Youtubers we hate

Youtubers we hate
Ill start: leafyishere

Other urls found in this thread:



All other voice-over shows and react videos

DJ Kumstar

Don't forget the Hot topic outfit and emo starter hair

Funny how all of a sudden people hate either leafy or h3h3. Leafy was always shit and h3h3 turned shit after his fan base grew



You're triggered AF

All "top 10"s

Hey I'm included in the "we" and I don't hate either.

Freely the banana girl

dw , it's samefag getting triggered

Why is it always fucking 12??

We need a copy paste neckbeard pack here

Idubbz is worse than h3h3 and leafy combined

They wallow in old irrelevant normie memes too often.


Leafy is here + Fans: Hiss with me my 12 yr old bretherins, hiss xDXD memez xd hiss

why ?

>Implying you're not the triggered one

Add filthyfrank and maxmoefoe aswell


filthy frank
pretty much any league streamer
markipiller < I think his name is

Leafy himself is cringe. Hes such a faggot

>Being this triggered

I don't usually wish death in people but I wouldn't care if this guy got gang raped and beheaded. What a fucking cancer

He turns a 20 second google search into a 20 minute video

Agreed , if I had 1 bullet and could kill anyone without consequence , I would slaughter that rancid cancerous swine on video and upload it to his channel, le faps would commence while watching his body leaking with fluids



Every "reactions" channel

True and kek

Notice how 99% of react channels are dirty moneygrubbing niggers or jews?

>2dai we gon reac dis video , i gots me koolaid ma nigga yamean yafeelme main real talk leggo , its jaboy

Every letsplay-channel ever

Oh this guy?
It's comforting to know it's just some triggered samefag

Game theory

lol ur jus mad he attracts cute af 17 year old girls

At least there's a little creativity there, eh?


Cool internet troll



Is it the voice for you too? God damn it I can't stand that faggot's voice.

Never heard of leafyishere until now, looked at the titles of his videos and already don't like him.

Allot of niggers make reaction videos reality of the matter I guess since its takes little to no skill and knowledge

This plus it appeals to younger teens who are swarming on youtube

He's the most cancerous channel on youtube hands down
It's funny how he spends all of his time insulting retards / autists yet he looks like his mother pulled a chromosome duplication glitch during labor
He legit looks like this downy

she literally just used him

LeafyIsHere and Pyrocynical are worthless cancer and I don't understand why they're popular.

h3h3 is okay, used to be better.

idubbz is pretty good.

Vsauce I can't understand you hating except to just be a contrarian faggot. I mean it's hardly the best channel, but there's nothing about it that you should be mad about.

He looks like the type of person (Judging on the video titles) that simply overreacts to things which normal people can ignore.


nah, he made reaction videos to her

She even explains that it is just an act in her two part qna

>reacts to an autistic kid doing some shit

What does Sup Forums think about Vsauce

He's alright , just a bit of a lazy cunt , doesn't upload enough , good to watch , better than 90% of other content

If you hate them why do you watch them? I dont know any of these nicknames

Vsauce is the Tom Hanks of Youtube


They're called Youtube channels dingus

All these reddit-tier youtubers who think they are funny or their opinion matters


h3h3 is cancer on the eyes with all those cuts, over edited to fuck, can they finish a sentence I wonder?

It's a good channel that deserves its success more than a lot of others. There's a good parody of it that I like, but in a friendly ribbing kind of way rather than "this is why this channel is shit":

I just watched my first h3h3 video out of curiosity.

Fucking cringe-bailed after 10 seconds. How the fuck do people enjoy that?

Most of the faggots in this thread are here exclusively to let people on the internet know how cool they think they are for hating channels for no reason.

Leafy and Pyro are cancer
Keemstar and Onision should shoot themselves
idgaf about HowToBasic or Vsauce
idubbz is eh, I loved his most recent video about Keemstar
videogamedunkey is wearing on me a bit
h3h3, Frank, and Jontron are all great imo



Teenage faggot who makes fun of people in his spare time


Grown ass family man who does the same for a living

Ethan is just a pathetic sad shell of a man.

This is a strange complaint. They tend to have fairly long segments of just talking into the camera.

Haven't seen Philip defranco I take it?

>family man

He's married but it's not like they have kids. Leafy is 20, not a teenager, he doesn't have an excuse that Ethan doesn't.

5 star post. I'm also in the boat of mostly being eh on idubbz but loving the keemstar one. Jontron is pretty based.

he is cool
another faggot
fucking jews but still watch them
i cant even think of a reason to hate them

Vsauce is great but Vsauce 2 & 3 are shit though

Didn't he start when he was like 16? He's still just a college kid.

No wonder they don't have kids, his jew wife is probably frigid, I hope they never have children. Imagine what kind of fedora wearing vaping atheist redditor those two will raise?

>Family man
>makes fun of poeple
Yeah but he does it in a cool way, hes not a dick about it. He goofs at himself all the time. What's wrong with making some dough off of it?

Does anybody watch 2 and 3?


>pyro is cool

They are not in love they are just friends.

What does Sup Forums think of EtcNews ?

Idubbbz was great when he was doing his own thing like kickstarter crap .
Now he's into this edgy Filthy Frank stuff that 14s eat up.

its my dirty secret


Fuck that guy




>fedora wearing vaping atheist redditor

Redditor absolutely, but are you actually taking the vape stuff seriously? The whole thing is him making fun of those people. You can see it if you go way back to his old stuff:

You are trying too hard to fit in ma'boi


Dubs and I post leafy dox

Fuck off with those cancerous videos.

How old are you? 15? No wonder you like shit content like theirs.

How is pyro cool?



nice b8 tho

You have just become desensitized to them is all. Watch the video about leafy (another cunt) for example, off the top of my head.

I did once

>Insinuating it's hard to get

>explosive entertainment
>music video sins
>cinema sins

You aren't special. Neither is your list


pseudo science bullshit