Hey b i just became an eagle scout, roast me

Hey b i just became an eagle scout, roast me

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My dad was an eagle scout, shows that you are really committed and have a good work ethic

why are you still a scout? join the army like a normal man your age!

Nothing to roast its a big achievement. Congrats. Have an Anorak

You went from star scout to eagle? Bullshit
you skipped life scout.

Congrats. It's a big deal.

Nothing but support from me! Way to go OP!


good job, the world could use more eagle scouts.

The samefagging is real,

I'm an eagle scout, too. Congrats. Be Prepared!

Good job, hope life goes well for you after this amazing achievement

OP here, send me nudes 7815718282

>implying Eagle Scout isn't an epic lifetime achievement

Is your name Cannon?

that looks like a fake uniform you fucking gay

Jesus Christ has Sup Forums come to this; a bunch of Eagle Scouts on their computers congratulating themself?

congrats OP

Like you could even get close to being an eagle scout

show us your cock

if he was gay he would be denied eagle

Dont roast him to much guys, or else well be having some pork loins

congrats on being an eagle scout. Maybe tomorrro you'll save the world from not knowing how to tie knots

Op you are lonely as fuck, get some friends, or just get the fuck out the house and stop congratulating yourself on Sup Forums

the patch you got is for star you a fake bro even if the guy in the pic just got eagle you'd have life patch

Grats man. I remember getting mine. Just getting back into backpacking and working for a state park now, literally getting paid to fish and camp. Best wishes brother.

Bitch muthafucker ASSisstant patrol leader. betcha let down your cub scout pack.
where'd ya get that nonregulation belt? your dads closet?
Fucking sash'n'dash style pleb too lazy to even put on that life patch NIGGA YOU GOT 6 MONTHS

Congrats man I got kicked out of boy scouts around Weblos 1 or 2 for starting fires now I'm a fireman and make fat cash tho so it all worked out haha

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and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send energy...energy at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/arranged...so/causing/thus...electricity of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.

bullshit OP, fucking star rank, no OA flap no world scout badge


You look like Jared from subway if he'd made the right decisions to molest children

You call that shit physically fit? I hope you didn't roll your neckercheif like that for your eagle court. Where's your fucking scout belt? Also, I don't see your world scouting patch displayed anywhere. 0/10 would not pass SPL conference.

Congratz dude

Stolen boy scout Valor this is fucking great at least militaries steal Valor to get pussy lmmfao

You're the splitting image of private Pyle.

Use the rifle. An hero.

>if he was gay he would be denied eagle
They changed the rules for the scouts a few years ago, remember? If you're gay, you automatically get promoted to eagle

Congrats! Thought I was the only Eagle on Sup Forums. It's nice to know that you can both an Eagle and a cripple jew severely autistic weeaboo.

>splitting image

Congrats! Thought I was the only Eagle on Sup Forums. It's nice to know that you can both an Eagle and a cripple jew severely autistic weeaboo.

Newfag detected

ha faggot i'm an eagle scout too

what was your project? hope you did something fun.

boy scouts was a whole lot of fun for both me and my father, and if i ever have a son i'll absolutely get him involved in scouting as well.

good job user, very few make it to eagle, you should be proud.

You still have your star scout patch on, shouldnt you have put more effort in stitchingbon your life?

so are you saying its not just OP jacking himself

why the fuck are you star rank in that picture you scrub? did you really never sew on your life badge?

bitch ass nigga where is your sash?

As a gay man i can tell you this is false. You automatically get all the eagle palms and the secret rainbow eagle palm of discriminatory eqality

I'm not OP and I'm a real deal eagle scout. got two palms too

order of the arrow too what up bitch come at me

i'm only a tinderfoot lmfao

Order of the arrow, for you fags not in BSA, is the Illuminati of the boy scouts

>star to eagle


no, i just never did any of my reqs im the oldest in my troop, about to be kicked out for over age

It's amazing that he became an eagle scout despite not receiving his girlfriend badge.

I am proud of you, OP. Good job. Congratulations!

this is accurate, maybe more of a freemasons of the BSA

either way the meetings were boring as shit, only cool part of OA was the initiation ceremony, which was absolutely dope.

ooh in it for the trips an shit? that's cool.

yup, this week's campout is our field sports

is my council the only one that does freaky native american shit or is that standard stuff?

his leaders do that for him

Good job man.

Wait are those zip apart pants? Holy fuck

congrats dude

looks like you get fucked in the ass by your scout master

This is you in the future

greater St. Louis Area council here, we did freaky indian shit. OA arrow of light ceremony every summer camp was always super cool, lots of head dresses and rufio bone chest pieces and crap, everybody doing native american accents, in retrospect it was probably pretty disrespectful but it was cool as fuck when i was a kid

the call out ceremony where everybody lines up on a path around the lake and "indians" run up and down the path with torches, stopping in front of the chosen, pounding their chests and yelling "YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN" before people behind you yank you into the darkness was so fucking cool

what badge did you get when scoutmaster fondled your testes?

>patrol leader
Fuck off you damn scrub come back when you're SPL

Pacific North West Council, same shit. i think they could have dealt with the native stuff alot better, but the ceremonies were always cool to cub scouts

thanks for reminding me of some great childhood memories user. at the time i kind of resented scouts for making me look like a fag to everybody else in school, but it was actually a lot of fun and gave me some genuine life skills

lol this patrol leader nigga thinks he's hot shit. burn

sup SPL fam

Good job Sup Forumsro ! You worked hard and accomplished something. Don't let shit slip, keep working hard in college and in life :)

Librarian Fag.
Easiest Job ever, since half of my troop didn't even know we had a library

Op is lying and a faggot, has star rank patch. Get good kiddo

i remember when i quit boy scouts i was only first class at

wow you even quit that sentence

i was spl for like five years. then i moved and wasnt in scouts anymore. was a life scout just a project away from eagle

Your belt is too small.

Why do scout's informs always look messy as fuck? The older they are the worse it gets. Is it a prerequisite not to be able to dress yourself?

How many dicks gave you taken up the ass?

I bet you looove little boys

>No Philmont or other high adventure patch
>Star Patch
>Actually wearing your neckerchief

You get that arrow o' light and join the air force after PT you get a pay and level advancement after. So you'd go from faggot to faggot 1.0