Does anyone remember the troll on Jesus Chatline

Does anyone remember the troll on Jesus Chatline
Why aren't we doing these raids anymore

Other urls found in this thread:

Some classic keks where had. Sup Forums seems to have moved away from what was a community of people who did fun shit, to one where people just coax trap porn and lolis from each other

In short, Sup Forums has gotten shit

This is true.
Sup Forums used to be full of shit, but the shit wasn't as bad or plentiful. The shit gradually got worse over the years, and continues to. It's better to enjoy it now then complain more later.

That jesus chatline thing was actually all staged by Sup Forums in the end. These "raids" weren't even raids to begin with, just retards falling for it and thinking it's genuine.

Thos nigga gets it.


This rustles my jimmies.

ofcourse and the hal turner raids were probably fake too right?

What about this classic raid

Was this fake as well? faggots

Sup Forums was never good, it was only less shit. While people complain, the shit gradually gets worse, and they start complaining more. There is no end, only shit.

>Oldfag Truth

Why are you pointing out something that has nothing to do with this thread? I was only mentioning the jesus chatline.

Fucking hell.

If you guys stayed on those chatlines long ago you'd know that the guys of that "show" would actually talk about Sup Forums and how they sometimes felt like some people were being genuine with their problems.

In some cases it was, in some it was not.


Come on, that's trolling 101 shit. Everyone knows that. Last raid I was in on was about a year ago off twitch by some jap named Celadon or something. Use to make kids fry/salt their hard drives, can whores shave and eat their hair, that type of stuff. Think he's gone now.

They moved on to do some gay "trucker hotline" thing that isn't funny or entertaining

its all way too fake now and its not fun when you can tell they're acting poorly

Twitch user - "queenswe"
Raid opportunity?



honestly, I miss this

Last (Tuesday?) we tried, but didn't have enough to form a swastika, and we weren't organised that well. We need to find a site to plan out raids, one nobody would go to, meaning no white knights or mods, but has lots of troll accounts already set up.
That site.....

you faggot

that shit was funny once, now its just old tired and boring
if you think thats a raid, you need to grow the fuck up

We need to brain storm a new and creative raid of some kind.


most of us grew the fuck up

>"trolling" a troll

how fucking retarded are you
kys u fucking newfag

So what's a raid then? LOIC?

summer already huh?

Found the hipster.

WHAT did you say to my nigger, fucking keyboard warrior.
Tell it to my face in real life, lets see how brave you are bitch

Where you at then homo?

Halsey St, Brooklyn, NY 11216, USA

Ill fuckin rip your head faggot

Halsey St, Brooklyn, USA

Ill fuckin rip your head faggot

Naah.. Too fuckin' far. I'm at Lexington Ave.


Thanks for having my back, Sup Forumsro I don't know.
May Lord Helix bless you with dubs today.

True Capitalist Radio is back on the air after 4 years gone on Blog Talk Radio.
Some people are already on it trolling.

Come over here then faggot. This is me. I'll be waiting.



Macon St, Brooklyn, NY, USA I'l smack you up nigga I'l be waiting in front of the Silver Jeep come at me faggot.