Sup Forums, you're on a plane and the back of the cabin is engulfed by flames. You have time to make one phone call...

Sup Forums, you're on a plane and the back of the cabin is engulfed by flames. You have time to make one phone call. Who do you call and what do you say.

bumping for potential

>911?.... yes it's me, I fucked up again

"Here comes dat boi"

>"Muhammad, we've done it"

oh shit whaddup


>tfw i have no one really important to call.

i calll myself in my mind and pretend im having this heartfelt convo with my index finger and pinky.

Call up the Trump, ask him to put my name on the wall

Call myself before I get on the plane and then I twll myself not to get on the plane

are we ignoring ops image

wtf is that

I'd call the Pawn Stars shop and ask if they have Battletoads.

If you called yourself to stop you from getting on the plane, then you wouldn't get on the plane, which would mean you wouldn't have called yourself to begin with, which would mean you still get on that plane and are going to die

call for pizza, the pizza guy will have to deliver a pizza to an empty house and won't even get paid for it

You fucking animal.



Tell my friend I love him, fuck telling my family that

Call the FBI and tell them I'm the Zodiac Killer and now they'll never have the satisfaction of catching me because I'm about to die in a plane crash.

I call my mom and apologize for being a little shit to her because she really deserved a lot better

I'm sure she did.

>meat isn't fried or breaded
>can't tell what it is
I'm guessing you don't eat too much seafood. You should try something other than fried chicken sometime.


>index finger and pinky
What is this the stone ages

I would call the Washington post
>I probably won't make it. So I want Obama to know....I want to fuck his daughter.

Call random number, ask if their refrigerator is running.

Nobody, you cell does not work on a plane. What a stupid question!

Not sure how nobody seems to have realized that until you did, but they do have those phones on the plane that they charge you an arm and a leg to call from. Not like you'd need the money for anything else anymore.

I'll call my manager and tell him I failed this city and I won't be making it to work tomorrow

Yeah, shit, otherwise you'd be a no call/no show. Most bosses take that pretty seriously man.

>If you called yourself to stop you from getting on the plane, then you wouldn't get on the plane, which would mean you wouldn't have called yourself to begin with, which would mean you still get on that plane and are going to die

No, you stupid fuck. It means instead of being on the plane, I'm on Sup Forums again posting in idiot threads. Oh look, here I am.

Time travel proven. Q.E.D., motherfucker. (that's latin for "mic drop")



Nice meme

I'd make the Call...
Of Cthulhu

Fuck me sideways! I memed? What meme?

Call the pilot and tell him to put sone respeck on my flame

My ex to call her a bitch

I didn't get what he meant by that either.

I'm guessing the kid doesn't even know what a meme is. Your good, user. Didn't get any on ya.

More importantly, Sauce?

Fuck mom I'm on fire!

I would first need a plane that has phone service when it is most likely to be out from the fire or overloaded by others, then I would have to be awake since I like to sleep on flights. So if I was awake and the first person to dial out, I would most likely get nothing but voicemail. I would most likely just hit record on phone and let it take in everything.