Rate me?

Rate me?


Post tits + timestamp then we'll rate

Did someone punch you in the mouth?

Tits or gtfo.


would let you put those around my dick / 10

I'd put my dick in there

mhm i like your lips :) can't really roast half a face/ no body



tits or gtfo


12 years old/21 years old.

Gtfo child.

Sucked on nips too much/8
Now tits

the fucks wrong with those lips? gtfo

It's a tarp.

10/10 perfect would fuck every day

show ass

GTFO you pedophile shit

What thos lips do doe

Them lips there are made for sucking cock, user


>rate me
>posts picture of her chin
your a special kind of idiot arent you op?
post some fucking tits with a time stamp or fuck off


10/10 DSL

Where you from op

>Rate me based on my lips

The fuck is this bitch know the rules

Gorgeous lips babe post more ;)

Was machst du hier Anna-Lena?

would put my dick between those lips/10

Not trips asshole

so many pedos tonight wtf b

Wat an idiot

Oh you nearly got dubs man

ur dumb

i'd smash

need more

Damage control

These dubs are insane!

Off by 2


No tits, no rate.

lol nailed it, nice double 61s


she'd make a good fuck toy

That... Is the EXACT same poster that hangs at my piano teacher's room. The guitars are different though.

omg ty nice dubs man

Timestamp, we don't know if you're just some neckbeard Sup Forumsro hungry for attention.

now that's more like it

TITS AND TIMESTAMP OR GTFO. we dont care about your girlfriend unless youre just dumping her nudes.


funny my underwear is from calvin klein we have something in common, no time stamp though

tits: 8.5/10
face: 6/10

Show pussy :$ too cute... Reminds me of ex


Hairy or shaved?
spit or swallow?
Coke or Pepsi?

Shit I didn't know anyone else saved this pic....I requested this picture from some femanon like a month ago and she delivered to me!

cigarette burn on arm/10


got this too?

Gonna need a timestamp

I didn't save any others I just saved the one I requested because that's all I wanted

holy shit what a fag.. you wish shed have a dick huh?

This bitch is 10/10 Jesus Christ.


omg best >dubs thread eva

Why would I want her to have a dick? I requested a pic of her tits and her making a duckface because that's my fetish....why would I want to save anything else if it's just gonna sit there and I'm never gonna jerk off to it

Check em


fucking summer in this bitch



you gotta be kidding me.. are you retarded?

Oh dear Sup Forumsrother post the rest please,
We needs them!

holy fucking newfaggot as fuck.
