Guys im feeling pretty low

guys im feeling pretty low.
im actually a 10/10 pseudo alpha
im the guy people wish they were yet i cant even live up to my own standards.
pseudo alpha story thread with your 10/10 goddess

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you're actually a 10/10 yea yea ok bro

only know you're high when you're feeling low...

Hardcore beta detected

pls go kys and leave Sup Forums alone

man im literally the guy that your girl stares at when i walk into the bar yet im walking out alone
>pseudo alpha

>be me
> total alpha
< walk around
> fuck up bitches
< fuck up greentexts
>t thinking im not that alpha
< sad

Werent the instructions clear enought?

Step 1: Kys
Step 2: Fuck off
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit

I know those lyrics : ^(

listen along with me ? : ^(
please play it and let's feel

laying down with headphones listening to this in a quiet room : ^(

10/10 but can't get laid. Sounds legit.

be me
> so i think i can dance
>move to small town in midwest murica
>meat everyone
>instantly regret posting on Sup Forums
>still alone wondering why fags arent posting their 10/10s

saucerino on the picarino please

>have girl back home who I love/she loves me
>too far away to actually be together in a relationship
>have free reign to fuck whoever I want, have and am getting new opportunities easily
>have no desire to even though I have every guys dream scenario

In a similar boat as you I guess OP

>pseudo alpha
>im actually a 10/10
>10/10 goddess
You're a faggot

heres that fomuoli Sup Forumsrioli

>people say i look like bradley cooper
>chicks catcall me and treat me like they don't want to be treated
>not really approachable because 1000 yard stare from years of watching and reading fucked up stuff on the internet
>homeschooled, no real social skills
>always end up dating 8/10's with borderline personality disorder that make me do too much and treat me like I don't do enough

guys I just got dumped and I don't know what to do, I'm not 10/10 alpha but I'm definitely 8/10 so far as looks and height (6'2) please listen to this song for me?

hope you can understand how I feel : ^((

please listen, I have headphones on and this on repeat ugh does it get any better? guys what do i do

very similar boat my bro
i have the girl back home who is my waifu but it doesnt even matter when youre this far. and the girls here are like every fb post talking about
>i dont want to catch feelings
>im not gonna be the one who gets hurt
its kind of crazy how people fall in to relationships that last long term.

If you come whine here you are at best 7/10 and personality maybe even less. Be what you are. Life will be easier.

you can catch this 10/10 inch dick you pussy
i bet you dont even have a goddesses folder
i bet you dont even alpha

God I know the feeling, if she actually lived close to you, you'd have no trouble whatsoever, but distance kills any chance at it.

I've got girls like that too, I just feel bad/like a piece of shit for doing anything and hurting her, and you're completely right, its hard to understand it

to be fair plebably a 7/10 personality on a good buzz. im pretty hard to talk to and most people think im a huge jerk before they get to know me.

Your looks don't make you alpha. You're a beta with identity problems

>you can catch this 10/10 inch dick
Why would I want to?
>i bet you dont even have a goddesses folder
You're right, I don't. Mostly because I've had her in meatspace. Don't feel the need to keep a folder of her.
>i bet you dont even alpha
Right again, faggot, because real alphas don't call themselves such. I'm not an alpha or whatever. Really don't care about my position in the social hierarchy.

Last point is so fucking true, who honestly gives a damn

well i mean i dated this girl for a year+ and broke up with her because "we're better off without eachother" bs. but in reality i just wanted to leave where i was and find myself. i ended up finding a beta with identity problems,

Nothing wrong in finding yourself, and can't tell if last part is sarcasm or...

last part is sarcasm. im not beta or alpha. or feminine or masculine. im a 22 year old dude thats just trying to learn the rules to life. and get laid, same thing. ive mostly found that nobody really knows what theyre doing, personality is fake, and life is repetition. everyones just acting.


"psuedo alpha", nigga pls. Bet you dont even honglong, faggot

Find alot of truth in that statement. No matter what, people are always putting up some sort of show, whether it's to protect you, them, or whomever. And yea life is repetitious, same things just seem to happen over and over again to me, nothing really changes.

thanks user.
im sure youre probably retarded but i find a lot of comfort in knowing someone thinks my autismo statements are comforting.

Not retarded per say, just a bit off mentally (couple of gene defects, cant process certain stuff in the brain). I'm not some socially inept neckbeard so I've got some experience with all of those statements. Just glad I'm not the only one thinking this way either.

>be me
>user you look just like Ben Savage
>get called Cory mathews as a nickname
>get into relationship after girl nearly begged to date me
>ends up telling me she has anxiety, depression and is inbred
>stick it out like a retard not to look like an ass hole to everyone
>things get worse
>likes to be sarcastic but won't let me
>would hit me claiming to hit others as well as a form of teasing but never did to anyone else
>began to hit back cause it pissed me off
>said we didn't spend enough time together
>goes out with friends and doesn't invite me
>goes to see dog over me

TL;DR: don't date in college.
And that's not even everything wrong.
After that whole experience though it's made me take a step back from girls and relationships.
My point being: deal with being a lonelyfag OP.

daily reminder that if you aren't 6.2 feet+ tall and don't make $5k+ monthly you aren't truely alpha.

damn people always call me jason segel so i know youre pain. and i like the fact that you hit her back lol thats so funny

op is 6'4, short bitch.
op does not make 5k a month but he is love his jobs so does dont care

sounds beta m8

... how?

Have you ever hear of a camera or did you break your sisters cam whoring camera?


>were 20
>she was 16
>radhead beauty
>it went on for quite a few months
>butthurt manlets all around
>5 years later
>still see her sometimes

On who you idiot i dont see anything

youre dumb

i went on a "date" with a redhead tonight. shes one of the biggest bitchs ive ever met in my life.

America bitch.
I mean you can lie about being a faggot I guess it is America. Kys make America great again.

Good job takin the b8 m8.

Sauce / post more.

pretty sure its myfairylove from chaturbate


Probably because you're a paedophile.

dont "date" chicks until they beg you for it
even then it was mostly about sex
you sometimes gotta pay for the looks

i mean you can talk like an illiterate bitch it is internet.

Checked and this account has never broadcast

lauren is a goddess her kik is lauren.0502

lol k kill yourself alpha man

Is this whole thread bait??

>goddesses folder

So 1 inch dick
Source: Master in mathematics

master bait

Im that guy too. Except I find myself in polly relationships slot.
Im the guy your partner ditches you for. Its not on purpose either.

> 10"/10" inch dick
sorry, simply a grammatical error

women don't care about looks as much as men do so while you may LOOK pretty good, women quickly realize you're beta as fuck. you can't rate a man based on looks alone. assuming you're not lying abuot how hot you look, then you're more like a 5 and it only gets worse.

With you OP:
> Got the girl everyone wants: gorgeous, smart, outgoing, totally devoted
> living the dream: actor, musician, etc.
> the person everyone wants to be: self assured, confident, etc.
> could do anything
> still lurk/post on Sup Forums
> don't care.
> just want to spend 10 years alone building a castle with my bare hands

I know the feel well.


wow, i totally forgot about that guy.

Your mother probably fucked you up.
Or something happened.
It is fixable, work hard on your self confidence.
Not about image, but the core. Treat yourself decently.
Look for girls who have the qualities you want.
Honest, caring, morally sound. Instead of accepting the attention from the pretty psychos.
The BPDs can sense you, they know they can manipulate you. Just don't let them near.
I'm not far off your scenario, but i have an added bonus.
I wouldn't say i am 10/10, but I have a lot of female attention. People call me good looking. Yet inside I have deep low self esteem, while still having contempt for people.
Things would be more or less fine, I was dealing with this stuff, and finally finding my feet. Then a year and a half ago my balls atrophied - which is still unexplained, and all my libido and a lot of my energy disappeared and hasn't come back.
I don't feel in human anymore. Doctors don't have a fucking clue and it has ruined my life.

If you have your health, you can do something about it. Take care of your true self esteem, don't think about what other people think, and do difficult things that will make you self realised.

the key is to figure out the women you're actually attracted to and only go after them. you will not be attracted to every "hot" 10 woman out there. you won't be attracted to most of them. you can't tell from looking at a picture.

if you think you're attracted to every 9/10 women then you are not in touch with your own attraction. you need to figure that out first.

No need to stay away from all females.
Just learn from your mistakes.

Don't think about what other people will think, if she's not what you want, politely end the relationship, immediately.
Don't wait for the right time, or think about her mood. Decide, and end it. Then cut contact and move on with your life.

Otherwise you are living a lie and it will cause you harm in the long run.

yeah, he's loser self delusional virgin