I'm drunk ask me anything

I'm drunk ask me anything

Other urls found in this thread:


how you see yourself? (as a person)
how do you see the world around you? (society, family, friends, school/work...)
What are your plans for the future?

Trying to look good but I'm living in a society that its difficult

Don't have many friends but this can change, I met some nice guys today...I hope they will text me tomorrow that they will be sober

try to improve myself to the maximum so i can pick up girls, its my dtream to be pretty

should i go to the bottleo, its 11am
what should i get


rum with coke

If two things came from one thing and that one thing came from two things, what are the chances of two things coming out of one thing again?


loel im drunk on teh intarnets!

shut up

Would you rather be high and drunk or just drunk?

>just drunk

I'm drunk too op, should I make my own thread too?

go for it


No I'm in the states

too bad we could hang out i dont have many friends

Do you think a person's sense of self is an accumulation of their memories?

Or does personal identity come from somewhere other than the body (like a soul)?

What're you drinking? I've got Gibson's Finest Canadian Whiskey, aged 12 years, just like most of /r9k/.

i have to say both like richard branson would say

I'm drunk too, how often do you get drunk? I try every chance I can get after work.

I'm ready OP lets get drunk together.

Yo OP I'm borderline blackout right now. How's it going! See you on the other side!

2 rum with coke 2 jack daniels with coke 2 vodka with lemonade and i dont remember what else


Me too shit sucks man, I'd drink with a fellow user if I could

Okay... then which theory do you drunkenly prefer?

Are you a loner?
Is this an unusual turn of events? (being drunk, I mean)

whenever i go out which is rarely...probably once a month...but i will try to go out every day these days

i love you Sup Forumsrother lets be friends

same see ya


>Are you a loner?
maybe yes maybe no

Is this an unusual turn of events?
i went out so no but i dont usually get drunk

Are you a fuck up?



You should drink every chance you get and become an alcoholic like me. You know you're successful when your liver hurts, you don't get hangovers, and your resting heart rate is ridiculously high.



That's barely enough to get drunk. An ok buzz maybe.

this and smoke meth feels good

no friends, no gf, getting friendzoned all the time, no job, failing my university classes and spenting my fathers money to sit and shitpost on Sup Forums, my lifes a mess

want more?

too pussy to do drugs

How old are you and what your highest form of education?

btw i saw a girl and she was wearing a dress really short and her pussy was visible, not even kidding she was walking with her pussy outside. i wish i could fuck her, girls here are crazy

im 21 and im at uni but im stuck in the same class...i will write again at august

Go get a shitty job then?

im too proud and lazy for that...as long as my father is giving me money im gonna sit my ass all day

>too proud and lazy

Yup that your whole generation summed up as a whole kek

I wish i could have come back home with a girl but i didnt manage to do it so ill have to fap again...im so tired of fapping. i want the real thing

I think the thread will be dead in August.

i know

no i meant i will write exam

Also why are you too proud? You have no form of income and are just living off another person, what pride is there in that?

daym i got quintinos


Nice quints OP !

Time for 5 shots I guess

same with the princess syndrome in girls,,,my parents raised me like i was the king so i think it is so bad to get tired working

You have no form of income
i have my father giving me money

what pride is there in that?
no pride, im ashamed of it but at the same time i dont want to work

gee billy so many weiners

I feel so powerful while drunk. i can say whatever i want to anyone...i told someone i adored that he looks like scotty t

pic related

thank u guys for keeping me company while drunk
i appreciate it really

Please tell me thats a family photo. Those fucks look way too alike to not be related.

geordie shore mate best show on earth

and no its not relatives

What you drinking and can I have dinner

seeand yes

I am of communication of reality/life of picture of galaxy of:_{-\_"\_ Milky Way _/"_ of map of human/embassy/base/matter-ta-war of since/so/cause of human of living of military of nation of:_"\_ United States _/"_:-_ of:_{\_ Randy Cramer live at the Triad Theater on Nov 14, 2015 Part 2 _/"_ of moment/time of:_"\_ 13:41/1:34:02 _/"_:-_ of text of link of:_"\_ youtube.com/watch?v=gvumYInLXy8 _/"_:-_/}_:-_ of since of a human of named of:_"\_ Randy Cramer _/"_:-_ of military of:_"\_ United States Marine Corps Special Section _/"_:-_ of military of:_"\_ United States Air Force _/"_:-_ of showed/communicated of the picture of galaxy of:_"\_ Milky Way _/"_:-_ of _/-}_:-_ since of Mericans of living of an exigency/emergency of a technology of body muscle flexing caused of energies at metals of in/at of human since of energies sent/from of machines of far of miles/kilometers of human of stimulated ta body muscle slackening/tensing; so I am of communication of spiel of technology of text of:_"-------\_
Three/3 communications/explanations/informations/texts of a technology:
1/One: body muscle movement caused/since of energies at human caused/since of energies sent from machines far of miles/kilometers;
and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send energy...energy at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/arranged...so/causing/thus...electricity of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.

Tatted guy look like a bro. Everyone else majors in cock mongling.

kill self

why are you drunk?

i like the guy above him, his name is Scotty T and he gets all the pussy...you can watch geordie shore sometime let me link you something to show you that they fuckk all the time


i love it


went out and drink

good luck

Nah im gud mate. Never liked reality tv.

its ok but they fuck like crazy and its also funny../at least for british

do you want to escape real life or something?

You don't know how to green text either apparently

Oh and btw that's why no woman will actually date you, still lives at home, no job, that shit doesn't get better as you get older either

I'm drunk as well, OP. Or well, buzzed. I'm working on getting drunk

Drinking kraken rum and 6% beer (busch)

yes and no

i mean yes i want to but i didnrt go out specifically for this

its trhe fucking worst show ive ever seen dude
fucking killyourself mate

It takes a lot to get me hard

what're your bank account and credit card numbers? for uuh shits & giggles

>do I?

also i live in a different home from my father...he just pays my rent

rum is nice but i dont like the taste of beer

Well at least now you've remembered

So he pays for rent, food, do you have your own car? We talking whole house or a 2 bedroom apartment in a massive building?

well i guess it's not for everyone...also if you dont live around herte you wont understand what its all about

for me depends on the thing

i do understand what its about my sisters watch it, i just dont get how its entertaining

are you drunk?

i would post but my father would kill me...nah he's a cuck but i would lose his money though

Same, but the things that which make me hard are hard to find.

he pays for everything

student accomodation

are you british?

Hello friends and travelers, I am high, drunk, and bored and bid you all a good evening

starting to get sober time by time

So a shitty little dorm room with a shared student bathroom? What are you studying?

i dont get hard from normal porn nowadays

good evening bruh

Can't belive you, a drunk guy couldn't type right

Do you find sex with other humans enjoyable anymore? Or has your tolerance for the erotic gotten so high that you can't get up/off for vanilla anything?

What is it that brings you here tonight?

>shared student bathroom
nope, its en-suite

because my dad wanted to but i liked it after a while