Can you commit suicide by overdosing on paracetamol?

Can you commit suicide by overdosing on paracetamol?

How will it feel? How long does it usually take? I know it will gradually shut your organs down, or at least fuck up your liver, but I'd like more information. Specifically on how pinful it will be and how many grams you need to take to GUARANTEE death.

I'll stream or like keep everyone updated if I do it.

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Thats like asking can you an hero by eating lots of skittles

You technically can, but the chances it will kill you are as low as it can be. You'll probably have to deal with liver damage for the rest of your live. Must suck, not being able to take medicine and alcohol. Yeah, don't.

don't do it unless you really want the pain.

It's one of the most painfull deaths and you need plenty of pills to completely finish it off.

Basically your blood pressure will rise until the vessels in your eyes pop and you eventually will die from brain or heart damage.

It will fuck your liver up beyond repair and make your life much worse. Don't.

They will just fuck you up permanently, not kill you. Get a helium tank and a face mask. Or are you in a rush and have to get killing yourself done by Monday? In that case better hurry before you change your mind!

helium hood would be the most pleasant way to go m8. No panicked suffocation, just peacefully running out of oxygen and drifting off

Liver transplant

LD50 (rat) : 2000mg/kg

you are 70 kg alpha male so you have to take 140,000 mg.

about 500mg / per pill so you have to take 280 pills.

Hmm alright.

I'm finally left home alone for the first time in a while and I'll be alone for maybe an hour or so. I can't leave the house, is there any way I can quickly kill myself like righhhht now?

Can I kill myself through carbon monoxide poisoning even though I don't have cole around the house???

Just throw some ideas that will GUARANTEED kill me
Don't do it, even with the maximum amount it still takes a week or so and for the most part you will get treatment or someone will find you before you succeed. This is a list of international mental health helplines.


Is there any way I can overdose on that??? Will I die if I mix it with alcohol?

Everyone here is right. Can it be done? Probably. But the chances of it working are slim to none. Anybody finds you and gets you medical attention, chances are nearly 100% they'll be able to save you, albeit with permanent damage done to your body. Its also unbelievably painful. Painful enough that it'll cloud your mind from what you wanted, and you'll run screaming for to the ER just to take the pain away, thus ending up back in the situation where you live, but your quality of life will be absolutely destroyed.

TL;DR - get a fucking gun or jump off a tall building, pussy.

Basically these are true. You need to chug down ~500gramms or ~1 pound depending on your weight.

Then you will die over the course of 8 hours. In these 8 hours you will go blind and deaf as blood vessels will beginn to pop in your eyes and around your eardrums (you will not exactly be deaf, but it will feel like that). Then your heart will stop, you lung will rupture and will with blood or your brain will take severe damage.

Should you be alive after that, you are permanently fucked for live beyond repair.

Ok but it WILL kill me??

I weigh 40kg and I have a full box of 650mg pills.

Ive read it will take DAYS or months to kill you, not 8 hours?

STFU you can't die from paracetamol. I take them everyday and I'm not dying or liver dmg whatsoever.

Maybe we are more of them man in arabian country so we will have stronger liver. Noone ever died from paracetamol here.

Pure bullshit!

>I weigh 40kg

why don't you just jump off a high building... fucking idiot

This just google helium mask faggot.

>do it

With this dose it will take month because you will die from liver damage and not the overdose and high blood pressure itself.

With 40kg it could just be enough to fuck you to death in a long period of time.

This is one of the least reliable and most painful ways to try and kill yourself. Do not do this.


5g of paracetamol is enough to induce fatal liver failure.
Within 2 days you'll be in a coma and most likely die.
There is no way to reverse paracetamol poisoning after its absorbed.

Best effect would be to rectally insert 10x500mg pills, that way the maximum amount is absorbed directly to your bloodstream.

Also, in the possibility of you serviving you'll need a new liver and be in pain the rest of your life, have fun!

I'm 160 cm so it's not that odd

Will it be less painful?

Not true.

N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine can be directly blocked, thus stopping the liver to metabolise it. You will basically just piss out the rest then.

It would also take much longer with that dose.

Paracetamol won't diffuse taken anally.

You are pure misinformation.


DNP & Alcohol. You will die within hours. You probably won't feel much but heat. You will die for sure because there is nothing you can take that will stop it. Not even in a hospital. You are dead the moment you take it.

Nigga that's not paracetamol



Pls tell me more of how the dying process will be! Ive been scared to take it cause I thought it would be extremely painful.

I have five or six capsules with between 800 mg - 1 g of crystal dnp in it

But NAPQI it the stuff in paracetamol that kills you.

I'm in my third semester chemistry, so I could be wrong here. But wikipedia kinda supports what I say.

Nvm, you're quite right lol, sorry.

If you have 8 mg its ok

FUCK YOU NIGGER! Don't do it!

I said that because noone but fitizens or skellys have DNP just lying around...

Don't kill yourself. I don't want to be the reason you burned yourself from the inside!

Ok no but actually if u know what the provess will be like pls tell me

don't listen to any of those faggits here
it's real easy to overdose on paracetamol
4gr and above is considered leathel
in other words, 8 500mg pills and you're good to go...

it's not the most comfortable death.. rather a painful one as your orgens shut down starting from the liver.. you can mix this up with some sleeping pills for a better experience.

to conclude, swallow 8 or more 500mg paracetamil tabs and some sleeping pills and bye bye you fucking loser
who the fuck commits suicide these days you dumbshit!
just move to somewhere new and start from zero as the man you wish you were....

Lethal dose of paracetamol (acetaminophen) is about 15g and it takes about a week to die from liver damage. Acetylcystein administered within 8-12 h of overdose can often inhibit the adverse effects of paracetamol and its toxic metabolites.

You are really serious about it?

Where do you live?

I'm very serious about it and where I live isn't of importance

1.Jump from a very high building
2. Shoot yourself if you're an amerifag
3. Get beaheaded by train -> instant death

why would you do this?

Having some trouble why life is worth living, you should not kill yourself it's not good. think about all the people you will leave behind who will miss you that you are gone, even if you think they won't they will, as we only get one turn on this earth and you should make the most of it :)

death by taking paracetomal is very painful, your liver is shutting down and cannot deal with the toxicity and you will die a slow and painful death where giving you pain relief is not possible because your liver won't function.