Hey fucktards, here's a question:

Hey fucktards, here's a question:

I went to the market to buy some groceries. My beloved wife made a list of items and asked me to not bring junk food so she could keep up with her weight. Wish granted, I only brought vegetables, meat and such. But it happens to be Sunday today, so immediately when I came back, she saw the stuff I bought and said I didn't have creativity to bring a dessert, and that I should've known better.

Question: How do you call this behavior? Could it be butthurt? Or is it more suitable in the whining category? Help me to label specifically this path of action please!

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Screw you guys, I'm going home!

File for divorce. That's what I'd do.

Also fuck you for picking a wife with your dick.

She probably has an underlying issue with you that she isn't comfortable with addressing. So she vents the pent up frustration at any opportunity she gets. Most likely a small matter like a pet peeve. Alternatively she could just be bleeding out her pussy. Trust me user, I'm right about some things.

There is nothing you can do. You'll always be wrong

Slap the cunt,
she's the one who's supposed to go out and do the groceries in the first place.
then slap her again with your filthy sandals.

you should tell the fat cow that dessert is junk food and she needs to stop packing her fat mouth with everything her fat fingers can get a fat grip on

Who cares? Let her complain. At least the stupid bitch is dieting. I wish I could find a bitch who cared about not being fat. Take her stupid ass out for ice cream then. Then eat her asshole.

Are you a psychiatrist?
Unfortunately this is illegal where I am now... Sometimes I wish it wasn't

Just remind her she's fat, as you carefully measure how much ranch dressing she's allowed. What's the fucking problem?



Ding ding ding

man i can't believe this is actually a thing! you just nailed it!

but then again, is this a women general behavior? I don't have much experience with other women...

>Are you a psychiatrist?
I am not.

Just show her the list and tell her she didn't want any dessert.

She is being delusional. Not really honest to herself, that's what it is called.

Wat. Did you meet your wife yesterday? How do you not know her properly?

It's not women general. It's specific to people who don't know how to communicate properly.
Basically, it's abusive behavioural conditioning.
Don't react to it. To apply it to your situation above, when she attacks you for that, you reply with something along the lines of "you asked me to support your effort, I did. There is no ambiguity in your request. If you want junk food, ask me for it". Don't get sucked into an argument, don't allow her to shift the goalposts, just stick to your line.

Best way to avoid gaslighting is to not play the game.

Oh god. Follow this anons advice He knows his stuff!

Eg. (skip to 35 secs)

Off topic, but our equivalent to the bystanders' perspective in this video is if a Korean man was riding around chicago on a scooter spewing indecipherable gibberish in his respective language.

Should have got her fat-free desserts

op, apologize and ask her where you can call in an order, and go pick it up, desert from wherever she chooses.