




Damn. You guys are all virgins. Lmao. Go get laid . Fuck boys.

Found the 14 year old

You think because I want porn I don't fuck anyone?
Go back to facebook.


Awe you're just mad that I called you out. You're just mad that the closest you'll get to sex is masturbaiting to 2D fictional women.

You should seriously kill yourselves.

And oh I call you out on being a virgin so you assume I'm 14?

Try 19 fuck boy

>permavirgin detected

nice one!

Requesting Widowmaker solo.
>AKA no dicks plx

>Try 19 fuck boy

You're still a kid.

If you had someone to fuck that was even remotely attractive you wouldn't need pron.

She's probably a hambeast


wow you can go out and get some smokes.
still sucking dick for boos?


If you get on this site and you're any age above 25, you're most likely a wizard in the arts of virginity.

Drinking is for the feeble minded. Lmao.

Post the fucking porn and quit sucking dicks.


>being this butthurt

No one is butthurt but you. Lmao.

>they all took the bait

The funny thing is, I know for a 100% fact that you're all virgins because you look at porn from not just fictional characters, but fictional characters from a videogame.

Jeez, it's actually sad to know everyone in here I'm talking to is an overweight permavirgin.

19? lol
Kid, you don't know how the world works, you just think you do. Remember this day in 10 years.

>19? Lol

Overweight Virgin Oldguy detected

>probably doesn't have a social life


Thorbjorn OP

Shut up fuck boy.

Eat dubs bitches

You are half trolling kid, I believe you believe what you are saying, you are just being obnoxious about it, learn what trolling actually is.

Eat 69 bitches

Oh wait, you're all virgins so none of you, and I mean NONE OF YOU, know what sweet Poonany tastes like

Quality post or gtfo fgt

I do both, whats the problem?


But you see

The...the think is *pfft*

You..... Took the bait.... L..m...a...o





More liek dis plz


Can't make me so go suck on a frozen turd

But you don't and unless you have proof you aren't fooling anyone


Has a slight metallic taste even if she is straight out of the shower, starts to taste a little off after about 8 hours of no showering with a slight smell and the metallic taste gets stronger. After she wakes up from a good nights sleep is a toss up of whether or not you really want to eat her out, if you try to kiss her afterwards she might be repulsed, she will notice it more than you did.

Trolled this thread pretty good.

Fucking try hard dude... Holy shit.

I'm sorry but that isn't what pussy tastes like. Probably metallic because you have a 1000$ sex android BC you're too much of a loser to get laid.

>took the bait

itt virgins vs virgin accusers

Awe you're just mad that you took the obvious bait.

Why don't you go outside and get a girlfriend

>can't BC he's fat



What does it taste like in your experience then?
Are you one of those filthy animals who thinks it smells and tastes like the backs of your hands because you go too long without washing them? That says more about you and the woman you are eating out than anything.
The default taste is metallic, I have tasted it in the shower five seconds after she did a cleaning, any taste after that is because she is getting progressively dirtier down there.


O shit waddup

Duh's correct

Actually dude googled it because he doesn't know.

>tfw this kid literally googled what a pussy tastes like

pfffffffffffffffff "you assume I'm 14? try 19!" you sure told him fag

Literally kill yourself dude

I did. Thank you bby


This clock. I keep looking at me. It keeps looking back, tick-tocking, reminding me of how my it steals my life.

The void feels so close it is terrifying.

someone help

it is a clock. the numbers represent each facet of men and women, and the cyclical nature of life and death. the 3s at the top and bottom are heaven and hell, the left side is life right now, the right side is this life in reverse. the 2s are women, the 1s and 3s on the right and left side are men.

the 2s are meant to represent the constant nature of women, and the difference between the 1s is "good" men and "bad" men (in a sexual respect. men who want sex and men who don't).

the numbers are symbolic also for the importance of each gender in their respective lives. on the right side men are more important since they are farther from being similar to heaven and hell ( 1 is farther from 3 than 2), and on the left side since it is this life in reverse the men who were 1s before are now 3s and are identical to heaven and hell and 2s are instead the superior number.

In this life men are better; on the other side women are better. we balance each other out. the 1 that is being pointed to represents me and my being a "good" man because I do not want to enjoy life, but I used to be a "bad" man and I would've been pointed at the lower 1.

Ah shut up you're just mad that I derailed this sad sad thread.

trollception, I'm outie.

if you're over 25, you're instantly a waste of life kek

Redundant and unfunny and inaccurate

do you even listen to yourself

>derailing a thread on Sup Forums

No. I'm not speaking. I'm typing. I can't hear what I'm typing, I'm reading it.

Why are you retarded?

Faggot thinks poon tastes like doritos and dew. Go back to CoD, you summer fag.

Awe now you're mad BC I figured out that you literally googled what pussy taste like.

That's literally it? just porn? the game is only in beta and theirs porn. you should all be ashamed.

And y'all are just mad that I can summon Heaven at any time

Thank you awake bro

better with sound

Please stop fucking arguing and post the porn already. If you dont like this, get the fuck out and dont complain

Bait = detected

Cry about it fat ass

>bait was announced already
>troll admitted to trolling

>retard detected

>Thinking i read the whole thread before posting
Nigga, this is Sup Forums

you got hecks?

Lmao and that's why you're retarded

Officially derailed

no mercy for dat ass

Shut up bitch

No one cares about your bad overhyped game


shut up psycho

Just dropping in, My ex went vegan not too long ago. We sorta, still have sex now and then. Anyways, since she went vegan she doesn't taste like pennies anymore. She's like a big wet tasty kiss I love it.

>Sup Forumsros eat vegan pussy, tastes just like chicken

You cared enough to reply to thread, faggot.


Mei is bae

Fucking kek

But not enough to want to buy the game


>overwatch porn thread
>no overwatch porn

it's not bad... and i didn't really see much hype.

it's overpriced, though.


What movies has this gayboi been in? Everyone keeps photoshoping this actor's face everywhere online



Jesus, That's really quality

Yes it is bad, I refuse to buy and be disapointed with Blizzard shit anymore



the only thing i dislike there is that hitboxes seem huge or something... generally lag compensation or whatever is a bit nuts there, sometimes you hit when you're not hitting at all. other times it seems like you shoot through them). oh well, still an improvement from tf2. tf2 was getting boring, it needed more classes.



what is the point of this shitlinking? you realize builtin ext tells it's another thread for like 30 years now?
