Tell me user

tell me user

She's in the fridge


No. Fuck off.

yes, i spiked your drink

Have you told your mother "Happy mother's day" yet?

I went to her grave.

good on you user

come new photos


That grotsky bitch needs to learn how to apply mascara.


still do not know who is this bitch

No because mothersday was fucking months ago, amerifat

There is nothing funny about it.

I don't mind it :^)
Usually not looking at their face while im ramming them for up to and including 5 minutes

She's a famous CP Star

did u maek peepee on grave?


CP star known as Slimy Skanktits Mcgee
Probably getting v& now for telling you

CP star???


Chinese Potpourri

Go back to your room brat


Shes not a cp star
Just a youtube slut with an amazing ass

What's the name?
Asking for a friend

've seen better asses, but I heard that she was hacked, this is true?

Her name is Megan Turi

and eyes

megan turi

Yes,her eyes are beautiful


she had a channel on youtube, but it seems everything has been deleted, just do not know why

m.imgur com/AH6uxan?r

You are all welcome

God damn im in love with her
