Waifuism thread

Waifuism thread
>Neo edition 2
>Neo is mine AGAIN
Neo claimed

Other urls found in this thread:





You're welcome! I hope you become regular in the threads

D. Va is best girl, but I main mercy

I gotta go now, cya all later!

In and out. Bye guys, cya later!


Leaving with dubs.
I like your style.



No she is mine



Obligatory claim.

>claiming yume

i like your style

Did somebody say, [Neopolitan, Blessed Queen of the Dairy]?

Two scoops of free ice cream if you bring your waifu. We have (lemon), vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, liqourice, mojito,Syndra Cream, cheeki breeki, malted french people, mint, little white chocolate dolphins, caramel (in exchange for you soul) and "I don't care" (Only availble in exchange for secret Nazi tech secrets).
If I missed your ice cream just ask and we'll brew some up right away. We'll also spike other people's ice cream in exchange for a human sacrifice.

>pic is authentication of my love for Neo and Shaymin.

Toga claimed.

so what's going on with Call of Duty right now
im a bit confused

ill take vanilla

Bye prinz!

Hi welcome to the thread

Confusion and desperation.

I'll take mint, please.
>Good to see you


Shiki claiemd



D.va claimed again

Infinite Warfare looks like shit (like every COD after Modern Warfare 2) and DICE is making a Battlefield set into WW1, so everyone is saying COD is dead.

Thank you! Is there anything I should know before posting here regularly?

free ice cream?!
oh, uhm, I want... uhm, I'm not sure
what would you recommend me?



They hyped up a remastered version of MW4 (which everyone wanted).
Then decided that the remastered version could only be brought with Infinite warfare (which no one seems to want)

I think.

ill have a Syndra Cream and a chocolate with no toppings please
>goodbye hugs

>sachi claim


>sandworm a cute

This too >Kyouko

>always here

Newcomer? Cool, always nice to see new faces here. Hope you become a regular poster.

>Just come in and talk to anyone when you please.
>Really all these threads are now are hugboxes and a conversation hub

Always a best, you pass out last night?


Alright...when do you wish you were born?
60s, young enough to enjoy the lovin age of the 70s, the synth age of the eighties, and the punk and grunge of the nineties.
That and the political system was kinda cool too

Glad to hear it, Cowgirl.

Yes, I did. Fatigue hit me pretty hard along with state heat. Body just sort of bailed, sorry.

Last good CoD imo was BO2

So it's going even more into the future? What the fuck are they doing?

Is the reception of the new Battlefield game been good? It sounds fun.

So a GOOD CoD is only going to be able to bought Space Warfare... Nice going Infinity Ward.


I meant has

You're stuck here forever and we have /thread/ memes and we all get close to each other. Weird but you'll know what I mean soon


I'm more of a kikimora tbh

Always and forever?

Pretty much the current era, wouldn't mind maybe 5 years earlier.

>So it's going even more into the future?
Yep, you're pretty much playing Halo at this point.


Everything goes a little bit insane some times.

I always wanted to be born in 1811.

I wish I was born in the far off future, when we can traverse space with ease.

Probably around 2300 just to see how far our technology has advanced.

Ooohhh, good choice. I agree completely.

>Hand chuckling

How'd you sleep/lurk, Gold?

Free may mays.

>Is the reception of the new Battlefield game been good? It sounds fun.

It was received pretty good. Mostly because a lot of people are tired of all the futuristic shitty FPS.


But it's EA, they can fuck up at anytime to be honest.

I will literally marry Maki one day

Super cute!

I'm fine being in the 90s tbh. But being born in roman era would be pretty cool. Gotta get the glory for rome

Turning it to halo. If they have a zombie mode, it'll be called dead space right?

Claiming the best wifu

Thanks, I plan on posting here as often as I can now.

It sounds confusing.


I see you.
Obviously feudal Japan but with anime.
Really though as much as I like history and make the modern day I'd rather not die of a cold when I'm 30 so either modern day or the future if we finally get off our asses I can just planet hop.
Nah that's what I figured, better that then you getting raped, I was pretty damn tired to so I fell asleep shortly afterwards.

30s, like Elvis
I could watch most major events of the 20th century and die before society goes down the tubes

Hey Hand-kun, it's been a while. Good to see you too. Two scoops of mint coming up. Have a good day today?

Mhm, we (the real OG Neo don't trust the others) always give out free ice cream. As for recommendations, that's a hard one. We have any flavour of ice cream that you could ask for. Cookie dough, stracciatella, Syndra cream, raisins. I really couldn't give you a recommendation since there are so many that are great.

Of cours--


>Hey. Hey Syndra, somebody ordered Synda cream.

Scoop of Syndra and a scoop of chocolate coming right up, Sachi. How has your day been?

Who dat?

Akiko claim

Arrived back at my place and it's fucking 25°C outside and I feel like I'm melting. This is not okay. It's not even summer yet and it's this hot. Who the fuck allowed this to happen.
>tfw I went outside


Why are you trying to give her cancer? Quit.

Her V.A. is pretty young...

>headpats the pat

Give it some time

Morgiana a cute ex slave girl

taking these unclaimed beauts

dont be like that :(
i want icecream toooo~


Or if you prefer vndb

Pochaco mine, you can't have her.

In texas, that a nice cool weather lol


Nice! Glad you feel welcome here, friendo.

Hope your day has been going well.

>What you up to?

Ahh, okay. Hope you slept well, buddy. Was very tired myself as well.

Indeed it has, lovely. Feeling's mutual and thank you for the scoops.

Day's going well so far, thank you kindly for asking. How might your day be going, beautiful?

>South is always in a constant state of melting
>I'll send help

chocolate is a safe bet, I'll have a choco ice cream, real OG Neo

>off by one

/waifu/ memes

Oh my god

I think Treyarch is definitely better than Infinity Ward at this point. They aren't doing as much stupid shit and zombies is still as fun as ever.

Speaking of futuristic FPS how does everyone like BO3
Personally I don't have an Xbox One or a PS4 but my brother does but I'm a pretty big fan of zombies I've only played zombies

If it has a zombies mode it'll probably be shitty like Advanced Warfare zombies

Hello fellow Texan.

My room is a consistent 26 degrees celsius.
I can't take this shit.

>/waifu/ memes

Damn you guys are golden with your choices!
Activacion de Lurk Mode

What do you mean?

I guess I'll have to.

I haven't been doing much.


>Pile a cutest!
>Alas this is a 2D thread

Of course.

I slept alright. I'm still a little busy so I'm replying kind of late.

>I'm not here

>mfw no replies

today has been pretty good actually just eating chocolate ice cream right now
>life is good

Any toppings? Since it's one of your first times, we'll even add some extra love and care to it. Just for you. (Don't tell anyone.)

I had a really, really awesome day. Was originally going to go to the cinema with a friend, but she realised that there was an anime and games con going on about 2 minutes away from the cinema. So we went there instead and she got commissioned for me as a birthday present. So all in all, a really good day.

Just be prepared.

Ahhh, fair enough. It's absolutely boiling outside right now in England. We're not used to this and I'm running exceptionally low on ice cream rations. Not sure how I'm going to survive the night. If I die of overheating, I leave the shop in your hands...


Yeah, I know I'm gonna be tired later on today but it was worth it.
You can't hide those tits from my eyes.

Don't know own whay gameplay is like since I haven't bought a cod game since mw3

An MGE lover and lives in texas?! Wut city if you don't mind me asking?

Trust me. You'll love it here! And get ready for spammers

;_; stop it

Just like the bun

Looks like all your dreams turn to ashes, user.

no toppings, just delicious choco
>extra love and care
you know how to get customers and make them happy
I won't tell anyone

Indeed, while I'm not a big fan of COD in general I think what they shit out is still fun.

Alright, same here. Glad you're just relaxing if that's the case. Lazy Sundays as usual.

Glad to hear it, man. It's all good, take your time. Hope everything's alright.

That sounds like a pretty good day to me, glad to hear it's been going so well for you. Birthday present? It's your birthday or was it a preemptive gift?

Yeah, I enjoyed our conversation last night. State sounds pretty great until you mentioned what's a bit further down the road, at least where you live sounds fairly nice. And getting deadlifted by you mid-horror, kek.

Just gotta say something man. Join in on a covo. What's up?

is that a bad thing~?



My birthday was on Friday. I don't really care for birthdays that much. Spending time with my family is enough, but she felt bad for not getting me anything so the picture came to be. Although I still want to go and see Jungle Book, the live action one. It does look really good and JB was one of my favourite childhood films.

I see you got dubs. We give out an extra scoop for dubs. Three scoops of chocolate ice cream coming right up. Tub or cone?

A Moon Shaped Pool happened on Sup Forums.

I live in Round Rock. Sorry for responding late.

you can have a print of you're waifu for $0.99 ~

it is a clock. the numbers represent each facet of men and women, and the cyclical nature of life and death. the 3s at the top and bottom are heaven and hell, the left side is life right now, the right side is this life in reverse. the 2s are women, the 1s and 3s on the right and left side are men.

the 2s are meant to represent the constant nature of women, and the difference between the 1s is "good" men and "bad" men ( in a sexual respect. men who want sex and men who don't).

the numbers are symbolic also for the importance of each gender in their respective lives. on the right side men are more important since they are farther from being similar to heaven and hell ( 1 is farther from 3 than 2), and on the left side since it is this life in reverse the men who were 1s before are now 3s and are identical to heaven and hell and 2s are instead the superior number.

In this life men are better; on the other side women are better. we balance each other out. the 1 that is being pointed to represents me and my being a "good" man because I do not want to enjoy life, but I used to be a "bad" man and I would've been pointed at the lower 1.

>An MGE lover and lives in texas?!
I was exaggerating a bit, I don't want to go down there but I'm not gonna avoid it at the cost of my life you know, its like going down a bad neighborhood in a big city but its just one of those things where if people stay on their own side of town or the county then everybody can get along.
Shit man that sounds like fun, just deadlift somebody as their scared shitless at a horror movie.

just preparing for an exam..not much
i just hope this one goes undead