucked up war can be. not your parents telling you to leaver their basement.

Kek Western Australia phone numbers posted on door


Your fucking shit sucks, and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Having to hold your dying best friend in your arms and having to drop him to defend the other 40 people there who got caught in the crossfire. Thats ptsd. The internet giving you ptsd is like saying you broke a nail and it got infected so now you have meningitis.


Can someone link the video this was from?


>rolling around on the ground naked painting with your asshole and eating cake

Party hard, respect.

trust me man, i have seen the shit of war

It's pretty much illegal to be a white male, don't you know that?

spotted teh sohggy knees

where do these creatures congregate anyways? ive never encountered one outside of the internet.


college campuses and hipster cities

What user, I don't remember the name of the show it was from, typing in "fat bitch says she's fit" isn't going to help much



Q&A Australia





no the show is called insight

are they even gonna watch whatever it is they paid to watch?



sauce to clip with audio?



Sure smells like an Australian poster in here.

This is beautiful.

You know sjws care about troops mentql health right?

>PTSD is fucking laughing maniacally being awake for 4 days because you spent $700 on crazy stupid retarded shit like painting supplies and youre rolling around on the ground naked painting with yoru asshole and eating cake
>You WERE NOT drafted

You forced this shit on yourself
You chose to be an unsuccessful art major
You chose to try and become an artist because it was the only place you could tell people you were mentally handicapped and they would accept you

>mentally ill
You only had to mention being mentally ill once.



i would have blocked her

>people rise in greatness proportional to the difficulty of the circumstances they are handed
>when I was 20, my parents handed me $200,000

Guess that explains why she's such a shitter

Gad saad's been hitting the pipe again

Have more??


>Muh no true scotsman
they're feminists as much as the others are, the way to beat them is to not associating with them, by being "feminists" you are making them feel right call yourself an egalitarian if you're for equality.

Sounds pretty similar to small loan of a million dollars

This. You don't see shit like the SCUM manifesto being written in the name of egalitarianism.


lol you just know she's headless meat in a ditch in Atlanta right now