What's he saying Sup Forums?

What's he saying Sup Forums?


I have no ideas OP.

Go back to tumblr

agreed, neither do i

Agreed..fuck OP

I wholeheartedly and completely concur my good man

You'll be ok, have a think and you'll get an idea. Keep trying user!!!


I don't either, agreed

Neither do I and I always have ideas


usually there is only one speech bubble to fill in, this is too much work

agree my man

None at all, I totally agree you vacant prick.

ITT: faggots with no imagination but also think they are armchair intellectuals


This is pretty much /thread

I agree with this guy, he's as right as they come

On mobile.
Cant shop.

First pane:
>Teach men not to rape
>Cis scum

Second frame:
>hey, why are you mad at men? Why do you single them out?

3rd pane:
>We should judge everyone as free thinking individuals with their own agency and responsibility
>judge individually not collectively

5th pane
>Judge each man separate from the others? And let each individuals actions be accountable only to that person?
I least i did something you empty headed faggots

download a photo editor you cheap fuck

Yeah, me neither, doesn't get any more precise than this.

i mean even MS paint can do that you lazy ass



On mobile you self righteous nigger

Then you aren't even worth consideration.

ik ur totally right man

Yes. On mobile...


only good one




>spongebob reaction meme. go back to whatever shithole forum you came from

>reaction meme
It's a reaction image you faggot

nice contribution to this thread


Check out this fucking newfag

Pretty sure they came from this shithole forum mate


tbh i made remove kebab



kek'd audibly



I don't think so


you should have left one of them unedited, retard

youre right

I didn't edit it, retard

are you really this stupid


Check out this fucking summerfag


Is it really that time again?

10000% agree with this user

got me

>calling people summer/samefags

what are you, a 13 year old?

holy shit gotti

samefag mad

op here, i've been samefagging all of these posts. none of you are real, i made you up


Don't need a revision of this when the original was on point, faggot

>being this new

>forcing memes this hard

>trying not to look like a newfag


>implying i care what Sup Forums's social outcasts think about me

On mobile away from home. Can someone make this:
2nd panel:
>What do you have against NAMBLA?
3rd panel:
>We have freedom of speech and the right to assemble just like everyone else.
Other guy:
>You're all queers.

>gets mad
>i dont care what you think
>im not from reddit
>im not a summerfag

i have yet to defend myself against anything you babble


>hur dur i don't care what you think
>keeps responding

What the fuck

gg user

am i on Sup Forums
a. because i care about insults
b. to kill time

I don't get this meme
like its still entirely possible to find out who was who with extensions anyway so whats the point of trying to trigger one person?

dox me skid

who are you quoting?