Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Blitzcrank?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Blitzcrank?

Twitch and not Blitzcrank because I'm not low elo.

because I'm not a degenerate that plays a shitty moba

Vayne/Nasus. there are just so much better supports than bc


blitzcrank got shitty with the slow debuff on w so I don't play him anymore
i main bard

you're just a degenerate autist that has to blab his worthless opinion everywhere. But I guess if I was bullied at school, like you, I'd do the same.


Theyre all pretty good, blitz is a onetrick pony but he's fun
Also op you're a nigger

oh by shitty i don't mean bad. just not fun.

>not using renekton

worthless opinions for a worthless game played by worthless people

that W ruined him for me, you have to buy swift boots otherwise W is actually bad for you
I want my mobis back

Says the guy who saves "FACTS.gif" and actually uses it on a post. Increase the cuts on your wrist.

Jayce my man.


Wait, I haven't played in ages, what did they change? (Apart from most of what made the game appealing)

Except the speed boost is higher and the changes warrant more tactical play, but I'll let you stick to your Yi, Trynd and Udyr :)

Go swift boots and not merc treads

Mordekaiser, because carrying games with dragon and enemy adc is pretty ez.

Haha yeah dude, I'm sure you carry REAL hard.

Lucian and Jhin are my go-to champions. Blitz is fun in URF though


those, along with shaco, are the most cancerous champions in the game. I don't know why they exist

My top played are Singed and Zac because fuck my life and fuck everyone that wants to have fun.

viegar, I like mage characters

m8 u srs? read that post again

Are you a god?

Garen, Shaco, & Lee Sin are my best champs so far.

Nope, I just wasn't dropped at birth like every low elo retard that exists.

40% cdr nautilus. OP low elo, can initiate, is tanky asfuck, and deals damage(i build sunfire and gauntlet on it)

Lol someone got salty already. Wonder what you pick, kid.
>inb4 i main yasuo
>inb4 I'm usually 0/10/0 but i get noob team

Shaco isn't cancerous. Admittedly, I'd dodge if I had one on my team but that's because I actually want to win games.

I dont care about your nigger mobis, the w changes are fine

Post blitz mastery?

>Lee sin

> ", kid"
> default to yasuo main cuz you get shit on by them in degenerate elo
> use your own excuses to defend yourself

Increase your cut masks you anime watching pizza face.

>maining something on a moba
>talking about lol
wew m8
that sum huge ass bait u got there

My top 5.

Graves is there from before the update, I personally hate the new graves and miss my old main.

I usually play mid or support. Lux early game banks are pretty fucking troll.

Twisted fate and Draven if you play Blitzcrank i hope your family dies in a fire

manamune, roa, iceborn, sv, dmp. win games like a balla

they force you to build an item every game and you have to build it early every game
those W nerfs were unnecessary and stupid



ITT: the all knowing Sup Forums users circlejerk what's op in their common rank, silver.

I'm glad we don't have people like you guys balancing League. Oh wait.

i don't have "mains" but i play a lot of support nautilus
>also top sion illaoi and lissandra
and i gotta say i'm breddy gud at supp nautilus

>get shit on
>by noobsuo
>while playing morde
Q ;^)

Draven cuase Draven

Lyte died a couple of days ago

No Oriana mains? What the hell is wrong with you niggers?

Shutup faggot

what the hell is wrong with YOU
>actually sticking to one hero on a moba

Fucking kill yourself

I got banned for toxic behaviour.
I never cussed, i never quit games prematurely, i never insulted anyone, still they shut down my account and didn't answer my plea to revise it.

So yeah, my account and the ~350$ i spent on the game are gone.

Fuck riot

nice thumbnail you cuck

Low elo dosent play ori

> learn how to
> greentext
> newfag

>Fuck riot
nice toxic behavior no wonder your account got banned

>i got banned and i did nothing

>I cant control my temper although I am an adult
>I knew they way I acted was against Riot policy
>I am angry because they banned me

Teemo because fuck you

I tried to pick up Ori in S5, but I couldn't hit her ult very often, so I put her down. It's not a problem with the champ, I'm just bad.


just logged for first time in awhile
guess my elo faggots

slow on his w made him not worth playing, it's no fun and technically he can still create free kills, but there are other champs who do it better. I like going earlish catalyst when i can on most mages(into ages) and go slightly later sightstone and live off constant pink wards, morgana is my favourite because her spellshield is basically a reverse silence, silencing being op as fuck, then the snare is fun as hell and as powerful as a blitz pull tbh.

Rengar, i fkng love that kity ;:) and blitz its boooring.

Learn to read

I main Stitches, because I play Heroes of the storm, an objectively better moba.

Buying items is an antiquated and lame tactic to get people to play your game more to generate mmore dad revenue, i mean do you even like 50-minute games? what if ytou have to take out the trash and your mom shouts "Hey Jeremy go take out the trash" and you say "sorry mom I can't because I'm playing League of Stupid gay fag Losers"?

A good son would go "Okay mom I'kll take out the trash because my game finished 30 minutes ago".

Just play heroes of The Storm or OVerwatch, not League, guys.

no, fuck you

Master guardian elite

no, fuck you

learn to not be a bitch

>be salty bronze
>cry over a properly written greentext
>spew "newfag" while being 12
Autism awarness


I read it. It literally says "fuck riot"
you just insulted a whole company. you deserve that ban.

Veigar because true evil

you're obviously lying you little prick
shut up and give riot more money, maybe they'll give you your acc back
>lol 350 dollars on hats
fucking faggot

salty little bronzie

Mmmmm thanks user

What was the official explanation? I have been sexist, racist, homophobic, cussed, flamed and never once been even chat banned. I have like 2k games and am plat 3(plat is the real elo hell). I dont get how people get banned. I am the most easy going guy and the minute I would log on I turn into a little rager. If someone does something stupid I will flame pretty much no matter what. Never even been warned.

Also to add to this. Fuck the 5min of farming.

If you think last hitting takes skill, go fuck yourself. Its a boring ass part of the game and if you can't last hit minions you jsut suck at video games.

HOts is far more enjoyable. NO farming, faster pace, more team fights.
Blizzard did it right. Once it gets a larger player base. Itll be way better then LoL.

Ive played both since beta. and dota when it first came out.

HOts is the more exciting moba.

Aight fam you finish your tantrum yet?

Explaining how something is better = tantrum

Kids these days keep changing the meaning of words I guess.

Because you could have just told us why you think it's better but instead you spewed insults and nonsense in a way that is very similiar to an 11 year old kid that doesn't like it when people don't like what he does.

HotS gets boring, in league last hitting is crucial and totally skill based, not simply the timing of the last hit of course, but zoning-denying last hits-using leads effectively, leveling up before them as an employed risk/reward tactic. HotS has none of this, and no meta-game to it, sure there's more fighting and less farming, but it's pretty dull when it's just rinse and repeat with super limited options.

Gnar and Thresh. They're fun and easy to use.And I used to be main Blitzcrank until the day I played against one, then I noticed what a fun-killer I was and I stopped playing him.

Why this game's community are such a crybabies. I mean, I have played 10 rankeds in life and got silver V. Waiting shitload of time for choosing and banning with 70% chance of someone leaving wasn't really enjoyable so I sticked to normals, usually getting matched with plats.
No matter the score, all those manbabies spam "silver V" at all time, no matter winning or losing. Literally every time I wreck the lane opponent calls me silver even though he got outplayed hard. I don't get it - "I nolifed my whole free time for that rank and can't win against silver, but he is bad because he is silver"

Welcome to League, silver

Be support player
Get shit teammates/bot

Braum because of that tash


You main support and you complain about your teammates? Sorry friend, but you need to fuck right off.
Either get better at support, or start learning how to carry yourself. Bitching about your team mates won't do you any good. Learn to focus on your own game play and quit blaming others. Push comes to shove play a carry in the support role.