Battlestation thread

Battlestation thread


Excuse the shitty desk, I'm a poor college student.

majestic af


whats the big thing on the bottom left?

A glass of juice.

How does it feel being the only person in NK with an internet connection?

gas the jews xD

Got the RAM 2 years ago.
Never had a problem with only 8GB and I've run all the high end games out.
I might purchase another 8GB later but for now I don't need it.

How do you earn money for all that?
And what kind of discs are in that shelf?

you need to be at least 18 to browse this site

My anime collection, my most priced posession. I've got another shelf with my katanas, it's not in the pictures, though.


I have the same lvl10GT, great case.

also rad BS.

Do you guys even try?!

Top kek

Not me

I just know how to budget my cash.
I work a shitty minimum wage job.
Rent is cheap because of low income Apartments.
Rent is 648USD a month with water/garbage/sewer paid for.
Electricity is around 40-50 a month.
Internet is 40 a month.
Purchased a car a couple of years back for 3000 and use it mainly for groceries since I live right next to the university.

I make a little extra cash by fixing peoples' computers.

The discs on the shelves are mainly Xbox/PS2 and Gamecube games I purchased back when they released.
Some of the discs are boxed dvd anime like GTO, Berserk, Excel Saga, Tenchi Muyo and Slayers.
Some are burnt discs with movies and shows on them.



So is it easier to get electronics then food??

Same here

>three packs of StarNutrition Whey Proteine
>plush animals in the window

I'm in tears, user.

Quints with fives.


kong harald?

I see your delusions have abated and you're no longer trying to convince strangers that you live in North Korea and have internet access. That's good. You're making progress. Soon you will be well again.

you know it.


Shit, love the desk and the floor.
Just imagine an ultrawide on that.

If only I had the money

is there some optical illusion going on here, or are you sitting on the floor?

nice wheels, ive got the g27 myself

Forget the stupid wallpaper, i had to share the room with my brother till recent

weird angle I guess

holy fug. That place looked amazing. good job user!

Damn, need that.



decent style, dude.

loogs good


Ze Germans know about style, eh?
What do you do for a living? And what kind of matress you got there? Looks really thin...

Did you build the desk by yourself user?.
If so please send the Info forward

I am a joiner and currently applying for study.
The mattress has a spring-core and the around 6 inch thick which is enough for me.

Bit of a poorfag here

>i5 4690
>8 GB
>GTX 970

I like your style

yup that desk was my final piece for the exam to finish my apprenticeship.

i can tell buy the craftsmanship put into your room, looks really good you should open a store or a shop.

it never gets old

Knew it. Had to be something like this. Handwerk-Magazine and the layout for your desk on your corkboard gave it away. Really nice, dude.

This. And make sure you ship worldwide with ridiculous fees. I'd pay to get it to Sweden tbh.


> poor
> HTC Vive

check yourself.

he already did

Thanks, it's always nice to see that people are willing to spend cash for your work.

Thanks that an the corkboard was the desk after the design-phase


This makes me sad.



Another gerfag?

>you live in North Korea
>you own a computer

Nice Moose 10/10

kek that smile fade

Neat lamp.

that jar tho making me crave

My battle station cause I'm not a pc faggot. Games are boring to me.


mfw people spending money on all those flashy cases or 2mil color mechanical keyboards, how about buying a decent monitor without the piss yellow tint so that everything on the screen can actually look good lol

There's only one guy whose monitor has a yellowish tinge and he's clearly a poorfag. He even pointed that fact out.


how do you watch porn when your neighbors can clearly see you?

dan't care, have build it myself, comfy as fuck and chicks dig it.

dat oseberg olje


I live in South Korea

o shit waddup

rate it fags

Not bad.
Pic of you wearing all those?


haven't taken pics with tail yet

This happened



More please.

>3 bulk packs of protein
>Framed pics of cat



Prison cell/10

Call me
Dinners on me.


>jon snow coat


Dat dick trick

solid, 11/10 with the doggo


ill do it soon. i wana shave first
no that's gay
yea man. gotta have those dick skills

I have the same HOTAS

Dat dick jumpscared me


How is it Gay with such a feminine penis?

my penis is manly as fuck mate

Are you in Frizl's cellar?

plz r8

im 16