I hate United States of America

I hate United States of America

Get FUCKED you faggot

I like how you posted in English

then Whose united states do you love?

Happy birthday Finland!
We all love you and your 15k boats and spurdos.
May you be prosper.

I like Finland

Hate sex is best sex.


I don't hate you.

happy bday !!

is in 1 month m8

I hate anime


It's not jow big your words are, but how you use them. KYS yourself.


Not just any English. American English.


here ya go


Happy Independence Day, Finland

I'm actually kinda upset about this.


oh noes, my bad. It is this day. Is that 100 is next year

why does that doesn't surprise me....

But I bought a Nightwish album once. I contributed like 15% of your country's economy!