Well.. Its my birthday today... Everyone forgot

Well.. Its my birthday today... Everyone forgot.

Can we get a FeelsThread going?

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If it really is, hbd
What are you feeling, OP?

Happy birthday, user.

I feel like everyone around me is with me just because I've helped them out before

this is why I always try to make something special for my friends and family on their birthday. We love you so much and you can cry as much as you want we'll cry with you, user.

What makes you think that?

Nobody forgot, they just dont give a shit.

Happy Birthday, bro.

Here iz cake

Happy bday man. Sorry that your friends/family/acquaintances are shitty.

Everyone just forgot about a small thing that seems big to every person.

its your birthday.. who cares...

I prefer it when people forget, i dont get why its such a huge deal anyways.. if anything, it should be in celebration of your mother, not you.... after all, she went through all the shit to pop you out.

You mean my life? :3

Happy birthday Sup Forumsro.

It is mine,too
I hate my birthday but then still get a little hurt when people don't acknowledge it even though it's what I want

I kinda prefer that somebody even says Happy Birthday

I feel exactly the same

Well, most people don't see birthdays as an Actually important thing, but if it is to you then I understand. Try to judge how people feel about you on how they actually act, though.

hapy berfday
From: user



People's parents forget their kid's birthdays. It doesn't mean they don't like you or care about you. Just get the full story and react to that, not the made up scenario you run through your head.

understanding that your birthday doesn't matter is one of the steps of becoming a mature adult.. birthdays are overblown for kids.. wish they weren't, cuz then it fosters a demand that people who don't give a shit later in their life to accomodate said person's infantile desires.

Happy birthday Sup Forumsro!


i cobained

Thanks Sup Forumsud

I am no birthday fan but I don't think there's anything wrong with the celebration of life. Most people just do it like faggots

acknowledgment is always nice, right, anons?

I don't celebrate it, I just wish somebody said happy birthday to me

In the spirit of feeling, if you're an animal person or even just have a soul, brace yourself: youtube.com/watch?v=EOAcRKZxjy4

Except, you're always going to get the same story regardless of the truth.
If they simply forgot, they'll tell you that.
If they didn't consider your birthday worth celebrating, they'll tell you they simply forgot out of politeness.
But that's okay.
It's just human nature, and lately I've noticed that I'll never be happy for long if I get my validation from outside sources.
Better to just focus on what you want and how to get it, and tune all the other bullshit out.

I feel you. It makes you feel empty
Happy birthday, man. I sincerely mean it.

when ur life is shit no matter how nice you be to people or how hard you try to get out

You are right. I don't celebrate my birthday and don't expect anyone to remember it. I do the same for other people's birthdays.
I'm not playing that gay passive aggressive game

happy birthday op. may allah shine gloriously upon you as he smites your enemies!

Don't be discouraged.
There's honor in the struggle itself, there's a satisfaction in knowing that you didn't go down without a fight.
Besides, none of this will matter when you cash out, you'll just sleep forever.
So enjoy what you can.
Revel in your pain.

I am of communication of reality/life of picture of galaxy of:_{-\_"\_ Milky Way _/"_ of map of human/embassy/base/matter-ta-war of since/so/cause of human of living of military of nation of:_"\_ United States _/"_:-_ of:_{\_ Randy Cramer live at the Triad Theater on Nov 14, 2015 Part 2 _/"_ of moment/time of:_"\_ 13:41/1:34:02 _/"_:-_ of text of link of:_"\_ youtube.com/watch?v=gvumYInLXy8 _/"_:-_/}_:-_ of since of a human of named of:_"\_ Randy Cramer _/"_:-_ of military of:_"\_ United States Marine Corps Special Section _/"_:-_ of military of:_"\_ United States Air Force _/"_:-_ of showed/communicated of the picture of galaxy of:_"\_ Milky Way _/"_:-_ of _/-}_:-_ since of Mericans of living of an exigency/emergency of a technology of body muscle flexing caused of energies at metals of in/at of human since of energies sent/from of machines of far of miles/kilometers of human of stimulated ta body muscle slackening/tensing; so I am of communication of spiel of technology of text of:_"-------\_
Three/3 communications/explanations/informations/texts of a technology:
1/One: body muscle movement caused/since of energies at human caused/since of energies sent from machines far of miles/kilometers;
and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send energy...energy at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/arranged...so/causing/thus...electricity of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.

Good on you!
I've actually specifically told my friends and family to not do anything for my birthday because I'm just not a very social person in general, it's really just a chore I need to get out of the way to get by.

Happy Bday user

It's really giving me a weird feeling with this thread coming an hour before my birthday. There are some things expressed in here that I've always felt but never had any kind of forum to disuss it or even just seen my feelings about it written out.

That's what we're here for.
We can talk, but don't forget, your real friends are the ones who are going to help/support you.

Its my birthday too user. Except no one forgot me, you just must be a piece of shit

You know it, I definitely am a piece of shit

Pic related, its me.

It can easily go from a chore to something you dread, for me at least.
It the same reason I don't go to church. Life sucks less when those things aren't in my life

Do you think it might be a personality disorder?
Cause I don't engage much because it feels like I have to constantly be on guard against fucking up something and ruining whatever reputation/relationships I have left.
Have you ever experienced this?

Did you like being treated with that crazy amount of forced attention. Serious question. I can't take the forced feeling of it all. I just want to cringe the whole time

Thanks, man
No shit, that brief exchange left me with positive feelings. Possibly the first time the internet has done that for me.
I appreciate it

No problem.
Don't be afraid, you've got nothing to lose.
We're all terminal cases anyway.

This kid has no friends please help cheer him up

That's part of the problem I think. I have nothing to lose but I'm still scared of losing it. I know everything in life is a stupid jack off session but I still can't let myself go

Happy birthday user.

I watched 10 seconds.I didn't feel the urge to beat the living shit out of him. I gave him a like and a sub

sigh, when you find out the pregnancy test you took ended with positive...fml

How old are you?

Yes it is

happy birthday dude

i worked on my birthday and not a soul acknowledged it. my family did, and my father nearly forgot again. you just want to be remembered. i know that feeling quite well

but i also want to be forgotten

We'll all be forgotten one day i guess.

It's a cruel game. It feels so good but when you get deprived of it it feels so shitty. Polar bro.

It's hard to remember all these fucking dates. I hear you but you gotta cut people some slack

the cliche age of 16....i really don't want it but i haven't got the strength to abort it. that and also i can only blame myself -.-




I can dump images if anyone wants.


Very difficult situation. That is pretty damn young. Something similar happened to my brother and I love his fucking kid so much now. Couldn't imagine life without her. The same will happen for you. It happens everyday. And I would assume it gives your life a sense of purpose too strong for me to imagine
I hope I didn't just get baited into the 5th dimension


oh sweet christ


Also your kid will appreciate you being young when it gets a little older.

No kind user, you didn't I swear on my life. Thank you for the kind words

Let's hope so. You've put a lot in perspective Thank You so much and even more for not being a jerk or ass about it ^^

pls do


This one kills me.

Also, checked

Happy Birthday! Fuck you kindly!

TFW I'm not that friend

twice in my life I forgot my own birthday
22 and I can't even remember the other
who cares


Happy birthday user, your deserve it!

You kids are so weird. 36 end of gen x. You are not special mellenial. Society has been deteriorating for long before you were born.


From my group of friends, they all remember my birthday alright. We all give each other gifts on our birthdays, except I never get any... They're like, "yeah, sorry bro, we're all broke right now"

But when it's someone else's birthday in the group everyone's like "OMG WHAT SHOULD WE GET HIM, SOMETHING COOL". Makes me feel like shit.

Happy birthday, user! I know what it's like to be forgotten too... I guess we just have to stay positive

I had 8 people wish me a happy birthday this year...


To be fair: how many people's birthdays do you acknowledge? You get what you give.



Happy birthday Sup Forumsro. Go get yourself a taco. Everybody fucking loves tacos. You deserve it.

Thanks, bud. I appreciate the commentary too

This will be my last one for tonight, some of us have work in the morning.
So here's a real hard hitter.

Yeah, just ugly

and apparently my autism level is too high tonight to select the right post. Should have been for OP.

it's the fucking Muslims mate, they've overrrun this country

If anyone has the other image of this then i will love you forever. It also gets me everytime

Glad it helped, if even just a little
Just do what you think is right. You only get one crack it. Do what you know is right cuz living with crippling self doubt and guilt can fuck you up.
Good luck

this one?