This is 1950s America

This is 1950s America.

How did we end up in our current situation?

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By building all that shit on the backs of blacks.

Bringing niggers here was the gravest mistake. I wish Lincoln wasn't killed so he would've deported them.

In 1950's corporations paid up to 90% tax which paid for that.

Blame Reagan and Republican-Democrats for destroying the American economy.

The 50s was the fakest fucking time in all of history.

Everyone pretended to be "normal" because if you werent you were ostracized , beat the hell up or jailed. In that pic the dad is probably gay, the mother hooked on painkillers for her "headaches" The girl probably grew up to be some braindead hippychick and the boy...well, he went on to carry on the tradition of a dying way of life. He is the one we should pity most of all

stock photos got more realistic

Human rights. In all reality, it's a good thing that blacks and women were now able to vote, but then society just kept sucking their dick for "reparations" and now we've reached this point

>whites will be a minority in 2043
>trump won't kick the sudacas out

just fucking end this country already

RIP white america.

all this looks cancerous to me


God I hope I'm dead by then.

>letting women and blacks vote was a good thing


Yeah, but then yall honkeys wouldve had to work your own plantations and shit, and would have had to actually pay millions upon millions of workers which would have led to America not becoming as rich as it did as quickly as it did.

And what kind of music would yall have been listening to without our shit? Classical? Pfft.

You need us to tell you whats cool.

Mate people are still gay and addicted to painkillers, you salty twat

America became rich because
>high population of European diaspora
>it suffered no war on home soil
>WWI and WWII oblitered any European competition, and the US monopolised before anyone could recover

Read much?

Thats what Im saying. That picture is a fake, an idealized image of a time that never actually existed in reality. That wasnt some "Golden Age" of American virtue, people were still as fucked up then as they are now, they just hid it a little better.

Kek. Northern states that relied on industry instead of niggers using a cotton gin were far richer.

Niggers did not make America rich.

You can't be serious if you don't actually think blacks and women shouldn't be able to vote. This is the point where you should probably lay off all the stormfag propaganda and realize the real implications of not letting them vote. Just a shame that the liberal media has convinced them to vote shitty candidates based on their identity. I fucking hate niggers, but everyone should still be able to vote

Free labor for an industry as huge as the cotton industry was contributed in a major way to the wealth of the country. It wasnt the ONLY reason, because there were several, but it was a major contributor.

Hell, even the fucking White House was built by slaves.

our glory years are over. just end this shitty union already and allow the states to become their own nations.

Calishits and Jew Yorkers get their spics and whatever, my based state (montana) kicks the spics and niggers out and builds a wall.

Style of depiction took a turn towards realism.

So in other words we'd have had no reason to fight our only civil war to date, our violent crime, incarceration, STD, etc. rates would be a fraction of what they currently are and the Civil Rights movement that divided our country more severely than anything except the aforementioned civil war wouldn't have taken place?

Oh, what a loss. Who would ever want to live in a world with all that but also devoid of chitlins and rap.

More like they took the whole "Free Market" thing a bit too seriously and it backfired.

So why can't faggots and addicts have nice houses and families now? If it's so "fake" why is it still better than modern America?
Are you saying that we shouldn't ostracise addict and sodomites?
And where is all your evidence for this?

In reality, White flight to Europe.
Most likely the UK, possibly Spain because of land prices.

They should've all been sent forcibly to Liberia. Their ancestors were sold by other africans for a bit of work they get their own country instead of being beheaded and eaten by
another tribe

It is cancerous. Only "alt right" new age hipsters romanticize this crap not realizing they're the other side of millenial hipsters like vice "news" or nigger lives matter

do you have hungarian ancestors?
very good impression

>free labor
That is not how slavery works. They are just employees you have to babysit and feed, and they also happen to be violent cannibals with an IQ of 65

Why do liberals hate the 50s to the point of inventing lies about it?

Nice meme

Chinese rail workers were more important.

daily reminder that the irish were the cheaper slaves and would of been used instead of blacks if they were deported lmao

>That picture is a fake
all socrealism is fake
including nadzie germany

soc.realism = fantazi version of reality

Started taking in brown people and hippies weren't executed.

I thought Hungary was full of genuine 6'4+ redpilled alpha males who wrecked leftists daily. Wtf I hate Hungary now.>and they also happen to be violent cannibals with an IQ of 65
I don't much about anything itt but that's false. The IQ of A-A has been rising for decades and iirc it's about 90 now.

This was Detroit.

Niggers ruin everything.

>I wish Lincoln wasn't killed so he would've deported them.

There are people that still believe this meme.

Actually it's 85 on average.

>Started taking in brown people
You were taking browns from near when the country was formed. Your age ended because that's what happens in life. Nothing lasts forever.

The south always significantly lagged economically to the north which hardly relied on nigger labor.

lies and darkness AKA Liberalism

Actually we had very strict quotas banned certain nationalities and aggressively deported illegals (see operation wetback).

Then LBJ who is objectively one of the worst presidents loosened immigration policiws massively:

Happy family……jealousy!! (。-`ω´-)

Niggers and giving your back to god.Degenerate cucks .The only 50's like state is Utah.I wonder why

>muh white America
You do realize that niggers also existed, albeit segregated from the rest of society?
America was never white, and never will be.

Then why is Canada so great ?

>In 1950's corporations paid up to 90% tax which paid for that.
Welfare was lower in the 50's and no corporation paid 90% of its income.Well memed fingoloid

And the person who introduced that act in congress?

>Celler was born in Brooklyn, the son of Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler. All of his grandparents immigrated from Germany; his paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish

Surprise! He was a filthy kike.

>infested with chinks, pakis and pajeets


God i hate america.

>Actually we had very strict quotas banned certain nationalities

>Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.
That would mean 32% came from non-European countries.

Tip tok kekkity cuck :P

>Canada so great ?

We hate you too Mehmet. Now prepare your anus for more refugees. Remember there is no limit.

These threads are cringeworthy, the pictures you spammed does not look good

And now the great majority of immigrants come from non-white countries.

Canada was never great tho. At best it was average and now (in your opinion) it's horrible. So you're not missing out on much.

>the pictures you spammed does not look good
We all know that you preffer shit like this you oil nigger

At least we don't have a giant wasteland imbetween everything !

Is hating white people starting to actually become mainstream in the US or is just an exaggeration and some idiots online

By Allah! This is the spirit of the proud Native American come to take their vengeance. As you once took their land and had the audacity to then name yourselves Americans, the same will now happen to you and your children.

The circle of life it seems.


>or is just an exaggeration and some idiots online
Sup Forums is the /r/asianmasculinity or tumblr of whinging losers online. Apart from the internet, have you ever been hated irl before for the color of your skin?

What an absolutely terrible comeback.

People are exaggerating. It isn'tlike that in my opinion, but also I'm not on pol everyday thinking about how minorities hate whites. These people keep thinking about that all day and they're overly sensitive and think there's some widespread hatred towards whites.


Nah not really

Don't really use Sup Forums I just thought because it seems whenever something happens in the US and you check something like twitter you millions of Amerikans blaming whites for it

Is that a guy ?

INA Amendments, Northern Migration, rioting associated with civil rights movement, decline in American industrial production, PC culture making it wrong to call out pieces of shit for acting like pieces of shit, etc.

A transexual muslim convert. So yes

Yeah, cotton built our infrastructure and industrial capacity. Nice troll

we need immigrants


Blacks created jazz and some would argue rock and roll, also the blues. And come on in the 50s they didn't have lebron. Face it. Blacks make this country entertaining.

>letting women and blacks vote was a good thing
All that edge.

>no corporation paid 90% of its income


>A look through the records shows that top earners in the eight years of Eisenhower’s presidency paid a top income tax rate of 91 percent. It was even a bit higher before he took office.

>Indeed, in 1955, the only people paying 90 percent (actually 91 percent) were those making over $3,425,766

hierarchy must be continually reinforced with violence to defend the top and intimidate the bottom

some combination of technological advancement, material wealth and cultural values eventually make those on the top of the hierarchy less willing to defend their position because they think they achieved it through merit instead of violence.

The hierarchy degrades, a new ones rises in its place and the process begins again.

>how someone end fat wrongways
There you go
>lie, steal, cheat or kill but never be hungry again

they literally built the southern economy so in a way, yea

slavery was so important to the cotton and tobacco industries that, oh wait, they fought a war over it. haha

In theory those tax rates are apt. But you need to factor in all the deductions and loopholes that exised. Most people making that amount of money did not pay 91%

we wuz white n shiet

Whatever way you slice it, there was a far more even distribution of income then compared to now, and state intervention played a significant role in that.

maintaining a lawn is somehow a symbol of good times

no thanks

niggers and spics are fucking trash

>A study from the Congressional Research Service concludes that the effective tax rate for the top 0.01 percent of income earners during the period of 91-percent income taxes was actually 45 percent. Given that the top bracket is so much lower today ($3,425,766 in 1955 vs. $413,200 in 2015), the 39.6 percent top marginal rate probably yields something pretty close.

Watch your tone cunt

>this is the glorious and dignified existence that libertarians have planned for you

I'd be happy paying more taxes to support fellow whites. Not Juan and Tyrone.

Why does their fence look like it should be used to keep horses in a corral.

>What are loopholes and tax breaks
No one paid 90% moron.Why are Finns so fucking dumb?

Juan and Tyrone have more in common with you than some Euronigger ever will tho desu senpai.

>Why are Finns so fucking dumb?
asian DNA

You guys always say this, but i don't believe you. There's no white solidarity in this country, we're more atomized than ever and all anyone is prepared to do is stab each other in the back and fight for scraps.

Sure thing bogan cunt

no you stupid chingchong i meant his negativity and general gloomy picture he was giving with the description

spic and nigger genocide when holy shit

Nigger I like the 50s too but the shit you're posting are literally ads. It's like me posting one of those NFL Sunday commercials with rich and educated niggers and saying it accurately depicts reality.

>this thread
Middle white American males in 2016 are the most pathetic, insecure beta losers in existence.

Slaves were used for tobacco cultivation?

Always thought it was just cotton and, in the Caribbean, sugar.

This is France

Nice post you obese blob. Go lose some weight you bleached Buddha looking cunt.

What is Hungary like then? Do you like Australia? :3

There are people who actually believe the shit on Sup Forums

Another pic OP you post that shit all the time.