Got shutdown b/ros

Got shutdown b/ros

66 decides my reply

I may seem like the desperate one here, but maybe I should tell you about myself a little more. I vape, watch all the GOOD Anime, and hate all the mainstream shit. If you have any common sense and want my D, here are a few requirements: you must be an atheist, dress classy (I can provide a fedora from my collection), and watch anime. You should give me some pics to show me what I have to work with... ALL of it. Be at my place by 7PM tomorrow, or I can pick you up. We will be watching anime and having intellectual conversation.


Fucking dubs.
Hope you have enough for a prostitute if you ever want sex again.

hahaha...INSTAWIN OP

Damn. One shot one kill


I should just change my name to Dubs Fucking Checkem. Lord HELIX, God of Anarchy and RNG, always comes through for me.

that was quick

Holy fuck the instawin






Cool off the hook with the fat chick bro


Normally i'm all for these threads but she is being upfront with you in a polite way. Maybe you should just take this one like a man OP.



Holy shit we did it


The roll isn't that bad though

OP, you sealed your fate but ill help you. Do you want to fuck this girl or what faggot? Well you have to he an alpha. Say this and only this and if she comes off as rude say "alright then shit i was just tryna get some top" anyways so this "look jess you tryna fuck or what? You can make time to get ya back blown out or i can drive up there and give you the pipe so whats good? " and you're golden op. Bitches love that dominace shit ive fucked 3 feminist with that line and they weren't whales just had armpit hair

And OP might be a faggot....

fuck you too bitch

Godspeed OP

He he






Also checked.

You fucked up OP. You shouldve been like

hey im going to (insert fun place) you should try and make it out there

And when she's like

Oh yeah sure

Say something like

K. Just make sure you keep your hands to yourself ;)

And then she wouldve been like well it IS. a (insert fun thing) on a (fun time) maybe if he's running things where we go ill let him smash

Its like chess dude you had no end game

Now who wants ass pics because i know someones gonna call me a beta lying faggot


Once again, OP is a faggot

As much as the instawin 66 is awesome, this guy is right:

desperation is kryptonite for your love life. Focus on your strengths, being a badass, get your confidence together. You don't need a woman.

deliver you bitch

Why are there so many line breaks in your post, faggot??


Oi stop being little bitches

OP if you dont deliver you should really kys

You think distance is a killer? Wait until I show up at your house. Then we'll see what is a killer.

Betas betas betas smh go turn alpha wont you?

>just make sure you keep your hands to yourself ;)

kill yourself

OP, do not disappoint me

Cause i get pussy

I can do what i want cause obviously im doing it right

Why does it russell you?

ugghhhh good lord... stop posting virgin.



I will. Drowning in this pussy

Go ahead

Reverse image search




LolLing at ur fine calling you a virgin

you're so cool and alpha


>posts fat Sheboon nigger ass with poop clearly on her butt cheek


OP here, that really doesnt make any sense and isnt that good for how good the roll was. Reroll, trips of any kind decides

Bait or not, that picture alone puts me above 70 percent of Sup Forums. You crybabies get mad and anything that sounds to "scary" or "risky" or reveals sexuality in anyways gets called "cringe"

Who has the last laugh here, really?

kill yourself. like even if it's b8. just die.

deliver you fag

no, this is my thread and ill decide how it goes. If you dont like it gtfo

Timestamp faggot


You activated my trap card. I wanna see your sexts now

Since mine are so shit quality

sleep tight tendie

it is a clock. the numbers represent each facet of men and women, and the cyclical nature of life and death. the 3s at the top and bottom are heaven and hell, the left side is life right now, the right side is this life in reverse. the 2s are women, the 1s and 3s on the right and left side are men.

the 2s are meant to represent the constant nature of women, and the difference between the 1s is "good" men and "bad" men ( in a sexual respect. men who want sex and men who don't).

the numbers are symbolic also for the importance of each gender in their respective lives. on the right side men are more important since they are farther from being similar to heaven and hell ( 1 is farther from 3 than 2), and on the left side since it is this life in reverse the men who were 1s before are now 3s and are identical to heaven and hell and 2s are instead the superior number.

In this life men are better; on the other side women are better. we balance each other out. the 1 that is being pointed to represents me and my being a "good" man because I do not want to enjoy life, but I used to be a "bad" man and I would've been pointed at the lower 1.

sleep tight tendie

sleep tight tendie

Probably us when u get aids

Sleep tight tendie

wrong. its tendie's thread now


No time stamps

But here's her pussy after my huge cock has been up in there

Whos gonna call me out on having a huge dick? Come on fags, lets here the gay ones beg and the little dick ones deny

sleep tight tendie

Guess dying a virgin has its perks too

Thats actually legit. Noce job m8 u proved yourself

I'm gay and I don't give a shit. Faggot.

No one cares fgt

Sheboon, that made me laugh

Being inside that nasty swamp is nothing to be proud of.

sleep tight tendie

who's* let's* hear* one's* you autistic fuck.

And then, the cuck OP killed a great thread. I'm sure she'll come back so you can raise her black son you bundle of cocks

Y are you on b if u are having sex? Being on b at all makes you a massive faggot by default

youre just mad you couldnt roll a good post you dumb nigger

You fucked subhuman pussy, congrats? Not everyone here is brave enough to commit beastiality but hey, good job limp dick, now try fucking a real woman.

Thanks man quality or not i worked really hard to have the sex im having. I had to get rejected ALOT...almost 2 years before the pics started rolling in

Lol its pubes look

Fuck you too cunt bitch i know where you live

>rejected for 2 years
nigger, sand nigger or indian detected

>not everyone here is brave enough

And that's why you won't even get mid grade pussy


Fucking beg. Reverse image search it.

Fuck you OP, go suck a dick.


That was a great roll how dare you
Good, give my address to your girl so I can show her what a real man is like

this thread is a bust. Please someone hack OP's computer and release information of this faggot.

Long distance relationship cannot exist

Post this you dumb cunt faggot

Dude we're good, no one wants your pics, try fucking above shitskins and then we'll talk.

Hilarious how desperate you are for acknowledgment.

I'm same fagging here

Any challengers?