Yo Sup Forumstards, I need some advices:

Yo Sup Forumstards, I need some advices:
I wanna gain a little weight in the following month (not much, somewhat about 5kg) in the best/cheapest/healthiest way.
What should I do?

Don't sleep as much as you normally do. And try to keep yourself awake by eating

Worst advice ever

Most kek advice ever but not very helpful

Sugar drinks and try to keep yourself awake by eating


Guys, I'm lactose intolerant
Can't drink that filthy milk

Monohydrate of creatine + gym

chug milk. a gallon or 3 a day will do it very quickly


That is the healthiest way not jugging some fucking milk

1lt bleach a day

But will make it the 5kg in just a month?
And how expensive is creatine monohydrate?

Eat more food. Fucking retard

eat cheese

use lactose pills

Drink a lot of water, and eat a lot of carbs. They actually add a lot more weight

This. Yes i gained exactly 5 kg and im ectomorph, dont know what country you are from but about 10€ for 300g which is enough for 1 month

Thanks, mate!

5kg / month is ... how do I put it ... very optimistic goal to say the least.

The best adivce I can give you is eat a lot of calorie dense food: fatty foods (milk ofc, like other suggested, but if you're intolerant you go for greasy burgers) , carbohydrates and ofc Sugar, spice and everything nice ...

Don't work out a lot. Eat a lot before going to sleep. Stuff yourself.

Still Idk if you'll make it 5kg in a month, last days drink a lot of liquid - a lot of it is gonna be watter weight. Oh yea , Salt is your friend. if you eat a lot of salt, your body will store a lot of watter. There you go.

lose your virginity

Sounds not very healthy but I'll think about it.

peanut butter is super calorie dense and has a lot of fat and sugar. it's great if you're hiking or camping

Kk, wanna come over?