Ho ri shit What's the fucking matter with muslims?

Ho ri shit What's the fucking matter with muslims?

Other urls found in this thread:

hadithcollection.com/sahihmuslim/136-Sahih Muslim Book 08. Marriage/11334-sahih-muslim-book-008-hadith-number-3371.html

what else did she expect to happen

Their religion and culture

These "people" act less like humans than animals wtf is wrong with them

Mashallah its just different culture kuffar needs to be more accepting and open minded

Honestly I feel ok this is nice. We are being progressive and even if it means the death of every single native European then so be it, in the end all that matters is that we weren't called racists.

We're letting them do this so we white men can have an excuse to fuck curvaceous cuties in the middle east, violating the full figures of delicious hijabi hotties

But Dieter Salomon, the mayor of Freiburg warned people not to "apply perpetrator background for sweeping judgements, but to view it as an isolated incident”.

However, police are also investigating whether the murder of Maria is linked to another killing just a month later.

Carolin Gruber was sexually assaulted and murdered in an attack at the same spot.

The 27-year-old was found in woodland elsewhere in the city on Novermber 10.
>Muslims dindu nuffin

Interesting use of alliteration

Sexual frustration. Muslims in general are utter betas that can't get girls.

IS is literally the beta uprising.

>What's the fucking matter with muslims?

This. We must plunder their furtile crescents.

>Live under the boot of your government, letting them control your life
>Never question them because they give you free money
>Suddenly they destroy your free speech and let in millions of people to take over your country and rape/murder people with no response from the media or government
>At least Europe has no guns

yurop is finished

Holy fucking shit what the fuck is wrong with Westerners?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!

What does it say

>EU official daughter murdered
>Daughter herself wasd arazce traitor

Is this a Christmass present Sup Forums ?

refugees crime again? why is Germans receaving refugees.
i cant understand think of them.

>US Army

Aren't you pretty? Take off your veil! (or reveal yourself, both would work).

It's propaganda from the Algeria War.

>not just raping and let her have your child

>Be German
>Be French
>Be Belgian

Staying alive is not that hard guys. Just never interact with anyone ever

This is masturbation, maybe at most bestiality. It's not like Arabs are humans.

I don't know why alt-right is always accusing leftists of being violent because some leftits tweeted something about assassinating Donald Trump but then are guilty for the exact same shit about Europe pro-immigration leaders and celebrating death of "traitors" like this

Correct link here lad en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings
The story is really fucked up.

It's just a prank bro

More like what's wrong with Europeans for willingly letting them into their homes?

The difference is leftists, muslims, and all other enemies and traitors to the European peoples deserve whatever happens to them.

Violence against traitor isn't really violence, but a rightful punishment for trahison.

>We're here to bring democracy and rape and we're all outta democracy

What? So now because it's a US soldier I can't make all Westerners take credit for raping a 14 y/o and setting her body on fire?
You know that Afghanistan is one of the most backwards Muslim countries where ~80% of the population are illiterate? How come you can accuse all Muslims of it but not the other

Reminds me of one of the latest IS propaganda video, where they said, in French, that to effectively kill infidels you need to get close without looking threatening, distract them by asking them for directions of something, then stab the shit out of them in the stomach, and cut their throat while they're down.

Around Muslims, never relax.

I really want to understand why tgose immigrants are doing this? It's not like islam allow any shit like this. Hell most muslims here would tie the rapist up and beat him with a stick. I just don't understand.

It's pretty sad but the wrong doers are individuals

Islam is a religion with strict adherents. It's a very strong connection. Why should a nation like Sweden who has been at peace for 200 years feel connected to soldiers from the other side of the world?

why the fuck european bring the most shittest muslim refugees?

like seriously europens bring the most illiterate and uneducated muslims only

The "good", or rather actual refugees are in refugee camps in Lebanon. All the ones that went further are opportunists trying to get in on the great leeching of Europe, or simply IS agents.


Holy shit....
What the fuck is wrong with Caucasoid?

Massive sexual frustration and probably a skewed view of the West.

but also Germany is bad.
they wanted refugees worker.
refugees always lowest wage and do hard work.

Regardless of Islam being a shit cult and Europe's insistence on offering asylum to young men while leaving women and children to fend for themselves, this is the result of European authorities refusing to acknowledge the reality that violence and criminality are to be expected from some of those fleeing a hellish war zone under agonizingly difficult transit conditions and into an afluent society in which aculturation is challenging for them. This isn't prejudice or biggotry is fcuking basics, there should be some manner of protocols to protect those working with the refugees as a matter of profesional rigueur, treating it as casually as teaching handcrafts to senior ladies is unitelligent for even idealists looking not to offend the exaggerated sensibilities of SJWs.

A lot of this, and crimes against neighbours and other civilians are easily preventable, why the fuck are these so called developed countries so incompetent when it comes to easily foreseeable risks, we are not even talking about terrorists/combatants here.

>It's not like islam allow any shit like this.

In the Koran, Allah literally says he's a-ok with the rape of captive infidels (and their slavery). And the actions of Muhammad, the perfect man, the man all muslims should emulate really doesn't send a anti-rape message.

And of course there are the hadith, where apparently the only objection the Prophet has to raping captives is that it doesn't make enough babies.

>refugees always lowest wage and do hard work.

Kek, these refugees don't work and will never work. A shit ton don't even know how to read.


This, also isn't Jihad written in holy textes too as a way to subjugate unbelivers.

This is the dumbest shit and anyone who turboautistically claims it is so should just get stoned for being a lying idiot.

The authorities there don't care. They have a rigid class system there where the upper class have utter contempt for the average person


Her parents collected money for refugees at her funeral.

There is no waking those people.

The thing is that they play as the victims.

>We are peaceful, is the world that push us to be violent!

Now post all of them with context. You know you can do that. Do it and prove yourself right.

How do afghans even get to Europe ffs it's like 10 countries away makes a million times more sense to go to a neighboring country

little rafts. many die trying. Just shows how desperate they are and the lengths they will go to get what they want.




Barely any die trying.
1.5 million made it to Europe last year and maybe 5000 drowned. Thats nothing.

Bro there's no water between Afghanistan and Europe

I'm so glad our government protects us from this shit, they're bad at everything else

They usually use boats to cross from Turkey to Greece.

Also africans paddle out into the ocean and get picked up by the Italian coastguard.

More than 100,000 came to Italy that way this year.

part of refugees dont work yet. its you're right.
germany has "guest worker problem".
"Guest worker" is slavery. its a reworded.
their economic wanted them.
maybe a lacked of lowest wage worker in Germany.

There is nothing they could do. They have no education. There are no jobs for people like that in western Europe.

>sample size: 1,200
yeah, no thanks

You mean Amerikikes

Why are fugees killing the people who are trying to help them?
It literally makes no sense.

then amerifucking cunts and the rest of these pasty whitecucks pretend to be the "civilized" ones

Whenever muslims try to justify their shitty religion I get triggered because literally most of you don't even know their own religion. Islam is a violent religion, period. The Quran is full of violent passages and so are the hadiths. Your own prophet was a violent warlord who raped, murdered and plundered. What's even more problematic is that the content of the Quran is regarded as the word of God that can't be refuted in the eyes of muslims which makes it unreformable

It was literally made by the army's "Bureau of Psychological Action".

>Raping infidel slaves is alright, don't have sex with other women tho:


>Yo, Prophet, sex is cool with your wives and your slaves, but don't fuck other women


Now, for hadith:

>Hey, Prophet we captured those fine women here, and we've been fucking them: should we cum inside to make babies?
>to which the Prophet, the perfect man, answers: "Lol, yeah, bro, Allah is cool with that shit, make sure to teach them the pleasure of being cummed inside"

hadithcollection.com/sahihmuslim/136-Sahih Muslim Book 08. Marriage/11334-sahih-muslim-book-008-hadith-number-3371.html

What kind of context am I missing here. The Arabs raided the shit out of other tribes and settled communities, and raped all the women they could. The messenger of God said it was alright. It only makes sense that an observing Muslim would be fine with raping the women of the infidels too.

Amen germanbro.

If you make God angry enough, he will kill you and your family with his own sword. 22:24
"The firstborn of thy sons thou shalt give unto me." (As a burnt offering?) 22:29
God promises to "send his fear before the Israelites" and to kill everyone that they encounter when they enter the promised land. 23:27
God has hornets that bite and kill people. 23:28
Moses has some animals killed and their dead bodies burned for God. Then he sprinkles their blood on the altar and on the people. This makes God happy. 24:5-8
Get some animals, kill them, chop up their bodies, wave body parts in the air, burn the carcasses, and sprinkle the blood all around -- in precisely the way God tells you. It may well make you sick, but it makes God feel good. 29:11-37
Have you killed and offered your bullock for a sin offering today? How about the two lambs you are supposed to offer each day? 29:36-39
Wash up or die. This is a good verse to use when reminding the kiddies to wash their hands before supper. 30:20
Whoever puts holy oil on a stranger shall be "cut off from his people." 30:33
Those who break the Sabbath are to be executed. 31:14
God asks to be left alone so that his "wrath may wax hot" and he can "consume them. 32:10
Moses burned the golden calf, ground it into powder, and then forced it down the throats of all the people. 32:20
God orders the sons of Levi (Moses, Aaron, and the other members of their tribe that were "on the Lord's side") to kill "every man his neighbor." "And there fell of the people that day about 3000 men." 32:27-28
"Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book." 32:33
But God wasn't satisfied with the slaughter of the 3000, so he killed some more people with a plague. 32:35
If you can't redeem him, then just "break his neck." Hey, it's all for the glory of God. 34:20
Whoever works, or even kindles a fire, on the Sabbath "shall be put to death." 35:2-3

Fucking scum.

There is not a single proof that Mohammad was an actual historical figure

American soldiers are the only ones who have committed individual atrocities like that in the Middle East in the 13 years since 2003 though, when you factor in the drone strikes and indiscriminate bombing the only reasonable conclusion is that Americans are worthless subhumans


All the other allied soldiers including Brits who have the second largest contingent don't chimp out like this

That's old testament. It holds little purpose for christians apart from noah and genesis.

oh the irony

>"Bureau of Psychological Action"
They were right tho

Whenever you confront muslims with that shit they're gonna come up with shit like "muh context" or "false translation of Arab".. There's en Egyptian Islam critic in Germany with the name Hamed Abdel Samed. Pretty smart guy who knows what a shitty religion Islam is, he's often on TV shows in shit. The funy thing is Muslims have no arguments against him because he had to learn the Quran by heart when he was a child, he knows more about it than all those muslims and that's why they want to kill him.

They move to your country but they hate you.
Americans have been dealing with this shit for years

Don't forget they bring up
>much crusades


>before dying, Abeer prayed to Allah to punish these westerners by making them how it feels if their loved ones are getting raped by foreigners.
>mfw Allah grant her wish
>mfw I couldn't upload Allah's face

>sources/references not given in post I'm quoting
Just another rorkish rant thru a textual medium as far as I'm concerned.

middle easterners and indians tend to rape naturally, my dear malay

What would he say?

yuros aren't American



are you implying amerikans are not westerners?

they can receive support at education by government.
many industry want lowest wage worker.
especially service industry and other more unskilled job wanted it.
their production isnt added statistics somehow.
Germany has high productivity.
but in fact lowest wage refugees(Guest worker) do of many production.


We are but it's Europe that's overran with Muslims not us. They have to wave flags here or their businesses go out of business and/or get beaten

Sources are given here: And here's the source for the picture: pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/

Where are you getting that number ? It says: "The survey involved a total of more than 38,000 face-to-face interviews in 80-plus languages. It covered Muslims in 39 countries, which are divided into six regions in this report – Southern and Eastern Europe (Russia and the Balkans), Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa."

well, you already have niggers and mexicans. it is not necessary to import arabs.

Why is this actually a bad thing to bomb the shit out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria? I forgot

>This video is not available in your country.

ahh yes the american way of dealing with problems "ayy yo just bomb it baka"



One is Christian and the other is an acceptable pagan group

the crisis in europe has made me so thankful for our mexicans holy shit
yo quiero enchiladas

It costs money

Niggers and Mexicans are nowhere near as bad as mudslimes. Well, niggers probably are, but they usually stay in their own communities like Detroit, Oakland, and the south.

>volunteered at a refugee home

she deserved it and I'm glad she's dead