What the hell are they expecting to find?

What the hell are they expecting to find?

Benden Fraiser and Willam DeFoe
Journey to the center of Earl

And you guys want to give these child raping deviants the same rights as humans...

the hell


dank memes


The secret to going super saiyan

well he stilllllll

hasn't founddddd

what he's lookin for...





Third place, turd place?

Alright faggots. Since I know none of you go to fucking church, and you probably need something to do in between jerking off to traps and gay shit like this. Come join my group chat on Kik. We don't care who you are. What you like. Just come join and bullshit. Share some boobies, tell us some stories. Come have a good time. We only ask that you have a profile pic(we don't care what it's of), and that you be active.
If you have a modded Kik
If you need to be added
>Message ChiefArdy

Whats wrong? It looks like a perfectly executed finisher to me.

Dubble dubz now you have to join


a Republican

doesn't seem possible to get a grown man's arm almost entirely up there like that


Can't see why not, I got my entire fist up my dad's urethra.

why is he wearing gloves on his hands when he shove his whole arm in there anyways???

probably wants to keep his nails clean.


booty, obviously

Cure for aids

But he is male. Why would a male have nails?

satisfaction, sadly

Post this picture.... get a ton of replies. Post a picture of my pretty 11 year old neice outside yesterday wearing nothing but flip flops with a running garden hose up into her snatch, 2 replies and it mysteriously is gone.

This place really is a faggot cesspool.

More butthurt than the dude in OPs pic

I heard Dave Thomas from Wendy's loved this kinda stuff.

>details about Zootopia 2

This happened