Why do u fap to 2D?

why do u fap to 2D?

cuz its hot

fantasies are limitless, and cleaner look,




im sick of looking at the emptiness in the eyes of pornstars. in the 2D world, it doesnt matter how many dicks a girl takes. she can look like the thousandth is still her first

I need uncensored modern hentai :'c

>>hate pixel sex

cause its fun op

Still get to use a form of imagination. Porn these days is literally...to literal...



cool animation style



what is "modern"




Because it can be anything I want it to be.

I have yet to see 3D girl-on-girl rape. Then again, I haven't bothered to look all that hard.

I didn't get the sauce when I saved this.


Maken-Ki! Season 2 OVA I think

I remember when I first started discovering H on Newgrounds and random virus-infested sites when I was in middle school.

Thanks man, I'll check it out.


Compared to now, a lot of it looked pretty shitty, but I didn't know any better. My friends and I would swap floppy disks full of hentai and regular porn that we'd found around the net on our shitass internet connections.

It is as sexually appealing as 3d animation or normal porn. My problem with porn is the forced and fake pleasure of the girls. Whenever I watch porn, it's only homemade and amateur stuff, because it's more real.

Because 2d women have no flaws

That time when you're just getting into porn and discovering all the classics like Bible Black, La Blue Girl etc. I'm kind of laughing over getting nostalgic about porn.

2010 - 2016

Leaked - stoled hentai uncensored version from the company. just like Kanojo x kanojo x kanojo ova 3

we still posting hentai?

I should go back and play some of those games like Orgasm Girl and Ganguro Girl that got me into it, but at the same time I feel like I'll probably end up disappointed at nostalgia vision.

Because its better.

I guess part of it is an escape too? Like obviously you can go to hentai for stuff that real women can't/won't do.

I'd be curious if there are any super old-school dudes on here from dialup days or even before as far as hentai goes. I'm guessing it was just like trading copied VHS tapes and shit back then? Could you get hentai manga in the states back then?

When did they add the image selection for anti-spam? God it makes dumping impossible now.

I like this one better


now that's a man. check your privileged woman.

>pixel sex
I totally agree



3D is usually more expensive to make, thus most 3D is garbage. Also a lot less 3D in general.

As for why watch 2D of IRL, the ratios are perfect. Perfect tits, perfect ass, perfect body shape. The moans are perfect, and they always look like they're into it.

Contrast that with IRL where a lot of pornstars just look bored or are obviously faking it, or have shitty acting skills.

>pixel sex

Well I guess it was nice thinking back for a while. I guess Sup Forums isn't feeling too talkative tonight.




>why do u fap to 2D?
Because most of the things I'm into are only (currently) possible in 2D.

Heh, 2 I should say.


