I found a dead bird. Whoever makes me hard gets to choose what I do with it and I want timestamp

I found a dead bird. Whoever makes me hard gets to choose what I do with it and I want timestamp

Fuck it


i'm vegan

would help if we knew what you were into

rollin for put in blender with milk and drink


well it is OP...


Bite it's head off Ozzy style.

but if that's not ya think I got this as well

Bite it's flipping head off!

good point


plot twist, OP is a woman

is that doge


Bury it

yeah, looks like a husky too





Cook it, bird taste like chicken.

Nut on Dat bird


furfaggotry work?


Do I for hur niqqa





Jesus Christ that food really cut his dick off.

Same fetish?

Twist it's head off and squeeze the blood into a cup then drink it


How does he piss?

urethral reroute i would assume