Where on the chart do you nigs want to wet your willies?

Where on the chart do you nigs want to wet your willies?

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30% is perfection

20% to 30% is fine

25-40% id say. Nice and meaty but not quite flabby.

30-35% dude

A little under 15%-a little over 30% is fine.

25-35 will do.... 40 if i'm drunk

I'm with this guy

I don't mind a 15%-35% I will say I've don't someone that was in the 40%

I will take anything on that chart except the 45%

I guess 4, but I like thin. Not these buff or fat chicks.

me too



>we need to talk about that 9gag watermark


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Three/3 communications/explanations/informations/texts of a technology:
1/One: body muscle movement caused/since of energies at human caused/since of energies sent from machines far of miles/kilometers;
and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send energy...energy at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/arranged...so/causing/thus...electricity of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.

20-35 masterrace

I'd have to say between 20 and 30 percent...

35-45. 50 if I'm in a nasty mood.



Everyone with a different preference is a retard.

The first girl is about a 5%.
The last girl is 100%

Check em, %15-%20 because I'm not a pedo boy body lovin tiny dick faggot fuck


15-25 is ideal, but i could deal with 30, 35 if i have a few drinks first

You'll like this ass

Anywhere from 15% to 30% is perfect, but I could fuck 35%.

bout 350


exactly what i was gonna say, also checked

25-35 is perfect

35 all day, erryday



Wheres the dude chart?


Those pictures aren't very accurate, and it varies, but probably around 20-30% is normal and healthy.

Honestly, less than that and you start getting chicks that look sickly or are meatheads. And more than that and they are proper lardasses

If she's over 1/3 body fat, she's a lardass, m8.

30 is perfect but anything from 20 to 35 will do the trick

30-40% because it's easy.

Optimal would be 20


dude are you fucked in the head ? anymore then 20% is getting fat. i guess i am attracted to people who are aesthetically pleasing to look at. the 10-17% look the most healthy out of all of them. they are the fittest



Outside of the 20-30% range, it's simply not normal.

To go over 30% someone has to overeat or under-exercise or both. to go under 20% is simply not a natural state for the same, but opposite reasons. under-eating and/or overexercising.

I know the POP meme is that more exercise is better, but it's a fad. Frankly, a normal healthy body from normal healthy eating and normal healthy daily motions will get about 20-30% body fat.

Anything else is either artifice or a byproduct of an unhealthy lifestyle. You might prefer a plastic washboard, but some people prefer normal girls with normal minds and bodies, not narcissistic fitness addicts.

20-30% but could possibly go as low as 17%, though