On duty (USMC) ask me anything faggots

On duty (USMC) ask me anything faggots

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How do magnets work

Are there any Colt M16A#s still in service, or are you guys stocked entirely with FN models now?

are you a pog?

"Lol I'm like a grunt with a radio"

Currently on driver duty for the OOD. Shit sucks. Had to go to the police department to pick up a couple dumbass 11s from jail so that was pretty funny. Where you stationed at devil dick

Okie, shit sucks

Okie fucking blows man. We're going back in December. We're also going to the Philippines though so it might be worth it

I don't wanna talk to a scientist

I have only had FN, I would have to ask the armory or some shit to find out.

what's your MOS?
Enlisted or officer?

Yeah stuck here for 2 years. Not even the nice base either. All the chicks here are whores or locals. Either way you gonna catch somethin

0621 Radio Operator/ Terminal Lance

how shit/10

Check this shit out!

Whats the deal with all the gay stuff in the marines? Thoughts? I heard that man rape is literally skyrocketing. WTF devil dog?

there's your reason

What's the most deadly weapon on earth?

Honestly marines are just dumb asses. Bored with nothing to do half the time. Some are just fuckin around but others... If you're in the field for weeks and haven't busted a nut, anything starts lookin good to you I guess.


WTF is a gunny, is it like army's old spec 5-8 or more like chiefs or some shit? get one enlisted path you fucking mouth breathing knuckle dragging idiots.

Why don't you stop playing on /b and stand a proper watch? Faggot.

Fuckin, a Gunny is E-7. Still Staff NCO. So in my shop (platoon) it goes 2nd lieutenant (boot af) then the master sergeant who's E-8, basically in charge of everything and knows his job real well. (e-8 is also first sgt) and then there's the Gunny, and the two Staff Sergeanrs are underneath them.

When I was in p-cola back in 08 there was a few female selfie nudes going on. Anyone got some?


What do you think Bill Shortens chances are in the upcoming Australian Federal election? Or are you a Malcolm Turnbull man?

Nah I don't got any wookie pics, but pcola is where I'm from. Better than fuckin Japan I'll tell you that.

What did you make on the asvab? No score fluffing either.

U can't stump
The trump

but you can be a gunny e8, and a 1sg as well that isnt a gunny right? like why have 2 paths there thats fucking dumb. also highest rank being 1sg goes on there too right? like you can have a sgm as your 1sg if he is in your company? seems like some baby back old nerd bullshit

59, should have studied but thought it was gonna be a dumb ass test for dumb ass people. shows I'm dumb enough to join the corps.

Gunny is just rank but when you get promoted you choose whether you want to stay in ur MOS or not and if you do then you're a master sergeant. If you get promoted again ur master gunnery sergeant (master guns). If a 1st sergeant gets promoted then you're a sgt major

Chair Force for this nigger. Got a cousin in the corps and said "hey fuck that shit"

why they got an e-9 slot tho, is that like a SGM for you guys who isnt in a command slot or some shit

Hey there OP, I have a couple of self harm scars from when I was real young (as in 8 or 9). They aren't very visible and I've had no mental problems since. Can I just get through MEPS by bullshitting the doctor and saying I cut myself on barbwire? I have like 4 or 5, and all but one are small and faint.

Thanks, bro.

Sgt Maj is an E9 in a command slot, there should be one for each normal sized unit. Master Gunnery Sergeant would be like one of the overseers for the job because they've stayed in their MOS. both are really high up there but Sgt Major is the commanding senior enlisted

meps dont give a god damn, not op but as long as you pass the tests they dont care.

Get out Sup Forums Sasha.

The corps is the most strict branch to get into. It depends how bad they are. If they're noticeable you'll have to document them, that's when you say you accidentally got cut as a kid but never went to the hospital for it or some shit. Never say anything about being suicidal or depressed. Lie your way through, they have no evidence if you don't tell them.

Why don't they just give you french ruled paper

Can't afford it

Thanks, man. Most people don't even notice them, to be honest. I'm joining the Army. No offense to your branch, but the Marine Corps seems to treat its people like shit (relative to how other branches treat service members).

Plus I don't see the point in joining the USMC if I'm not going to be an infantryman.

Is everyone in ROTC a piece of shit? Everyone I've ever met who was in ROTC was a piece of shit. Usually already had their career planned out and were just in it for the powerfantasy

It depends on the university they're at, in my experience.

funny, most ROTC members in my high school were just in it because theyre nignogs who wanted free college

>Can't afford

Nigger do you know how many corners are cut due to the shitbag leftists we have in office?

They have cut so god damn much in the corps, shut your faggot ass up

Most Cadidiots at my university are insufferable twats. I earnestly feel sorrowful for their future soldiers.

he's not wrong tho

Terminal Lance as radio da fuq? Who did you piss off


What camp, and stick your duty log book pen in your ass.

Just finished BK, Crow Valley sucked dick

The philipennes sucked dice foe me. After that faggot strangled the tranny no one gets libo

the corps is broke as fuck, they took the jacket for my promotion warrant back so they could re-use it

Gotta love them budget cuts.

Also, women in the Marine Corps are butch as fuck.

Is your name Mitch?

yea dont tell them shit even if they threaten to look up your record they cant do that shit and are just trying to scare you, i was kicked out on T-48 for a sleeping disorder because i fell for that shit.

>pog as fuck

96 0331 and terminal lance here

>tfw NJPed for drinking on duty 3 months into the fleet

Why were you drinking on duty?